Type 1 @ 37 after DKA

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Initially I did change my diet but I found I was eating too clean and kept having hypos: one reply you said you keep having them, me too and its a pain in the arse lol. I started back at work a couple of weeks ago but they didn't phase me back and it just triggered major anxiety as I felt out of control. Trying again tomorrow but this time with a structured phased return.

You should be able to adjust your menu to pretty much anything you’d like it to be - whether that’s ‘clean’ or not (not entirely sure I really understand what that entails!) As long as your doses are adjusted (and they will probably need occasional re-adjusting on an ongoing basis) you can eat pretty much whatever you like with T1.

The only compromises I choose to make are where a food choice or other falls on the wrong quadrant of the enjoyment / trickiness grid. As enjoyment goes up, I am happy to take on far more trickiness (takeaways, meals out, beer, bakewell tart). But if things are just a bit bland or disappointing and are still tricky to dose for or frustratingly unpredictable (breakfast cereal, rubbish cake) I’d rather do without and choose something else :D
You should be able to adjust your menu to pretty much anything you’d like it to be - whether that’s ‘clean’ or not (not entirely sure I really understand what that entails!) As long as your doses are adjusted (and they will probably need occasional re-adjusting on an ongoing basis) you can eat pretty much whatever you like with T1.

The only compromises I choose to make are where a food choice or other falls on the wrong quadrant of the enjoyment / trickiness grid. As enjoyment goes up, I am happy to take on far more trickiness (takeaways, meals out, beer, bakewell tart). But if things are just a bit bland or disappointing and are still tricky to dose for or frustratingly unpredictable (breakfast cereal, rubbish cake) I’d rather do without and choose something else :D
A clean diet to me is natural, very little added salts or processed foods. So a healthy salad or a meal that comprises of mainly veg... But this was making it hard to maintain my blood sugars.

Someone enquired as to what insulin i am on and i forgot to mention;

Toujeo - 22 units
Nova Rapdi - Currently 6 units (reduced from 14 > 8 > 6) with the option of taking it down to 4 units if i am still struggling with low bloods.

Sounds like everyone eats everything they want and just adjust their dose, i haven't been on the carb counting course yet but i am guessing once i do i will be more confident doing this.
Could someone also advise if i am blocked from posting in other sections of the forum until a certain number of posts or something? I can't seem to reply to others posts
Could someone also advise if i am blocked from posting in other sections of the forum until a certain number of posts or something? I can't seem to reply to others posts
You definitely should be able to post on any thread you wish. The only thing which can sometimes be blocked when you are a new member is sending Private Messages (PMs) direct to other members and posting links I think.... mostly to deter spammers.
What happens when you try to post on another thread?
You definitely should be able to post on any thread you wish. The only thing which can sometimes be blocked when you are a new member is sending Private Messages (PMs) direct to other members and posting links I think.... mostly to deter spammers.
What happens when you try to post on another thread?
~Thanks, It's just let me reply to one thread but another just doesn't have a reply box.... I will try again 🙂
Sounds like everyone eats everything they want and just adjust their dose, i haven't been on the carb counting course yet but i am guessing once i do i will be more confident doing this.

I’m sure you’ll take to it very readily.

There’s an introduction to carb counting here which might help you start to get your head around it

And yes, unless the thread is locked, or in a section where me,bers aren’t given posting-access (eg the ‘Welcome and getting started’ section), you should have posting access everywhere?

Let me know if the problem persists and I’ll look into it 🙂
I’m sure you’ll take to it very readily.

There’s an introduction to carb counting here which might help you start to get your head around it

And yes, unless the thread is locked, or in a section where me,bers aren’t given posting-access (eg the ‘Welcome and getting started’ section), you should have posting access everywhere?

Let me know if the problem persists and I’ll look into it 🙂
It's now let me post but it was fairly strange, I could reply to others but not that one post. Anyway no issue now.

