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Type 1 anxiety

Ann Taylor

Relationship to Diabetes
I'm not someone who would put out a message like this, but I feel I need advice. My son, who is a adult as been type 1 for 5 years and has managed well in that time but, for the first time, had a severe hypoglycemic.
He lost a bit of confidence, but I'm not doing so well. I was with him when it happened and had to call a ambulance it was very distressing for me to see him so vulnerable.
And now I feel something is going to happen to him. When he's on his own .
Can anyone relate to my concerns.
Welcome @Ann Taylor Sorry your son had a severe hypo. They’re horrible and shocking, and it’s normal to feel shaken up. Does your son have a Libre or other CGM? Does he know what caused the hypo?
Yes he as a dexcom and yes there was a problem with night insulin we went to see the diabetes team and they were helpful . And they also prescribed a Glucagon hypo kit .
But I just can't shake off the anxiety of what happened to him .
The anxiety will reduce over time @Ann Taylor It might lurk there a tiny bit, but as time passes and you see he’s ok, and has tools and strategies to deal with situations that might lead to low sugars, you should feel better gradually.

What Dexcom does he have? Some have a Falling Fast alarm, which is another way to prevent low sugars and very helpful.
He does have the falling fast alarm and I also have the dexcom app with the alarm on my phone too .
Which reassures you I'm just going to the worst case scenario.
Hopefully with time I will settle .
It is understandable to be anxious after your experience, but it will subside as your son shows that he is managing and has strategies to deal with such incidences again.

I have not used a Dexcom as I use other sensors,so others may be able to answer this for you. Does your son have an alert before low on his sensor? This could enable him to head off any lows, and treat before he gets into a hypo. On many sensors this can be set at different levels, and it maybe useful to set it a bit higher to give himself time to react sooner.

I hope that things get easier for you.
There’s a Low alert that you can set at various numbers and to repeat, and there’s also an Urgent Low Approaching alert, as well as the Falling Fast (again, customisable) on the Dexcom G7 which I have.
Yes he's got that in place.
Thank you for your reassurance
I feel I can't talk to anyone about this
As they don't understand type 1 and what you go through.
It’s very understandable to be shaken up. I’m glad you have glycogen now. Have you been shown how to use it? The instructions are in the box but we watched a few videos and when we had an expired on I went through the motions of using it.

Hopefully you won’t have another fright like that.
Yes, we went to see the diabetes team, who showed us how to use it.
Yes, I hope so. You just realise how serious the condition is, but you all reminded me that we have things in place I just need to give myself time to trust that and move forward positively and not let the anxiety take over.
Just having the Glucagon should help too. It’s unlikely you’ll ever have to use it but knowing you have it as a back up should add to your reassurance. You can also do little things like keeping up stocks of hypo treatments. My mum still buys me the little GlucoJuice bottles and Coke cans even now. I think it makes her feel better, knowing I have plenty to put around the house and slip into bags. The GlucoLifts are particularly good for fierce hypos as they’re concentrated liquid and work quicker than glucose tablets. They’re also easier to get down as they’re liquid.
Yes hopefully not I do make sure I have plenty of hypo treatment around now think I went over board on doing that but that definitely reassurance me .I don't want to put my worries on him I keep them to myself but I feel better for reaching out I will feel a bit better going to bed tonight it's nice that on here you understand