Type 1 V Type 2

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Andy. More than happy to stand still for you. I stuck my own head up so fully prepared to take the hits.
In writing the post, its against a back drop of media and therefore subsequent ignorance in society. I am sure when I tell someone I am DB (and I rarely do) they look straight at my waist line to see if it was self inflicted. (Yes I know not all Type 2 is caused in this way, before another hail of bullets fly over) But it has almost become necessary to say I am Type 1 before the complexities are understood. Type 2 appears to get a lot more exposure given the increasing rates of diagnosis.
For example I had a hard time at work trying to justify my hours in a new role and why getting into the office at 7am after a 1.5hr commute and not leaving till 7pm with another 1.5hr commute was not going to really work for me, and in addition not having time for lunch. My boss had a Type 2 friend and did not see him having to have "special treatment" so why should I.
I have never asked for special treatment and have stretched things as far as I am comfortable with and this is the only occasion where I have had to use my diabetes ever for justification.

I thought employers were legally required to allow time for lunch?

Anyway, my big brother has recently been diagnosed with type 2 and I am pleased to say that his employer is being very understanding about it all (so far). I guess it all depends on the employer. :(

MY diabetes is just that if i was type 1 id be saying the same but any misconception anyone else has about my personal condition then they can think what they like, if someone asks me then im more then willing to tell them the diffirences between types.Its wrong you had to try so hard to justify yourself at work these bosses should be more understanding.As far as i know lunch is a must in the work environment??.x
There is a fine line between providing time, and being able to take time. Luckily I am out of that role now and on to better things.
Just to add that I am type 2 and I was told that my diabetes stemmed from another medical condition that I have. Since being a member here I have never noticed an undercurrent that between type 1's and type 2's, this is why i like this forum everyone can give advice regardless of their type. I am on insulin and tablets and when i went onto carb counting last year I found this forum very helpful by reading how the type 1's who carb counted worked it out.
It matters not what type of diabetes you have, cause at the end of the day each and everyone one of us are swimming against the same tide and there's no turning back. We all share a common bond........that is we are diabetics period, and face the same difficulties trying to establish and control blood glucose.

As for cause and possible explanations for developing diabetes and peoples misconceptions....... I couldn't care less! we have this condition and there is little point on dwelling on the past and what might have been, it is up to each and every one of us to move forward and live life to its full potential...... this life ain't no dress rehearsal! Toby.
It matters not what type of diabetes you have, cause at the end of the day each and everyone one of us are swimming against the same tide and there's no turning back. We all share a common bond........that is we are diabetics period, and face the same difficulties trying to establish and control blood glucose.

As for cause and possible explanations for developing diabetes and peoples misconceptions....... I couldn't care less! we have this condition and there is little point on dwelling on the past and what might have been, it is up to each and every one of us to move forward and live life to its full potential...... this life ain't no dress rehearsal! Toby.

A united front, sharing, supporting and caring, through the highs...and the low's, facing us all when battling with Diabetes!...An Inspirational post Toby, your words made me feel quite tearful, but in a good way...🙂
Oooo you are naughty Curdster. I think you are right thought. However not about this forum. I think that there are lots of people who do sneer at people with type 2, if they know what the difference is in the first place. Those that don't know the difference sneer at both 1 and 2 as they think that diabetes in general is just a pants medical condition to get and that all diabetics moan far too much !!!!!!

But my experience with this forum is great. The children with diabetes email group had a petition going about that horrendous Change4life Campaign. It is one of those petitions that you can sign on the No. 10 website purely for petitions. I came on here and asked everyone to sign it and the reason why. The reason was that all the adverts (and they were being shown every 2 minutes), all the posters and everything said, people eat too much, get fat, get diabetes, get cancer and die ! The bullying in schools started almost immediately (I seriously know that for a fact) with kids tell other kids who had type 1 that they were fat and had eaten too many sweets and it was their fault. Well us mums were in an uproar and one fab mum, you will know her as Becca on here, led a group of us and we contacted anyone and everything. We wanted the words changing to say 'may get type 2 diabetes'.

All the people who wanted to on this forum signed it. There was no upset from any person with type 2 as they understood and wanted to protect the kids. It was amazing to see how many people signed it.

We won and within 5 days of the first advert the government announced that they would change the wording of their ?71 million pound advertising campaign. They reported it in the Times as well about a group of parents getting it changed.

So thanks to all the type 2 and type 1 people and parents of the type 1 kiddies who signed it and came together as the whole bit diabetes family.

So no I don't think on this forum there is a problem at all.
Diabetics unite! we've got nothing to lose but our Hba1cs!

One thing i have learnt about types of diabetes is that they're all as rubbish as each other. I leant this when i went to the British Museum meet last year and talked to loads of people there, thanks to Tez, Ange, Northy, Shelly, Nicky and all, and discovered that both type 1 and type 2 have their drawbacks (and i was going to say benefits, but really, i can't think of any, except maybe free prescriptions, but i wouldn't need the drugs if i wasn't diabetic...grrrrr). Type ones have to test, and workout insulin doses and inject, they can have hypos which sound pretty scary. On the other hand, as a type two, if i have a hyper there's not a lot i can do about it except drink alot and wait for it to go away. I can't make changes to my medication so have to manage my blood sugar by what i eat (guesswork, thanks to my PCT...).
I'll confess, sometimes i do feel a little paranoid about being type 2, but this really isn't the fault of anybody here. All the type 1s i've met have been very supportive and interested in my tales of woe. If i feel that being type 2 makes me a "second class diabetic" it's because of my own hangups and the perception of diabetes in the media or amongst the non-diabetic public. That and i'm slightly paranoid anyway... Yeah, i work in a hospital and still sometimes think that my colleagues think "oh well, Rachel can't be that bad, it's not like she has to have injections." I think this might be because the non-injecting public think that injections are the worst thing that can happen to you..(Really, i'd rather inject insulin than have an insulin supossitory, imagine what they'd say about THAT in a busy restaurant....hehehe), but you guys all seem to cope with it, and well, i had an insulin dose once and it wasn't that bad, i managed to convince myself that i could handle it myself, seeing as i had to, only to be told i didn't need insulin and got the metformin instead.
I wrote a poem about it, one day when i'm feeling very brave i might let you read it, but it's not a patch on Northy's stuff.

