Type 1s who don't do low carb

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I'm hoping once I get this right I can apply it roughly to other takeaways or a nice meal out which I haven't done for a while.

Yes split doses every time for those larger meals for me, otherwise I’m chasing hypos for an hour or more, only to find my levels skyrocket later as the food keeps steadily plodding on.

Bigger meals and takeaways always tend to be a bit more high risk for me. Sometimes it works brilliantly… other times, um, not so much :D

But that seems to be my diabetes changing the rules (or some other variable being different), rather than the strategy itself being wrong. Because the same approach will then work brilliantly again another time.

Hope you find a way to tame those takeaways that works for you 🙂
Yes split doses every time for those larger meals for me, otherwise I’m chasing hypos for an hour or more, only to find my levels skyrocket later
I am the opposite - I have to have a full dose and split my meal, otherwise I'm struggling to get my blood sugar down for an hour or two and then plummeting. At least if it's lunchtime and it's a day with an s in it, or something like that ...
I’m pretty boring in as much as I stay pretty low carb for the meal and usually a few pieces of really dark chocolate for pud so I don’t have to bother injecting but if I’m really chucking it out there it’s a low carb meal then THE most disgustingly chocolatey gorgeous lump of carby filth for dessert prob 80g/10u Fiasp. I still go a bit high for a little while but by George it’s worth it!
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