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But with an HbA1c of 16% in old money, and my meter regularly saying 'Hi' to me, I’d be surprised if I didn’t, I remember walking back home up the very gentle hill with a bag of shopping, and feeling like I was wading through treacle.
Oh, yes, it took me 45 minutes to walk home from the surgery and I drank a full litre of water on the way. Wading through treacle is a very good analogy!
I remember when i finally got my daughter to the GP (will always regret not taking her sooner, but the decline was quite slow until that point and I sort of thought I was imagining half of it) he said she had to have a fasting blood test (correct for diagnosing type 2, for type 1 he should really have just done a finger prick and then dispatched her straight to hospital). They couldn’t fit her in for an early morning one for another 5 days, and unfortunately at the time I didn’t know enough about it to argue. Well she went downhill extremely fast in those 5 days, was barely eating anything because nothing tasted right and had no energy at all. The morning after the blood test the GP surgery opened at 8am and they were on the phone at 8.05 asking me to bring her back in at 11. Those were the longest 3 hours of my life, she was so weak she could barely stand and asked me to carry her to to the toilet “because it’s too difficult to move” . That brought tears to my eyes :( By the time we got there and got a HI reading on the meter it was no surprise to me any more, the GP on the other hand looked like he’d had the shock of his life and a very narrow escape because he’d initially wanted to send us home, not really thinking there was much wrong with her!
Diagnosed Type 1 in April 2021, age 24
(After a year of the doctors saying I was Prediabetic, most likely type 2 and sent on my way to get on with it until the lovely people in this community encouraged me to get proper answers)
Diagnosed 2008, aged 49 after a few months of excessive thirst and gradual weight loss, then caught some sort of virus and lost 17 pounds in 3 days and ended up in hospital with DKA. I'm currently officially described as 'Type ?, treated as Type 1' after I stopped needing basal insulin 4 years after diagnosis 😱 🙂
Diagnosed in 2002 at the age of 11. I remember being quite blasé about a nurse giving me my first injection, not really understanding yet I had to do this for the rest of my life. :D
Born with it in 1976 (Transneonatal Diabetes), went when I was 3.5yrs old. Came back in Feb 1991, few weeks before my 15th birthday, so 30 years this year.
In 1991 at 12 month old. Apparently I was very very poorly and nobody knew what was going on for a while. My poor mum.
2008 aged 53
In the 1960s aged 11. I had been ill for a while and my GP had prescribed a tonic (naturally, full of sugar) and I went downhill rapidly. In a coma when finally diagnosed and blue lights through Birmingham rush hour to get me to hospital. I weighed 3stone 3 lbs when I got to hospital and was like a stick insect. ( 2 weeks later when discharged it was 4st 4. Funny how some things stick in your mind)
GP very sheepishly visited me in hospital, though I can’t remember if he actually apologised.....
Diagnosed as T1 in Nov 2020.

Complete rubbish.

Rediagnosed in Jan 2021 (when I questioned it) as T2.

Not impressed.
2014 aged 42 nine months after wrong type 2 diagnosis.
Alice my oldest diagnosed 1st May 2020 aged 16.
Diagnosed 2021 (04/06) aged 39.
Suspected type 1 but still undergoing C peptide to determine 100% type 1 and what my panky function is like.

Didn’t really have any severe symptoms that I put down to diabetes, I was already recovering from injury so had already lost some mass on shoulders so had already lost mass due to that, I suppose I did noticed I had started drinking a lot more on a night for about a fortnight. Went to drs for a completely separate matter and it was my bloods that picked up glucose abnormality.
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