Type 1s - are you taking statins?

Type 1s - are you taking statins?

  • a) Yes, I’m Type 1 and take statins currently

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • b) I’m Type 1, over 40 yrs old and No, I’ve never taken statins

    Votes: 13 33.3%
  • c) I’m Type 1, over 40, I’ve taken statins previously but stopped (please give reason if possible)

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • d) Other - please explain

    Votes: 2 5.1%

  • Total voters
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@everydayupsanddowns linked to or referred to a study about Type 1 and heart health a while back. It seems they’re not totally sure what causes the increased risk, but it’s a definite thing. Inflammation? HbA1C? Kidneys? Hypos? Hypers? Swinging sugars? The immune system? One or maybe more of those things or others - they don’t yet know.

Add stress of living with condition to that list @Inka

It's said that there's a definite correlation between increased stress & cancer so who knows.
It seems they’re not totally sure what causes the increased risk, but it’s a definite thing. Inflammation? HbA1C? Kidneys? Hypos? Hypers? Swinging sugars? The immune system? One or maybe more of those things or others - they don’t yet know.

Glucose variability certainly seems to correlate with cardiovascular and central nervous system inflammatory conditions


Which was always something that befuddled me (as someone who has by luck or judgement managed above averagely successful glucose management so far)

I could never work out how much of the added risk that ticking the ‘diabetes’ box on these calculators was related to an assumption of average glucose management and likely onset of complications. However I am well aware that I still have glucose variability which FAR exceeds that of nonnys.

And there are some pretty sizeable Statin studies on primary prevention in well managed diabetes (so lower risk individuals) that still show significant improvements at a population level.

I really don’t know (can’t know) how effective or otherwise trimming that few mmol/L off my lipids really will be for me as an individual - and I could get hit by a bus tomorrow. But on balance, and since I don’t appear to have any negative effects from my 20mg a day I am now happy to go with the vast majority of data on the topic keep taking them.
I asked a question about the pros and cons of statins on the Statins thread, but I’m wondering if I’m unusual in not taking statins as a Type 1, so this poll is for Type 1s and asks about statins. Any comments or information welcome.


P.S - I’m only asking Type 1s as I’m Type 1 myself and so want to compare what other Type 1s do. Thanks 🙂
Yep just been put on them been type 1 for 3
Oh and PS - I'm not at all certain whether they've since disproved the theory that certain ones do not cross the blood/brain barrier ....... used to rely on eg Malcolm Kenrick for such info but am right out of touch with such things.
Yep, just put on them this week type 1 for 36 years. Put on Atorvastatin
Yep just been put on them been type 1 for 3

Yep, just put on them this week type 1 for 36 years. Put on Atorvastatin

What dose! I was put on them as I approached 50 years of diabetes. I was put on 20mg until ibhafvmy bypass when it was raised to 80 then dropped to 40 as my liver was unhappy. Personally I think 10mg is too low to be if much benefit!
What dose! I was put on them as I approached 50 years of diabetes. I was put on 20mg until ibhafvmy bypass when it was raised to 80 then dropped to 40 as my liver was unhappy. Personally I think 10mg is too low to be if much benefit!
Seems from what my diabetic nurse said if you have been type 1 for more than 10 years they put you on them I'm on 20mg
What dose! I was put on them as I approached 50 years of diabetes. I was put on 20mg until ibhafvmy bypass when it was raised to 80 then dropped to 40 as my liver was unhappy. Personally I think 10mg is too low to be if much benefit!
Hi, iv been put on 20mg, from what my nurse said if you have been type 1 for 10 years + they now put you on them, my bad cholesterol was 2.9 and my good was 4.2 I'm one of those who give anything a go, have to see how I get on. I will be having regular bloods done tho as I was warned about some of the problems so they keep an eye on them.
I just did a QRisk test and, again, adding the Type 1 gives a depressing result 🙄 I’m not fully decided but I think I might see the result of my next cholesterol test, ask about trying statins and see how things go with them.That would be in the new year so a ‘lovely’ way to celebrate my 30 year diaversary.

After I’d read the studies, I did some general reading around CVD too. I notice a number of people say cholesterol isn’t as important as various other things like ApoB, homocysteine, etc. Do people actually have these tested? I don’t remember ever having them done.
I'm over 50, and have been on simvastatin for about three years. I started because my cholesterol levels were high, and stopped once levels came down, but then rose again so went back on the tablets. I have a family history of high cholesterol resistant to diet changes, so it makes sense for me to continue on the statin. I haven't noticed any side effects.
I just did a QRisk test and, again, adding the Type 1 gives a depressing result 🙄 I’m not fully decided but I think I might see the result of my next cholesterol test, ask about trying statins and see how things go with them.That would be in the new year so a ‘lovely’ way to celebrate my 30 year diaversary.

After I’d read the studies, I did some general reading around CVD too. I notice a number of people say cholesterol isn’t as important as various other things like ApoB, homocysteine, etc. Do people actually have these tested? I don’t remember ever having them done.

Because my father, his brother and their father all died prematurely of heart attacks due to narrowed arteries I asked for a LipoProtein (A) blood test which was refused as it was "researchy". My (useless) GP stated that my cholesterol and BP levels were fine (very narrow minded thinking). A few years later I developed angina and a year after that I had bypass surgery. My main cardiologist was shocked I had not been checked earlier (e.g. CT scan) as my family history in his words was "appalling".
Sorry to hear that @MikeyBikey I’d have thought your strong family history would obviously warrant further checks and investigations. I hope everything is stable now x
ApoB, homocysteine, etc. Do people actually have these tested?
Funnily enough, I seem to have had my ApoB tested last year, July 2022. I had a telephone appointment with the hospital clinic, and because I hadn’t had bloods done recently, they requested some from the surgery, but AFTER I’d had the appointment. The surgery had no idea what they were testing, the hospital just asked for certain phials. When the hospital wrote with the results, I noticed one was Apo B. It was 0.69, and I think the range for women is 0.6 to 1.41, so I’m fairly near the bottom. I had been taking statins for a few months by then. I’ve never had a chance to discuss why it was done, because my appointment in July 2023 was postponed to February 2024! (I don’t actually feel I need an appointment at all, I only got myself referred back to the hospital when I wanted a prescription for the Libre when I became eligible.)
I was offered statins some years ago (probably when I passed the 40 year age threshold) but told it was optional and based on research done with people who do no exercise and are overweight which had shown a reduction in CVD with diabetes. At the time, there was no research done in the advantages of exercise and diet over statins. I declined as I exercise regularly and am not overweight.

Fast forward a little over 10 years and I was offered them again.
This time the reason given was that yoyoing blood sugars experienced by people with diabetes put a strain on the heart.
I do not know whether this is based on a different study and, with CGMs whether research has been done on the value of spending more TIR. But, on the basis of limiting my yo-yoing with my CGM, I declined again.

I am now in my mid 50s, had Type 1 for 20 years and, at my last review, everything (HbA1C, kidney function, liver function, cholesterol, white blood cell count, blood pressure, bmi…) are all within the “healthy“ range.
Thanks for help. I’m going to try and lower with diet and then maybe review in 12 weeks but can’t cope with such terrible symptoms
I have been taking 40mg Simvistatins now for many years my blood cholesterol is very good so I am told and I don’t have any side affects either.
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