twice daily update

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey guys,
im very sorry that i haven't been around for a couple of days but my laptop broke and had to be taken in for repairs.
but here i am again.
just to update you all i still have my pump at home but i am currently on twice daily injections. my blood sugars on these are horrendous. apparently i am not allowed to use my pump again because my hba1c is 10. I said that this is a ridiculous reason, although i am not in denial that my hba1c of 10 is far from ideal. But I said to the consultant that i do not feel that twice daily injections fit in with my lifestyle - the main reason being that i am a shiftworker and i usually have a 65-70 hour week. so i find it hard to fit in meals and snacks at the same times each day. I also explained that by no means am i simply trying to get my pump back, i am just merely suggesting that a basal bolus regieme on injections would probably work better for me. I was told that myu lifestyle will have to change because my regieme certainly won't be. Could I just please have some views on this?
Thanks so much
im so desperate and frustrated by it all,
p.s. i have an appointment at the gps tomorrow morning.
Lucy xxx
I don't understand that logic at all, and you certainly shouldn't have to change your lifestyle to fit your injections! That's one of the best things about a pump! And isn't it supposed to give you greater control to help you reduce your HbA1c? So, one place says 'you can't have a pump becuase you have to be above 8.5%, and your place says you can't have one unless you're below 10%???? What nonsense!

And I am not surprised at all that two injections are playing havoc with your levels, it's probably one of the most extreme shifts in regime you could experience after using a pump! I wonder if it would be worth contacting John Davis at Input - he might be able to advise the best way to tackle the situation - he has probably dealt with people taking 'pump holidays'

Good luck! 🙂
Good luck for tomorrow kitten hun we are routing for you, thanks for the update X
as if being diagnosed with D in the first place has not changed your lifestyle around enough already grr so frustrating for you hun
Dear Northerner thank you so very veyr much for your reply,
I will definately contact John Davis. The more support and advice the merrier.
Am i being awkward in saying that i shouldnt have to change my lifestyle?
and that i should be put on a regieme that suits my lifestyle? is that me being hardwork? honest opinions please. I just need to work. I have no choice in the matter and can;t get another job and i do absolutely adore my current job xxxx
steffie 🙂 ty so very very much hun. sorry i didnt see your reply untill after i posted mine. computers arent my best strength xxxx
OMG i cant believe what they are saying ...your lifestyle totally involves a 60-75 hr week of work 😱😱 what? are they asking you to do get a job with less hours for the same pay?? i don't know your situation but im sure in this economic crisis they are hard to come by !
another thing i wish to add after reading your last thread but didnt have time too answer (soz just started full time work aswell) them threatening to physically remove your pump would be regarded as assault and if any other pumpers reading this ever experience the same tell them thats it would be regarded as assault !!!!
Dear Northerner thank you so very veyr much for your reply,
I will definately contact John Davis. The more support and advice the merrier.
Am i being awkward in saying that i shouldnt have to change my lifestyle?
and that i should be put on a regieme that suits my lifestyle? is that me being hardwork? honest opinions please. I just need to work. I have no choice in the matter and can;t get another job and i do absolutely adore my current job xxxx

Lucy, the whole point of all the research and advances that have been made in diabetes management over the past 20 years is to make it EASIER to live life as YOU want to without diabetes holding you back. So no, you are not being awkward at all. When Sir Steve Redgrave was diagnosed when he was training for his fifth gold medal he tried using injections (4) but they just weren't flexible enough for him to train properly. So he got a pump (he could afford to buy his own). The whole point is that he didn't have to let diabetes stand in the way of his lifestyle,and neither should you!
btw the 65-70 hour week comprises of full time study and my shifts at mcdonalds, i still add them alltogether though because they are not my freetime lol. i can't afford to work any less because of the current economic situation and the need for money in my household. both my sister and mother face possible redundancies so my work is more important than ever to covering the mortgage and food bills etc. darn credit cruncher :(
hear hear !!
is it cheaper by any chance to keep T1 's on injections ..does anyone know ?
btw the 65-70 hour week comprises of full time study and my shifts at mcdonalds, i still add them alltogether though because they are not my freetime lol. i can't afford to work any less because of the current economic situation and the need for money in my household. both my sister and mother face possible redundancies so my work is more important than ever to covering the mortgage and food bills etc. darn credit cruncher :(

so basically kitten your docs are saying give up the full time study or your job !!! 😱 need the money to survive choice then in their eyes ... they basically want you to work for mc donalds !!😡 these folks are living in cloud cookoo land !
btw the 65-70 hour week comprises of full time study and my shifts at mcdonalds, i still add them alltogether though because they are not my freetime lol. i can't afford to work any less because of the current economic situation and the need for money in my household. both my sister and mother face possible redundancies so my work is more important than ever to covering the mortgage and food bills etc. darn credit cruncher :(

if yu're working full time at mcds then i would say the more flexibility the better. i worked at mcds for 5 years on 4 times a day and it failed...epically, same with kfc. its the type of environment where both highs and lows can sneak up unanounced.