Thanks for the carb counting link I'll take a look at that!
Hi i am only 5 weeks in but it seems you have had a bumpier start than me. I am 56 and still waiting for a “diagnosis”. GAD antibodies test is the one i am waiting on but can take 6 weeks. There are a lot of comments on this thread where it appears there is a general reluctance to recognise type 1. Type 1 means we get lots of extra funding of course. The cynic in me wonders if there is something else at play? This forum is very helpful btw so good job landing here and welcome to the fold
Hi i am only 5 weeks in but it seems you have had a bumpier start than me. I am 56 and still waiting for a “diagnosis”. GAD antibodies test is the one i am waiting on but can take 6 weeks. There are a lot of comments on this thread where it appears there is a general reluctance to recognise type 1. Type 1 means we get lots of extra funding of course. The cynic in me wonders if there is something else at play? This forum is very helpful btw so good job landing here and welcome to the fold
I’m inclined to think it’s more cock-up than conspiracy. Type 1 is relatively rare in children, let alone adults, and most GPs may not see very many cases in their whole career. When I was diagnosed,
15 years ago, by a GP who was then in her 50s, I expect she’d done her training when the terms 'Juvenile' and 'Late onset' were used, not types 1 and 2. She was familiar enough with the symptoms to realise I wasn’t a classic Type 2, but because she didn’t know that adults could develop Type I, she referred me to the hospital saying,' I think you might have a weird type, because you're thin'
Good evening and thank you for sharing your story. I have a familiar tale to tell. This didn’t happen to me but my 24yr old son who in November last year had all the symptoms you’re describing coupled with severe pins and needles and cramps in his legs and very badly affected eyesight. After 3 weeks of leaving messages for our GP to call to help, I ended up in our surgery at the point of desperation insisting he get a call. They finally saw him, straight to A&E as was in DKA, spent 2 days in resus, diagnosed with type 1. The story just got worse, for weeks and weeks his levels have seriously fluctuated, his mood swings horrendous, hypos 2/3 times daily resulting in him not being able to drive which then massively affected his work. We reached out so many times. Picking up prescriptions at our doctors was worse, some weeks I’d be in there 3/4 times a week, picking everything he needed up in dribs and drabs. A Continual nightmare. He reached crisis point and finally broke down, we then were referred back to the diabetic team - at last. All credit they helped but we were then told he’s been prescribed the wrong insulin from the very beginning!! This got sorted and we then began to get the help we needed. He now has a libre which has made a world of difference, is on the right insulin and even our GP called him for a welfare check up.
I know this is hard at the beginning but it does get better, I would just reinforce to anyone to push and push for help.
His levels are more stable, his mood swings have settled and I’m so relieved to report he’s getting back to the amazing son he always was.
Trust me I know this is a hard journey. Much harder than we both imagined but it does get easier.
Good luck to you x
Good evening and thank you for sharing your story. I have a familiar tale to tell. This didn’t happen to me but my 24yr old son who in November last year had all the symptoms you’re describing coupled with severe pins and needles and cramps in his legs and very badly affected eyesight. After 3 weeks of leaving messages for our GP to call to help, I ended up in our surgery at the point of desperation insisting he get a call. They finally saw him, straight to A&E as was in DKA, spent 2 days in resus, diagnosed with type 1. The story just got worse, for weeks and weeks his levels have seriously fluctuated, his mood swings horrendous, hypos 2/3 times daily resulting in him not being able to drive which then massively affected his work. We reached out so many times. Picking up prescriptions at our doctors was worse, some weeks I’d be in there 3/4 times a week, picking everything he needed up in dribs and drabs. A Continual nightmare. He reached crisis point and finally broke down, we then were referred back to the diabetic team - at last. All credit they helped but we were then told he’s been prescribed the wrong insulin from the very beginning!! This got sorted and we then began to get the help we needed. He now has a libre which has made a world of difference, is on the right insulin and even our GP called him for a welfare check up.
I know this is hard at the beginning but it does get better, I would just reinforce to anyone to push and push for help.
His levels are more stable, his mood swings have settled and I’m so relieved to report he’s getting back to the amazing son he always was.
Trust me I know this is a hard journey. Much harder than we both imagined but it does get easier.
Good luck to you x
I've found it difficult at 37, so hats off to him for coping at that age. Initially I took to it like a duck to water, then my bloods were low constantly as I think my insulin dose was too high. Having to constantly fight hypos really triggered anxiety for me... made it so hard to get back to work and made me feel very low for weeks. As soon as my bloods became more stable it seems to have made things much easier tbh.

Thanks for sharing your story
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