Too Good at Controlling it.

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Much Missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It`s a beautiful Sunday in Torbay🙂. Just strolling through the forum reading and commenting, before we stroll down to the beach. (200yds). Thought a good time to let you know my latest HbA1c results. Dx. October 2017 @156: December 2017 @48: April 2018 @48: June 20 2018 @38:D. Saw the DSN and Doctor the same day, DSN didn't say much just done a full review and discussed diet. I told her I was on a LCHF diet following advice in this forum she agreed I was doing something right. Next the Doctor! In the surgery, sat down talking told me he has never said this before but I was too good at controlling my diabetes😳. I was starting to explain my regime when it started, a full blown hypo😱😳. It didn't give me chance to get to my jelly babies, so from the chair it seemed better to settle on the floor:(. Managed to get Jelly babies out of pocket and quickly devoured them, Doc managed to get me back on chair and took my BS. 2.9 mmol after 5 minutes BS. back up to 7.1. Panic over he reduced my insulin
by 10 units in a.m. 4 units p.m. although I had been gradually decreasing daily.
Hot weather a big issue so maybe not reducing it enough although when left
home for surgery BS. was 7.9 after breakfast. Well he took some more bloods and when he removed needle blood everywhere, all over my new shorts😡.
Managed to get it all out very quickly but looked like my bladder had exploded, sat in waiting room for 10 minutes a bit subdued but ok. Spent a further hour with doc going through everything diabetic wise, I asked about FSL and pump he said he would write to HCP but don`t get your hopes up. I think the Doc was very professional apart from the blood issue and took the time and care to take the time to make sure all was ok before leaving the surgery. Thanks Doc.🙂
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Sorry to hear about the hypo - they often seem to happen at the most inopportune moments! 🙄 Great results though 🙂 I have been diagnosed for 10 years now, and one of the most difficult things to get right is making the adjustments to medication required to keep levels stable during extreme changes to weather - hot or cold. Food is but one factor in all this, and when other factors change significantly - i.e. not just the odd hot day, but a heatwave, or a 'Beast from the East - then they can have a greater impact on how our bodies are able to react. A healthy pancreas maintains the balance by releasing minute amounts of insulin or glucagon, as required, but for us trying to manage things without that mechanism can be tricky.

I hope the decrease in insulin doses helps you to more comfortable levels 🙂
Thanks @Northerner, levels were a bit high for a few days 10`ish but more stable now 6 to 8. A bit low yesterday afternoon 3.9 in the heat managed to sort it before any problems. Cheers🙂.
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