
Random question as well. Is this classed as a spike. Before breakfact i was 7.8mmol then 2 hours after i was 11.1mmol. is that too high a difference ?
Random question as well. Is this classed as a spike. Before breakfast it was 7.8mmol then 2 hours after i was 11.1mmol. is that too high a difference ?
It is certainly more than you really want to be seeing, 2-3mmol/l increase is what you should be aiming at. What did you have? clearly a bit too carb heavy for you to tolerate.
It is certainly more than you really want to be seeing, 2-3mmol/l increase is what you should be aiming at. What did you have? clearly a bit too carb heavy for you to tolerate.
I had 50g of porridge oats with a teaspoon of peanut butter and a small handful of blueberries with full fat milk
Speaking as one who "failed" almost 50 years ago I think that you will find it very difficult to offend anyone on this site. Most have been through the mill if not in exactly the same boat then as something very close.

If you need insulin then you need insulin, and that must be accepted. It is not as bad as might be imagined. I can think of far worse things that someone might have to do.

If it can be said that a person has failed because they do not have blue eyes then I suppose that you might be able to say that they had failed as they need insulin, but not otherwise.

Hope that you get things sorted out soon. Remember that things are never as bad as they could be if they were worse.
So i have spoken to my DN this morning and she confirmed we did the GAD tests at diagnosis and that the numbers pointed in the direction of type 2. She believes that my body isnt responding to the 3 lots of medication that i am on now (we have chopped and changed to different ones as well) i am at 66mmol at the moment and my next AC1 test is in october. She said the next and only option left (according to guidlines when it comes to triple therapy) is insulin which i am terrified about and really dont want it. I dont want to offend anyone by saying this but i feel in myself that i have failed if i end up going on insulin....that and i am not a massive fan of having to inject! I have asked her to put me on the list to speak to a diabetic dietician (we had to hold of due to covid but they are starting up again)

You won’t have failed if you need insulin. Some Type 2s do and through no fault of their own. Insulin could be a great answer for you if it helps control your blood sugar. The injections aren’t too bad and the pen needles are really tiny.

I know that probably doesn’t encourage you much, but if it’s what you need, then it’s what you need. It’s certainly not a judgement on you.
I had 50g of porridge oats with a teaspoon of peanut butter and a small handful of blueberries with full fat milk
Your breakfast could be 40g plus carbs as oats are about 60g carb per 100g and the blueberries could be 10g depending on the size of your handful plus the milk. So that could easily show that sort of increase in glucose level.