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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
At my last hospital checkup my hba1c was 5.6, the best I've ever had but my doc. suggested I tried moving from Lantus to Tresiba.

I've not been on Tresiba for long but so far I have no control. Blood sugars jumping high to low and it's making me feel so down & frustrated!

Has anybody else here had issues adjusting to Tresiba? How long did it take for blood sugars to settle down?
My daughter’s been on it for just over a week and we’re still struggling to get control although mostly at the higher end (no hypos) so I’m interested too.
Hello @Jess22 and welcome to the forum 🙂

I asked to change from Lantus to Tresiba because I had such problems with Lantus! Tresiba is better for me (my sugars still aren't great, but I suspect that's me rather than the Tresiba) - but we are all different. I think I adjusted within days, but tbh if I were you I'd give it a couple of weeks and if things don't improve, ask them if you can go back to the Lantus, or (if there's a particular reason they wanted you off Lantus) if you can try Levemir instead - that might give you better control.

If your activity levels vary a lot from day to day then Tresiba is not ideal for you because it's so long-lasting - Levemir would be much better from that point of view. It's an extra injection (you need to inject it twice a day) but that means you can have more for the day and less for the night (or vice versa) and vary it from day to day according to whatever exercise you're doing. But if the issue with Tresiba isn't to do with varying activities/exercise, then I'd just ask for your Lantus back.
Interesting! I'll look in to that 🙂
I could tell the Lantus wasn't lasting the full 24 hours which is why the doc. has put me on Tresiba. I think I'm feeling extra anxious as my blood sugars were pretty stable & now they just feel out of control. I know I need to try & be patient to give my body time but at times it's REALLY hard
And the anxiety won't be helping stabilise your blood sugar, of course - it's a bit of a circular problem, that one.

Hope you either adjust or get something better for you soon.
Jess, with a superb hba1c result of 5.6 I'm surprised your Consultant wanted to change any part of your regime.

You didn't say how long you have been diabetic. With such a low hba1c my guess is not too long.
I used to inject Lantus and had issues with its duration. I split the dosage of Lantus and that helped to flatten out the profile.
Last Christmas, with the aim of achieving tighter control, I asked to try Levemir (also split dose), which has a shorter duration than Lantus, and allows more flexibility of basal variations.
The Levemir, coupled with a low carb high fat diet and intermittent fasting, have allowed me to achieve an hba1c under 6 for the first time in a decade.
No matter which basal you are taking, spend time basal testing. (And that will take time.) Tresiba has a long duration so you will have to wait several days to benefit from any alterations of basal.
Good luck.
I tried splitting Lantus too, Benny, but it was a nightmare for me - it made my blood sugar go absolutely haywire. I think very tiny doses of Lantus (which splitting mine meant I was on) aren't a good idea, but it just shows we are all different!
Interesting! I'll look in to that 🙂
I could tell the Lantus wasn't lasting the full 24 hours which is why the doc. has put me on Tresiba. I think I'm feeling extra anxious as my blood sugars were pretty stable & now they just feel out of control. I know I need to try & be patient to give my body time but at times it's REALLY hard

You might find Levemir in two doses gives you the 24 hour coverage, and a bit of day/night flexibility, but without the dose hanging around on days you don't want it to.

If Tresiba isn't working out for you, and if you;re not getting the benefits you had hoped for it's worth thinking again once you've given it a decent go.

An A1c of 5.6 (37ish) sounds like you were doing pretty well on the old insulins!
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