twice daily update

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Kitten, whereabouts are you based/what clinic are you under? Sorry if you've said somewhere else, but I was thinking if anyone is local (esp a pumper) then we might be able to recommend an alternative clinic to you that's more pro-pumping, or even someone might be able to come along and argue with your consultant with you, I'm always up for a fight :D
After being taken off my 1st pump and put onto a pen my control went belly up and was told similar. Have 5 lines and 10 units at breakfast at 7.30 then 1 line at 10. 6 lines and 12 units for dinner at 12.30 and so on. I can understand where they're coming from in that you need to regain some control before you start having flexibility again but this was 15-20 years back.

Hope all works out for you. Listen to what they say but stand your ground and be sure they listen as well!
hello everyone, sorry thatthis update is so late but i ended up in hospital on wednesday night. my bsl went off the scale high after eating a piece of cod in breadcrumbs with salad and light mayonaise for dinner. total carbs :25g. i rang nhs direct and they told me to go to hospital and i have just got home now. blood sugars are still random and a nurse checked my tummy today and said that i have severe lypos,i have never been warned about these before and since i always put cannulas in those places i guess we have found the answer to the highs and swings? what do we all think?
and when i was in hospital last night my diabetic consultant was due to do a ward round and didnt even see me and i got sent to another ward, i asked all the nurses would it not be better for her to see me so that i can speak to her as she normally deals with me and they said that she wouldnt see me. someone is very very embarassed about being so useless me thinks! i have a gp appointment on friday and basically enough is way too much i am changing consultants because she does nothing and tells me naff all. rant over, sorry for rant peoples x
hope uve all been well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s. will put some more replies on later but just wanted to ram this on quick so u knew where id been and i didnt seem ungrateful for disapearing xx
and when i was in hospital last night my diabetic consultant was due to do a ward round and didnt even see me and i got sent to another ward, i asked all the nurses would it not be better for her to see me so that i can speak to her as she normally deals with me and they said that she wouldnt see me. /QUOTE]

"WOULDN'T" see you?!! WTF?? 😱😡 Sorry, know I've said this before, but I really think it's time for a formal complaint now - that doc's attitude sucks, especially as you were in hospital PURELY as a result of your diabetes!! If a random ward nurse could spot lipohypertrophy, why on earth hasn't this consultant spotted it at your annual check ups? No wonder your BG levels have been haywire! Sorry, not shouting at you, but I really honestly think (esp as you are going to change docs) that it's time to go formal & make a complaint - this is appalling treatment! Seriously, this doc needs resetting (Manually maybe?! Grrr!!!)
hey twitchy 🙂
glad you agree with me!!
im kind of irate to be honest
im going to go to pals and complain about it and then im going to change consultants at the doctors. could anyone suggest a good clinic ? I am a from the north west and will travel ten zillion miles or more for decent care to be honest. im also going to talk to john at input.
and this is my plan basically : im going to tell the dr i need to change consultants and then do so and then im going to stop taking the novomix and put the pump back on and begin using it again with thigh cannulations and reset all basal levels and start tweaking them again fronm scratch. maybe this sounds crazy maybe this sounds good idk, opinions pls 🙂xxxx
Hi Lucy, sorry to hear of your enforced visit to the hospital, but glad to hear that the source of the problem has been identified! Rally, this is schoolboy-level diabetes knowledge - not observing or even thinking of injection site lumps is unfrgiveable in someone who has reached consultant level. I was told about the dangers of lumps when I was first taught how to inject, as the DSN was explaining why it was necessary to rotate injection sites.

I hope that this is an end to the erratic numbers and the start of brilliant BG levels! 🙂
In that book "pumping insulin" , if memory serves it had a link to an american website where people could recommend good diabetes docs... does anyone know of a UK equivalent? Maybe John at INPUT could help?...

I'm from the midlands, so not much help I'm afraid...
thanks northerner i hope so too! i really feel that someone somewhere someplace sometiem some professional should of noticed this in 6 years or at least forewarned me or something? hmmm!
twitchy- thank you so so so much and if your from the mids i bet u have a lovely accent🙂 my oh is a brummy and i think his accent is divine 🙂 xxxx
It sounds to me that your consultant is extremely negligent. Definately time to change in my opinion! A formal complaint would also be a must! Your situation has really boiled my blood! I truely hope you get sorted out soon 🙂

Please take care and keep us informed with how you get on!

When you switch, assuming it's what you want of course, make sure they get you back on the pump!

All the best,

twitchy- thank you so so so much and if your from the mids i bet u have a lovely accent my oh is a brummy and i think his accent is divine xxxx

hahaha! :D Actually I'm originally a "soft southern nancy' lurking in the east mids really, born in Surrey don't'cher'know! 😉 Although one time when I visited I was mocked by the relatives for the changes in my accent, but I haven't started using the phrase 'ya'right, me duck?' yet! :D
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