Type 1 and pregnancy

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Hi Jenny,
Congratulations !!!
I am 31 and a Type 1 diabetic, i have 3 children lauren is 11 and was born before i became diabetic, amy is 3 and i developed gestational diabetes through this pregnancy and was left a type 1 diabetic, and callum is 17 months.
I was 33 wks pregnant with amy when i got diabetes so it was all very rushed i was not told alot about diabetes just piled with insulin and sent off, amy was born naturally at 38 wks weighing 8lb 9oz and although the birth was good she had low blood sugar so was rushed off to baby care unit and was in there 6 days with a tube up her nose it was awful because i had not been warned about this at all ! after 6 days she was allowed home and was perfect and is now a lively 3 year old, i got pregnant with callum being a type 1 diabetic and was taken care of from day 1, the 1st 12 weeks you just really keep an eye on your sugars they need to be below 7 two hours after eating and between 3.5 and 5 before eating, but beware of hypos !
With callum from 28 weeks i had scans every 2 weeks and regular Hba1c tests and was induced at 387 weeks, because of very goods control callum only weighed 6lb 6oz and was perfect from day 1 !
I am now 12 weeks pregnant again and hopfully i will do just as well this time, it is hard but worth it ! you'll be ok, any questions please ask.

louise x
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