Type 1 V Type 2

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
OK, so shoot me here and make it my last post, but it seems to me that there is an undercurrant in some posts which may be better out in the open. So here goes.

Having read this forum and my own experiences, the feeling I have is that Type 1's see Type 2's as perhaps not proper DB's!!! I am ducking already.

And that with Type 1, we could do nothing to prevent the condition, and that Type 2 was developed from an over exuberant appetite leading to a self inflicted condition, which coudl have been prevented.

Type 1 appears to more complex to manage, and hence the appearance of Type 2 to be amateur? A bit like my first skiing experience. I looked the part, but!!

However the bottom line is, we are where we are, and we can use this forum to discuss and pose questions regardless of our type.

I do get annoyed when a question is posed, and a reply contains a post from someone who can provide no answer and add no value, but then thats a personal gripe as I can't stand read pages and pages of sympathy that contain no helpful advice.

Yours, Mr Unpopular.
This is a support forum and we have an equal opps policy !!! regardless of your type age sex ethnic or sexual preference etc !
i post on T1 threads because over the time i have been involved with this forum many people regardless of type have supported me ...whether by sound advice or a big hug ...it all makes a difference knowing someone has read the thread and are supporting you with this condition. all types have there difficulties and also we learn about those differences ...
by the way T2 are not due to overeating grrrrrr just look at the numbers of overweight people who DONT have diabetes !!!!
Dear Mr Unpopular 😉

I do think that this is far from the case on this forum. I have been here from the start, and as a Moderator and now Admin I have read ALL the posts, and this is not the impression I get at all. Although it would be wrong to say that it never happens, you have to also accept that people may respond according to what they know (or think they know) and that knowledge may be incorrect.

Personally, I have always thought that we all face problems, some we have in common and some more particular to our own circumstances. Whatever the origin of our diabetes, we should never feel that, simply due to a very broad label, one 'type' has it easier than any other. Type1s generally have to deal with the problems of injecting and managing insulin from day 1 (so might some Type2s, John!). Type2s often have a much greater challenge with diet and lifestyle modifications, they may have been undiagnosed a longer time than Type1s and this might have early signs of complications when diagnosed.

There is no such thing as 'mild' or 'severe' diabetes, although these terms are still around and sometimes used by the medical profession. That is outdated thinking, but not everyone is 'current' in their thinking, unfortunately.

I have seen countless people here come to appreciate the trials and tribulations of others in a new light, and very few who have regularly participated and remained ignorant of the realities.

As for the 'support' messages that may offer no extra practical advice - these messages should not be dismissed - this is a support forum, after all! People come to forums seeking different things and it is not possible to provide the perfect blend for everyone. For some people, receiving empathic responses helps them enormously.
Am64. As you note, Type 2 in some instances is not just about weight. Can provide the balanced perspective here please as I think it would help.
Just to pitch in also.

Type 1 and 2 have different needs and different methods of treatment, bringing with them different problems.

I think it's good for both types to mingle and read each others threads and to try and suggest solutions. The more the merrier. I've not replied on one this morning because I haven't a clue what to suggest. But I'll be interested to see any replies.

I used to think that type 2s were overweight but I now know that's not true. Thanks to the mix of members.

Likewise, some people post wanting nothing but sympathy and a virtual hug. It's a traumatic disorder for many and not everyone copes as well as others. I know I enjoy seeing good luck messages sometimes.

But there's always the option of not reading a thread or scrolling down. It's what I do a lot of the time.

OK, so shoot me here and make it my last post, but it seems to me that there is an undercurrant in some posts which may be better out in the open. So here goes.

Having read this forum and my own experiences, the feeling I have is that Type 1's see Type 2's as perhaps not proper DB's!!! I am ducking already.

And that with Type 1, we could do nothing to prevent the condition, and that Type 2 was developed from an over exuberant appetite leading to a self inflicted condition, which coudl have been prevented.

Type 1 appears to more complex to manage, and hence the appearance of Type 2 to be amateur? A bit like my first skiing experience. I looked the part, but!!

However the bottom line is, we are where we are, and we can use this forum to discuss and pose questions regardless of our type.

