Type 1 or Type 2?

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Sounds like Type 1 to me - weight loss, ketones, high blood sugar. I’m not sure why you think it’s Type 2. Type 1 can develop at any age and is more commonly diagnosed in adults than children. I think there’s a peak around your age, if I remember correctly. It sounds a bit like you’re blaming yourself or looking for a cause that you can process eg you ate cake, chips and then got Type 2. Like you want logic.

My Type 1 had no logic. I had no close family members with it. It’s just bad luck. When I was first diagnosed, I kept thinking that perhaps they’d made a mistake. I thought that a lot. Perhaps it would go away. Perhaps… My blood sugar went down quickly too after I was put on insulin. Early on I could even get normal results without insulin (after an initial spike). But - I still had Type 1. I didn’t have the GAD and C Peptide tests until many years after diagnosis, but they confirmed my diagnosis was correct. I’m Type 1. Acceptance is key as I no longer waste energy thinking of all the perhaps’s and maybes.
This is like you have read my mind. I think I do want a bit of logic, so that might be why I'm looking that way. My bs with basal insulin is now looking lots better (honeymoon period!!). I keep joking with my family that 'maybe I'm not diabetic after all and there's been a mistake' but then think that with a hba1c of 158 then there's no chance of this being the case! Thank you for this post, it has really helped how I've been thinking about this.
Learn to execute the 'Gallic' shrug with your brain. In words it goes something like (Trying to not swear here) Oh - blast - how exceedingly bothersome, what an absolute child of unmarried parents this is. Can't cure it, can't turn the clock back and stay there - so I suppose I must accept it however much I don't want to, and just get on with dealing with it as best as I possibly can so it doesn't become more than a nuisance to me - or for that matter - anyone else either!

Obey the few rules it has which are cast in stone eg not missing jabs, testing your BG whenever necessary - try not to spend more time most days ignoring it, than you do complying with it. Encourage it to live with you according to your personal rules as much as you have to according to the D's. Try not to let whatever it happens to be, become a problem to you personally - when that happens, such glitches start also becoming a problem to others too. So, ask. Ask. ASK!
Learn to execute the 'Gallic' shrug with your brain. In words it goes something like (Trying to not swear here) Oh - blast - how exceedingly bothersome, what an absolute child of unmarried parents this is. Can't cure it, can't turn the clock back and stay there - so I suppose I must accept it however much I don't want to, and just get on with dealing with it as best as I possibly can so it doesn't become more than a nuisance to me - or for that matter - anyone else either!

Obey the few rules it has which are cast in stone eg not missing jabs, testing your BG whenever necessary - try not to spend more time most days ignoring it, than you do complying with it. Encourage it to live with you according to your personal rules as much as you have to according to the D's. Try not to let whatever it happens to be, become a problem to you personally - when that happens, such glitches start also becoming a problem to others too. So, ask. Ask. ASK!
Definitely going to be trying this mental approach from now on - thank you!
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