Too many hypos...

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3 today, so going down a bit, seems to be ok right now so hopefully I can have a hypo free night

hi aymes, regarding the hypos have they all been really low ones or just the annoying 3+'s ? Have they been quick to rise again or the ones that take ages :D . The last couple ive had [ this week] have dropped quickly & taken ages to get up again!!!:D Lucozade's profits have doubled this week just from my custom Lol:D
hi aymes, regarding the hypos have they all been really low ones or just the annoying 3+'s ? Have they been quick to rise again or the ones that take ages :D . The last couple ive had [ this week] have dropped quickly & taken ages to get up again!!!:D Lucozade's profits have doubled this week just from my custom Lol:D

Mostly been low threes or high twos, 2.2 last night was the lowest but yes they've been the annoying ones that just won't go back up for a long time, I've been majorly over treating but still not gone up much at all.
Ah, I'm not a lucozade fan but I'd imagine Norwich will have a shortage of apple juice if I don't get it sorted out soon!
Just a suggestion, If you have cut your insulin right back and still going hypo. Ask to be tested for addison's disease.
If you drive. I would suspect you are in danger of having your license pulled unless you get it sorted.

Just a suggestion, If you have cut your insulin right back and still going hypo. Ask to be tested for addison's disease.
If you drive. I would suspect you are in danger of having your license pulled unless you get it sorted.


hi sue, just out of interest what is addisons disease?? sounds vaguely familiar i think:confused:
Just a suggestion, If you have cut your insulin right back and still going hypo. Ask to be tested for addison's disease.
If you drive. I would suspect you are in danger of having your license pulled unless you get it sorted.


I don't drive so that's not an immediate concern thank goodness. Hopefully I've got it under control now but if it persists I will look at investigating further.
I don't drive so that's not an immediate concern thank goodness. Hopefully I've got it under control now but if it persists I will look at investigating further.

aymes, I hope that tonight and tomorrow are memorable for their lack of hypos!🙂
hi sue, just out of interest what is addisons disease?? sounds vaguely familiar i think:confused:

Addison's disease is where your adrenal glands stop working. Thus you do not produce cortisol. Which in turn causes very low blood sugars which can not be corrected by carbs. (Steroids are the fix)It also causes BP to drop through the floor boards too. Obviously there's quite a few other symptoms too. Treatment is replacement steroids every day for the rest of your life.

I don't drive so that's not an immediate concern thank goodness. Hopefully I've got it under control now but if it persists I will look at investigating further.
Phew thank goodness you don't drive yet and fantastic you have regained control.
Addison's disease is where your adrenal glands stop working. Thus you do not produce cortisol. Which in turn causes very low blood sugars which can not be corrected by carbs. (Steroids are the fix)It also causes BP to drop through the floor boards too. Obviously there's quite a few other symptoms too. Treatment is replacement steroids every day for the rest of your life.

Phew thank goodness you don't drive yet and fantastic you have regained control.

Thanks for that Sue 🙂 I see i'm not the only early riser!!! Is Addinsons quite common in diabetics? Just being nosey really.. you never know when another disease will come to stay :D
Thanks for that Sue 🙂 I see i'm not the only early riser!!! Is Addinsons quite common in diabetics? Just being nosey really.. you never know when another disease will come to stay :D

Addison's is autoimmune so anyone could develope it.
Addison's is quite rare though I think they quote 1 in 100,000.
How common it is in diabetics, I don't know. I read a forum which doesn't seem to have any diabetics on it but all have addison's and other autoimmune conditions.
There is a specialist forum for diabetic addison's but there's not that many posters.
So guess in a way then we are no more prone to it than none diabetics.
Which all translates to mean I have no idea. :D
Addison's disease is where your adrenal glands stop working. Thus you do not produce cortisol. Which in turn causes very low blood sugars which can not be corrected by carbs. (Steroids are the fix.

