Type 1, how much insulin do you inject per day?

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18/20u a day when I used Levemir, plus roughly 10 ish u Novorapid. Now 11 point something u basal and the same 10 ish u bolus, all Novorapid. So my TDD is about what my basal was, pre pump.
I'm showing my ignorance here about pumps. Is the basal infused continuously?
I'm showing my ignorance here about pumps. Is the basal infused continuously?
Yes. Basal is provided through fast acting insulin "pumped" continuously. This allows us to alter our basal dose by half hour.
I'm showing my ignorance here about pumps. Is the basal infused continuously?
Pumps only use short acting insulin, like Novorapid. They drip feed a tiny bit of insulin slowly and continuously, over a 24hr period, so that it acts like a basal. The advantage being, of course, that you can increase or decrease the amount that the pump drips in, so you get variable amounts at different times of the day. Then you can dial up your bolus doses at mealtimes, and the pump delivers them on top of the basal.
Oh, @helli types faster than I do!
Thank you @helli and @Robin, I thought that was the case, but wasn't sure. It would explain the drop in basal requirement that @trophywench mentioned, probably there's a significant amount of the slow insulin injected dose that is never absorbed.
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