I do get annoyed when a question is posed, and a reply contains a post from someone who can provide no answer and add no value, but then thats a personal gripe as I can't stand read pages and pages of sympathy that contain no helpful advice.

Yours, Mr Unpopular.

i have no hangups on commenting on either type 1 or type 2 posts as i have had very valubale advice from both type 1 and type 2 people and have felt supported by ALL who post here and can only hope that my replys to threads for either type 1 or 2 are supportive/helpfull

we are ALL dealing with this curse of a condition regardless of type 1 or 2 or carers and i find the support from everyone very helpfull

i feel supported by every one here and hope others do too

i guess what i am trying to say is we are all here supporting each other with a common demon, and is not about the type but the life line many people feel this place is ( a place to go where people just 'get' what you are on about and understand)
In the book that Northerner recommends Diabetes the first year - it suggests that all diabetics have the diabetes gene and it is having that gene that 'allows' us to get diabetes. By getting the diabetes and it going undetected our blood thickens?? and this causes issues such as weight gain - so it could be argued it is diabetes that caused the weight gain and maybe not the other way round - my nurse said the same this morning.

I would also like to add that it is always nice to receive a post from anyone - it just makes me feel there are people out there supporting me -even if the person with the advice I need doesn't make it on until later. I have made lots of friends this way. I also find the pub brilliant for if you just want to chat which sometimes helps when feeling low.

I called my T1 friend when I was diagnosed and she had been excellent. She came straight to meet me in a cafe where I sat down with my black coffee. she sat down with her hot chocolate and blueberry muffin and said 'so - looks like i got the better of the 2 evils then'. We had a good laugh and have supported each other totally, so no difference at all as to type. Also haven't felt any difference on here - half the time don't look to see what type unless necessary.
Having read this forum and my own experiences, the feeling I have is that Type 1's see Type 2's as perhaps not proper DB's!!! I am ducking already.

Nope, I haven't come across this personally.

And that with Type 1, we could do nothing to prevent the condition, and that Type 2 was developed from an over exuberant appetite leading to a self inflicted condition, which coudl have been prevented.

Personally, my diabetes was brought on by my poor lifestyle. But I was probably genetically pre-disposed to the condition in the first place.

Type 1 appears to more complex to manage, and hence the appearance of Type 2 to be amateur?

From my perspective, I think that I agree that Type 1 appears to be more complex to manage. But that is just me. Amateur Type 2's? Nah! I'm not going to comment on that (Oops! I just have) 🙄

However the bottom line is, we are where we are, and we can use this forum to discuss and pose questions regardless of our type.

Yep, absolutely no problem with that.

I do get annoyed when a question is posed, and a reply contains a post from someone who can provide no answer and add no value, but then thats a personal gripe as I can't stand read pages and pages of sympathy that contain no helpful advice.

I agree that it is a personal gripe (I feel like that sometimes too, but that's my problem! It is, after all, a support forum).

Oh Mr Unpopular, I wish I had something helpful to suggest, but I haven't, so just offer a big sympathetic {hug} instead! 😉:D😉

Sorry, couldn't resist! :D
Although the way our bodies work is different, as being male or female is different, we are essentialy all here to support each other. Because of our different circumstances and experiences we all deal with things in different ways.

One of my favourite quotes is 'no better, no worse, just different'
Twitchy. The only hug that has ever made me smile and appeals to my sense of humour!! Git.
On occasions there is friction between the types for the reasons you have mentioned. As someone with neither types, but have experienced treatments for both types, I know for me what the differences are and the difficulties of both types.

I do think that we can all learn of one another and give advice regardless of our type.

I wouldn't point the finger at anyone diagnosed, and there are people with type 2 that aren't and were never overweight, but the majority are. it's one of the risk factors if you are genetically prone to getting diabetes.

I do agree that it does sometimes get frustrating when people post with no advice or useful input, but then I guess it's better than a thread getting no replies.
I am guilty of leaving messages in threads that sometimes dont help the person with there question but i hate to see someone come in and have no replies to there thread so on occasions i will just say sorry i cant help but wanted to say big hugs but thats my nature.I certainly have never noticed a divide one thing this place prides itself on is not wanting to seem like they is a divison between the types as sofaraway said on the very rare times this has happened it has been dealt with in a grown up manner.Sometimes even a little reply can mean so much to someone as it shows someone cares.

