Type 1s who don't do low carb

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
What is the highest amount of carbs you've had in one meal?
Whatever I like really - I just match insulin to it
Probably about 70 carbs worth. If I'm holding out for a big pudding, I just can’t manage a huge carby (or fatty for that matter) main course as well.
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M2W what is your largest carb meal?
Probably about 70 carbs worth.
Must admit I've (rarely) had a meal that's way more than that. 150 or even 200g. On holiday in Rome a couple of years ago there was this lovely pasta dish that had rather more pasta than I was expecting, followed by a really nice desert. I no longer remember what the desert was, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't low-carb.

(And yes, I did go high that night. We ate fairly early, 7pm or so, and I was high at about 4am. I forget exactly what happened, but I certainly didn't get the dosing right. Roll on closed loop systems so we don't need to worry.)
I don’t remember for sure but somewhere around 150g, I’d think. Cocktail, crisps, starter, main and a dessert. That was a special occasion meal. Christmas would be a larger meal too and around the same carbs.
Well I know when entertaining I used to eat eg a huge portion of home made lasagne, cooked in my biggest roasting tin that was well big enough for a 10-12lb turkey, with half a garlic baguette and salad (ROFL) followed by a correspondingly large slice of eg Black Forest Gateau so well over 100g - but only on special occasions - but I can't eat anywhere near that amount now, just don't have room for it and I eat much more slowly than I used to anyway. So the largest amount I now eat say once a week-ish would be approx 70g.
Probably 200-ish. For example this week we had pizza which was 96 carbs plus pudding and apple juice. Not a great meal but we don’t do it every day! When my daughter was younger she used to be invited to birthday parties which are basically a massive carb-fest, and we found when you eat ridiculous amounts of carbs like that your ratios don’t work any more and you need even more insulin than you think you will, so just trying to add up what she was eating and give the correct amount of insulin always resulted in high blood sugar later. Asked DSN for advice. She said because we are pumping there are all sorts of tricks you can do, and suggested that we just put in a big number (200-ish) and tell the pump to deliver it half straight away and the rest slowly over 3 hours and then let daughter eat whatever she fancied. Worked a treat and kept her levels pretty steady!
172.1g is the highest I’m aware of (small Domino’s New Yorker Pizza, half a garlic pizza bread, plus 1 unspecified dessert) - was worth the 17 units
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As I grew up believing that 40 grams of carbohydrate was the right amount to have at a meal, I have rarely strayed from that

When I went on my pump training course, I was quite shocked at the amounts that other people seemed to eat at one meal - I don’t think I could actually manage that much more ! Well, apart from the odd pizza I have occasionally had.
I sometimes eat jam or honey sandwiches, a banana, and a flapjack for lunch - can't remember if I've ever done that in the same meal (I certainly wouldn't normally), but if I have that would be about 130g carbs and about the highest I should think I've ever had at one time.

There are of course times when I've been out and had to play guess the no of carbs in the cake, but I don't know how often I've done that straight after lunch - normally I'll have a walk in between. There was an enormous slice of chocolate cake once, and I know I seriously underestimated how many carbs that had in it (certainly a lot more than R's home-made brownies do!). Probably still no more than 130g between that and the lunch I'd had first though.
every few weeks I share a smokin bbq pizza with my other half , and a chip with kebab sauce and chilli sauce for myself. It's the one thing I wont give up. No idea what carb content is but has to be highest carbs I eat.
Just to help out @jazzchicken I used Dr. Google to find out.
Carbs-ish total.
1 x 12inch pizza = 270gm
Portion of chips = 53gm
Portion of chilli sauce = 2gm
Portion of Kebab sauce = 2gm
Best case:: That's a total of 327gm which if you share it equally would be 163.5gm each.
Worst case:: That's a total of 327gm which if you eat it all would be 327gm for one. This might be the case if your pizza is bigger than the 12inch one above.

But as you say it is a couple of weeks treat...........................
@mark king ah those numbers are scary , it is half a 12 inch pizza yes. Im still working on getting the dose right and still probably in the honeymoon phase otherwise I would expect my levels to be even higher. So id need around 9 units for the carbs alone going by info you have provided. And probably could try adding a unit or 2 for fat content, also splitting the dose. I'm going to give this a try next time, I appreciate the help.
@jazzchicken Hi again, I too binge every now and then as I won't deny myself some of my food cravings but I do spread out these feasts and make sure I have had good control between them.
Providing you know your food carbs total you should always be able to calculate you insulin injections.

These special meals every few weeks you can break down and search Google asking for their carb value or at least a close estimate.

Keep on kebabbing
Hello @Bruce Stephens , yes it is very difficult to be accurate as chip shop varies to chip shop but.. ......
This is off a Diabetic eatingwell forum.
A medium (12-inch) thin-crust pizza topped with sauce, vegetables, cheese, and meat that's cut into eight pieces has 20-25 grams of carb per slice. A regular-crust pizza averages 30 grams of carb per slice. Tip: Thin-crust pizza has 5-10 fewer grams of carb per slice than regular-crust or pan pizza.

So different again
This is an interesting one for me. Because actually over a certain level (80ish g of carbs) I find my usual ratio stops working and I need extra insulin. In addition, the larger meals seem to need the insulin to act over a longer period to avoid a hypo-high runaround.

The long and short is that I tend to dose much more by guess than calculation for takeaways etc (my largest meals) and will dose for effectively 120-150g carbs, but then just eat until I’ve had my ‘usual’ amount, not really weighing or counting with much precision. More of a gut-feeling thing.
@everydayupsanddowns I have noticed since trying to be a bit more free with normal meals for example lunch if I have more than 80g and what I think is enough insulin, I still tend to go higher than expected. Then there is how much fat and protein is in the larger meals like takeaways. I've started splitting doses in order to knock both peaks down. As I eat the takeaway in the evening im left without whatever second peak I get while I'm sleeping so that has been coming down as I adjust. I'm hoping once I get this right I can apply it roughly to other takeaways or a nice meal out which I haven't done for a while.
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