let me at your clinic. they wont know whats hit them!
yeah thank god you've said that and you know what i mean! when your working at mcds you really can be non stop and not know your hypo or hyper till your on the floor can't you. no exageration. it just is that type of environment as you say. don't get me wrong i do love my job but if i give that up just for college than the family cant pay our bills and if i give up college then i cant go to uni and fullfill my dreams. which i dont wanna give up either. is that silly of me? please someone answer me honestly,
i swear to god that i really do not know what im doing anymore
yeah thank god you've said that and you know what i mean! when your working at mcds you really can be non stop and not know your hypo or hyper till your on the floor can't you. no exageration. it just is that type of environment as you say. don't get me wrong i do love my job but if i give that up just for college than the family cant pay our bills and if i give up college then i cant go to uni and fullfill my dreams. which i dont wanna give up either. is that silly of me? please someone answer me honestly,
i swear to god that i really do not know what im doing anymore

not silly at all. You have every right to do whatever you want - both work and go to college. Get your foot put down hun, they cannot do this to you - get onto John at INPUT (he's great!) and if they still don't listen then get onto your local MP. And then let me at em!!!

I couldn't wait to get away from bloody mcd's. Since escaping I refuse to eat there anymore LOL! Just..*shudder* 🙂
thankyou so so sooooooooooo much for your support babes 🙂 i really dont mean to be overdramatic but this experience is just breaking me as a person. When I was on a pump i knew what to do or so i thought. apparently the nurse i used to see though has been sacked for abusing patients by telling them to purposely misuse their pumps. personally i really really trusted her and had a very close relationship with her. so this was a huge blow to me. i know that sounds very overdramatic but i have taken that news very badly.
not silly at all. You have every right to do whatever you want - both work and go to college. Get your foot put down hun, they cannot do this to you - get onto John at INPUT (he's great!) and if they still don't listen then get onto your local MP. And then let me at em!!!

I couldn't wait to get away from bloody mcd's. Since escaping I refuse to eat there anymore LOL! Just..*shudder* 🙂

good one sam ...john at INPUT as far as i have heard from the forum is great and im sure hed have a few things to say about your treatment kitten ...stay strong hun ..have you got the contact details for INPUT if not Im sure some one will be on with the info for you x good luck 🙂
I'd seriously be screaming blue murder and i'd also complain to everyone. MP, governing body, the lot! It's sickening. I'd also demand to be seen by another clinic. You are not being awkward by any stretch. Fight it all the way!
Ask to see another consultant - your GP should be able to refer you to one. Also if the nurse who was giving pump advice has been fired - how can they be sure that you have been given the knowledge you needed to use the pump.

I thought you said that your HbA1c had come down from 12.* to 10.* - surely that shows the pump was having some success.
This is absolutely ridiculous!!!!

Diabetes has to fit in with your lifestyle!! Not your lifestyle has to fit in with your Diabetes. To take the pump off you when you HAVE made an improvement by going from 12 to 10 and then put you on the worst possible regime.....

Fight, Fight, Fight
ah Kitten this sucks big time. and you are definitely right to be fighting this and diabetes and injecting etc all fits in around your life NOT the other way round.

I would not accept this attitude from a Dr or diabetes specialist/team. absolutely ridiculous.

I'd put money on the person who made that comment only knowing about managing diabetes in the way they suggested and that's why they're pushing it. unless you are a child (and even most of them don't) nobody is on 2 injections a day for Type 1.

let us know how you get on!
Hey Kitten, how did it go today?

Like the others have said, it's ridiculous that they should even suggest that you should alter your lifestyle to fit the diabetes - that's dinosaur thinking!

Seriously, please, please contact INPUT. I'd also be asking the GP to refer me to a different diabetic consultant if I were you, even if it means traveling it sounds like it will be worth it! Sounds like your current diabetes doc is a total expletive... 😡 As I understand, you have the 'Right' under NHS Choices to chose which doc cares for you... time to assert that right I'd say! Meanwhile I think i'd start using words like "Formal Complaint" to the docs in your diabetes clinic - if you make a complaint it has to be investigated which is a pain in the backside for them so they will have to start giving you some sensible answers. Frankly, to give you a pump without the support (which from this & another thread it what it sounds like they have done) to me sounds like a kind of negligence!! Grrrr. Please do contact INPUT though - they have a great reputation for helping people with issues like this.

All the best,

Twitchy xxx
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