Maybe if when you have been a member longer and get to know this place better you will see this place is never biased one type to another.
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I just think it is real shame that type 2 is viewed so negatively, re lifestyle and peple thinking it can always be prevented...

I actually hate living in a society where i cant openly say "im diabetic" without getting someones UNEDUCATED pre judged opinion or looks.

Regardless of the type, just the word diabetic, sometimes even makes me think i have done something wrong! lol its sooooo wrong, im glad i was diagnosed in 1989 though, in the days that no one really had an opinion about it all yet!🙄
I have seen message boards where they are divided into type 1 and type 2, which is very divisive.

Sometimes when people come on, they are happy with a few words of support. I sometimes post a reply along the lines of This is to offer support, I'm sure someone who can help will be along soon. It can be off putting to newer members not to get any replies, and if it is something important, those few words of support help to keep a thread up until someone is able to come along and help.
OK, so shoot me here and make it my last post, but it seems to me that there is an undercurrant in some posts which may be better out in the open. So here goes.

Having read this forum and my own experiences, the feeling I have is that Type 1's see Type 2's as perhaps not proper DB's!!! I am ducking already.

And that with Type 1, we could do nothing to prevent the condition, and that Type 2 was developed from an over exuberant appetite leading to a self inflicted condition, which coudl have been prevented.

Type 1 appears to more complex to manage, and hence the appearance of Type 2 to be amateur? A bit like my first skiing experience. I looked the part, but!!

However the bottom line is, we are where we are, and we can use this forum to discuss and pose questions regardless of our type.

I do get annoyed when a question is posed, and a reply contains a post from someone who can provide no answer and add no value, but then thats a personal gripe as I can't stand read pages and pages of sympathy that contain no helpful advice.

Yours, Mr Unpopular.

So, what am I doing here then???? I'm not diabetic, just the mother of one. I read most of the threads and leave very little advice. BUT I haven't come across any threads yet where type 1's are looking down on the type 2's. I have to admit I was under the impression that type 2 is due to unhealthy lifestyle only, until I found this forum. I actually said to someone, when talking about my daughter's type 1, that MY opinion was that, yes she has to do injections and it isn't easy, but type 2's have it harder if they are on diet and exercise only.

I don't think it's wrong to just say sorry can't help you but here's a hug. At least you know your thread has been read and absorbed. one or two replies without help are better than no replies. Although I must admit I have deleted a few of my own non-advice comments I was going to post.

All in all I find this forum superb. A big thumbs up.
OK, so shoot me here and make it my last post

Can you stand still for a bit, my arm is a bit twitchy and it is quite a way from W to SW London! 😉


p.s. It's turned out to be quite a good thread, by the way. 🙂
I have never ever felt anyone on this forum has looked down on me because I am Type 2. I would be completely lost without the help and advice I get from this forum 🙂. I dont reply to most Type 1 posts as I have no experience of insulin/carb counting etc but sometimes do send virtual hugs. As others have said we are a support forum and I think hugs are important as sometimes although we cant offer practical advice but it is good to know that there are others out there reading your post and empathising.

I say again, I would be lost without this forum 🙂.
Andy. More than happy to stand still for you. I stuck my own head up so fully prepared to take the hits.
In writing the post, its against a back drop of media and therefore subsequent ignorance in society. I am sure when I tell someone I am DB (and I rarely do) they look straight at my waist line to see if it was self inflicted. (Yes I know not all Type 2 is caused in this way, before another hail of bullets fly over) But it has almost become necessary to say I am Type 1 before the complexities are understood. Type 2 appears to get a lot more exposure given the increasing rates of diagnosis.
For example I had a hard time at work trying to justify my hours in a new role and why getting into the office at 7am after a 1.5hr commute and not leaving till 7pm with another 1.5hr commute was not going to really work for me, and in addition not having time for lunch. My boss had a Type 2 friend and did not see him having to have "special treatment" so why should I.
I have never asked for special treatment and have stretched things as far as I am comfortable with and this is the only occasion where I have had to use my diabetes ever for justification.
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