I did go to another forum once, it wasn't as nice as this one, i was newly diagnosed and the no-carbers were really militant in the "you'll die if you eat bread ever again!" way. They scared me, after all i'd just been told to give up sugar, the thought of losing my second favourite food group as well was just too much. Thankfully here we all stick to the rules, what works for one won't work for all of us, try it if you like and if it works that's great, but find what works for you.

Cripes this is going on a bit bout you've raised a lot of questions... Posts, it's really nice to be able to post a long, self pitying, "oh! I hate being diabetic!" post once in a while, just posting it makes you feel better. What's better still is when somebody replies, even if it is just to say "I'm sorry you feel like that, i hope you feel better soon", and if you have advice or support that's even better, but don't not post coz who think you have nothing to say. Just knowing that i'm not alone, and that other people are out there, going through what i am and coping and prospering is fantastic.
It's also lovely to post spomething in reply and hope that you've made a little bit of a difference and find that you have.
Love to you all folks...

i was the first to reply to this post and since i have been out all day in the Oxfordshire countryside ....and i am soo pleased🙂 that this post has been continued in the way that this forum always operates ...with dignity and decorum ...

this is a special place because it has no segregation we are all in this together we give advice and support and loads of it ...shed loads full (rossi if your in your shed im thinking of you !!heheee) and i for one have learnt so much ...sometimes i cant offer the advice re the tech medical stuff but i have other skills that i offer freely if need be ....because its all about support ...
Northe i am eagerly awaiting the poem about insulin suppository's ...see if rachel hadnt posted that i would have never known there was such a thing !!😱
I'll drink to that!

The fact that this here forum is quite spectacular I mean.

A great read this thread, yes I think I have read it all, I would agree with everything I think, which type am I? Don't matter, but I need to re-felt my shed at the back of the garden. When I first read this I thought ooh bloomin eck! Thats put the cat amoungst the pigeons! But wow more proof that this place is what is says on the tin! Although I still wonder about the shade of the colour! Although it probably matched Tom's pump!! Which type is better/worse, neither both pants, and to be honest I have sometimes wondered if it matters, my GP didn't really know what type I was when diagnosed. What gets me sometimes is the people I know who mean well, say things like oh well if anyone can deal with it Rossi can! I have no choice pal! Also ooh why are you high/low!! Grrr!

Quite a length bit from me too, I wonder if any of it makes sense!

Cheers wonderful people of all types

Rossi 🙂

Bring on the poems!
I'm neither fish nor fowl myself. Am I a Type 2 with a fancy label as my idiot doctor maintains? Am I a Type 1 with a fancy label as my equally idiotic brother insists? Who cares? I don't, I'm a diabetic whose fancy label just means that my treatment regime is slightly different and my shelf life before I need insulin is likely to be shorter than the average Type 2. To my mind we're all in the same boat and facing very similar dangers if we can't control the dread disease. The great thing about this place is, it really doesn't matter what flavour you are, you'll find all the support and encouragement you could want. Long may it continue.

When it comes to messages of support and sympathy, I don't mind them, I reckon it's really nice of folk to want to let you know they care even if they can't offer any advice. It's a part of the ethos of this place that we should value.
A united front, sharing, supporting and caring, through the highs...and the low's, facing us all when battling with Diabetes!...An Inspirational post Toby, your words made me feel quite tearful, but in a good way...🙂

Thank you Ellowyne, very kind of you!🙂 I have long accepted that this thing we call diabetes is never going to go away, and despite days where I have shouted and cursed this condition for entering my life and gone to bed feeling sorry for myself, I wake the next morning and low and behold its still there. Its far better to accept what we have and come to terms with it, and to dispel all negativity from our mind and move forward with what we have. I look around some days and see people in a far worse state of health than ourselves, some facing daily challenges in their life we cannot begin to imagine and would never wish too, so as much as diabetes is a pain in the backside........there are far worse conditions and illnesses to contend with in life and we should not forget this. Toby.
my view on it as living with type 1 for 6 years then being told im type 2 is that its not what type you are its about insulin and wether you are inject(or pump) and it really annoys me that there is a type 1/type 2 divide, which I have to say I personally don't think is the case on this forum. I was only told I was type 2 in May and joined in december and the way ive been treated hasnt changed =) I love it here though I havent be as active recently still been reading and thinking =)
I was 15 when diagnosed and had poor care team who just didn't care. It was around the time the not so clever medical brains thought you couldnt get type 2 as a child.
the original poster has a point with regards the country in gen and health official,s they do come the holier than thou attitude with type2 ,in here it a case of we are all diabetic end of ,
ive said many times in here that health peeps are doing my head in about ohh your over weight and thats why you got diabetes at the time i was diagnosed i was 2 stone over weight ,
my family doc told me over 30 years ago you will be susceptible because my mother and my grandfather were both diabetic all their lives ,
i now have 2 sisters who are the same as me
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