Travelling with a pump

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Heathrow was a breeze, they took the loan pump from me so I didn't have to carry it with me (after me making sure they definitely would not but it through the scanner or x-ray machines). When I went to walk through the metal detector the woman manning it asked what was around my waist, I told her and that was it! No requests for me to go in the body scanner at all!

San Francisco was a bit different, I had to opt out of going through the body scanner as everyone has to go through it. They had to do a pat down and swab my hands after I had touched my pump. They also needed to open the loan pump to check that.

But, it wasn't as scary as I thought! So I won't be so nervous next time I travel abroad!

Thanks for all your help and advice 🙂
Great to hear Carla! 🙂 There's nothing to beat actual experience of these things to ease your mind 🙂
Did you have a good holi ? I know its a daft question but that's the interesting bit 😉
It was an amazing holiday thanks for asking, a great experience (ticked whale watching in Monterey off of my bucket list :D)! But as usual, went far too quick and doesn't feel like I've had a holiday now I'm back at work 😉

I struggled a bit with keeping blood sugars under control, eating out a lot and lots of walking in the heat! But all under control now I'm back in my usual routine!
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