Tonight's tea.

I was helping my partner compete at a local show today and we didn't expect to do well so we didn't take a packed lunch as we normally do, expecting to be heading home early, but surprisingly we won, not just our class but the championship, so had to stay on for the parade later in the afternoon. Had a wander around the show ground and I found a Greek Street Food vendor, so it was Halloumi chips with a salad with olives and tzatziki for me and fish and chips for him. Wasn't even tempted to cadge a chip from him.
Wholesome for non Diabetics but the casserole had lentils and pearl barley as well as the beef carrots and onions. Very delicious. My husband is an amazing cook, which is good and bad as he has no idea of portion size.
Lol. That reminds me of when I was first married: I was doing a lot of cycle racing and so had to eat vast amounts, whereas my wife had a sedentary job and didn't take much exercise. Unfortunately I started off by giving her the same portion sizes as me when I cooked for us, until she pointed out that she needed to eat much less 😱.
I had poached salmon and coleslaw for lunch and a grilled pork chop with mushrooms, cauliflower and broccoli for tea. The standard berries and Yog for pudding. No alcohol today..........yesturdays beer festival was a half pint of goldihops, then onto the water as I was driving BUT lunch was two spring rolls with dipping sauce,and a small portion of noodles with mixed veg. Have not had any pasta /noodles for months, so I did enjoy them, but straight and narrow beckons .
Well your 'zigzag and wide' equates to my "straight and narrow" 😱
I was helping my partner compete at a local show today and we didn't expect to do well so we didn't take a packed lunch as we normally do, expecting to be heading home early, but surprisingly we won, not just our class but the championship, so had to stay on for the parade later in the afternoon. Had a wander around the show ground and I found a Greek Street Food vendor, so it was Halloumi chips with a salad with olives and tzatziki for me and fish and chips for him. Wasn't even tempted to cadge a chip from him.
I've never heard of a Greek Street Food vendor at a show: what a lovely difference to the usual rubbish :party:
I've never heard of a Greek Street Food vendor at a show: what a lovely difference to the usual rubbish :party:
Yes, I was delighted to find such a stall although there were other quite specialised hot food outlets like a German sausage stall as well as fish and chips and burgers and hog roast.
Our two local shows (Wolsingham and Stanhope) up in Weardale both have really excellent food halls selling local artisan produce as well as hot food catering and lots of craft stalls. Sadly because we are always competing at them, I rarely get a chance to have a look around, but we had a little time to kill before the parade and presentation yesterday.
Yes, I was delighted to find such a stall although there were other quite specialised hot food outlets like a German sausage stall as well as fish and chips and burgers and hog roast.
Our two local shows (Wolsingham and Stanhope) up in Weardale both have really excellent food halls selling local artisan produce as well as hot food catering and lots of craft stalls. Sadly because we are always competing at them, I rarely get a chance to have a look around, but we had a little time to kill before the parade and presentation yesterday.
That reminds me of a country show in the Lake District that had a lovely South Asian food stall one of the years that we went. I always wonder: what's the difference between roast hog and roast pork - apart from the cost?
Lol. That reminds me of when I was first married: I was doing a lot of cycle racing and so had to eat vast amounts, whereas my wife had a sedentary job and didn't take much exercise. Unfortunately I started off by giving her the same portion sizes as me when I cooked for us, until she pointed out that she needed to eat much less 😱.
My husband is about twice my size so even cutting down on portion size as he is trying to lose some weight, he does eat more than me.
:rofl: been there,done that, got the T shirt