But once effective steroid therapy is in place I assume hypos can be corrected with carbs?
But once effective steroid therapy is in place I assume hypos can be corrected with carbs?

Well that depends what caused the hypo 🙂
If it's low steroid due to infection or an addison's crisis then more steroid is required.
Normal hypo as you say can be treated by carbs.
Well after another (very low) hypo overnight I have now spoken to a DSN at my hospital. We're concerned because they're starting to get lower and lower before I'm noticing them now (I guess becuase there's been so many, now on number 13 since Monday!) so she's advised me to cut my lantus right down, rather than by the 10%-20% each time that I've been doing, to effectively let myself go a bit high (not looking forward to that!), to hopefully totally eliminate any chance of going low. I can then gradually increase the lantus back up until I hopefully stabilise. I'm then going to speak with my usual DSN on Monday to see how things are going and we can lok at if there's anything else needed.
Sounds like a good plan, I hope that it works and you can elimiate those hypos, they must be very draining. Are you reducing your novorapid aswell? I think you've dne the right thing in gettng some professional advice, it's important to recognise when we need a bit of extra help.

I remember when I was in hospital and low for several hours I didn't feel low anymore, my body had adjusted to the low numbers.

hope you can get on top of it
Well after another (very low) hypo overnight I have now spoken to a DSN at my hospital. We're concerned because they're starting to get lower and lower before I'm noticing them now (I guess becuase there's been so many, now on number 13 since Monday!) so she's advised me to cut my lantus right down, rather than by the 10%-20% each time that I've been doing, to effectively let myself go a bit high (not looking forward to that!), to hopefully totally eliminate any chance of going low. I can then gradually increase the lantus back up until I hopefully stabilise. I'm then going to speak with my usual DSN on Monday to see how things are going and we can lok at if there's anything else needed.

Hi Aymes i hope you have a better weekend and manage to get it sorted out quickly. 13?? thats a bl***y lot😡 What levels are you going to bed at just out of interest?? I used to be on Lantus but changed to Levemir and for a while if i went to bed less than 11/12 i would be hypo by early hours, when i lowered the Levemir i started waking up to high ones 😡 Hope you feel better soon🙂
Are you reducing your novorapid aswell?

I have been, but not 'formally'. By that I mean not according to any pattern or theory, just a general feeling that I'm likely to be going low so I've chopped 1 or 2 units off doses and always rounded down etc

Hi Aymes i hope you have a better weekend and manage to get it sorted out quickly. 13?? thats a bl***y lot😡 What levels are you going to bed at just out of interest?? I used to be on Lantus but changed to Levemir and for a while if i went to bed less than 11/12 i would be hypo by early hours, when i lowered the Levemir i started waking up to high ones 😡 Hope you feel better soon🙂

Tell me about it, should look into what the record is or something! Before this week my lantus was pretty good, I could go to bed with levels of 5 and wake up the same, was quite impressed with my basal calculations! This week I've been going to bed with levels of 7ish plus a snack but it still hasn't stopped them.

I went through a huge list of 'is anything different' with the DSN but nothing apart from the weather so we're both a little stumped!
Sounds like you're going through something similar to what I've been experiencing aymes, although I haven't had anywhere near as many hypos! Given that a few weeks ago I was concerned what a one unit drop in my lantus might do to my control, it's astonishing to now be on half what I was! I was 6.1 this morning, but was particularly inactive yesterday, and sniffling a bit. Still not sure if a cold's coming - went for a run and felt fine, and was 5.1 before lunch. I did notice that I was higher than usual before the run, despite taking a little extra correction NR with my breakfast to cover the higher fasting level/infection possibility.

Now that I've been for a run, I'm wondering if I need to reduce the lantus this evening as it was quite a long run and normally affects me for 36-40 hours! And I used to find quadratic equations tricky - they should get kids to work out insulin doses in schools, then no-one could accuse them of 'dumbing down'!😱:D

Hope you have some lovely 'in range' levels tomorrow!🙂
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