Type 2 and weigh just over 8 stone.

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Welcome to the forum @Cordelia2799

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but good to hear that your HbA1c has come down with the help of the meds you are taking.

Glad you are keeping a close eye on your weight, and I hope you find a BG-friendly way to get that nearer where you’d like it. If the unintended weight loss continues, do get checked out, in case there is something else going on, or your diabetes classification needs looking into.

Good luck, and let us know how things go 🙂
Hi Cordelia, I have a similar 'problem' to yours. I'm 76, 5ft 'tall', was diagnosed in 2018, put on Metformin and given a long list of portion sizes to stick to and foods to avoid. I lost about 3st in five months going from 9st 9lbs to 6st 10lbs. My husband forced me to go back to the diabetes nurse who said that 'the chart' showed I was a healthy weight (although the mirror said otherwise). I've since got up to 7st by ignoring the injunction to avoid butter, cream and red meat because of my high cholesterol. I think different people react in different ways to food and you have to experiment to see what yours does. I've found that blood glucose testing has helped me know what certain foods do to me; e.g. all breads cause a spike, I can only eat LivLife low carb bread now, but red wine lowers my blood glucose level and it slowly returns to normal. I agree that losing weight without trying before you were diagnosed is unusual. You might want to bring this up with your diabetes nurse. Good luck!

This is my first post. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes back in April, this was after slowly losing weight over 18 months without trying (I went down from 10 stone to 8 1/2 stone). I went to the GP, had a blood test which came back with a HbA1C level of 94 mmol/mol. Since diagnosis I have been put on Metformin, starting with a low dose, I now take 4 tablets a day. My last HbA1C test in September was 61mmol/mol which was encouraging. I was just wondering if there are many more skinny type 2 diabetics out there? We hear so much about people wanting to lose weight but I would quite like to put a few healthy pounds on. Any advice would be welcome.
Hi, I was initially diagnosed as type 2, same type of weight loss as you, healthy weight/BMI, not high visceral fat and no family history so questioned type 2? I was tested for type 1 but it was not type 1, eventually, after lots of pushing, established I am type 3c as a result of chronic pancreatitis. So suggest if type 1 tests are negative check for type 3c? Good luck.
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