Tonight's tea.


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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Oh dear, fallen off the cliff.!!!!!!!! Busy day, finally sat down. DH poured me a g and t as I had succumbed and bought a bottle as well as some peanuts. He's poured another one, so if he wants anything to eat it's a DIY, and I shall probably fall asleep. Naughty me.......... tomorrow is another day.
Oh dear, fallen off the cliff.!!!!!!!! Busy day, finally sat down. DH poured me a g and t as I had succumbed and bought a bottle as well as some peanuts. He's poured another one, so if he wants anything to eat it's a DIY, and I shall probably fall asleep. Naughty me.......... tomorrow is another day.
As long as it was diet tonic that should be no problem or even the peanuts. But it would be wise to eat something proper even if it is only cheese, cooked meat and salad or an omelette.
It gets worse, it was only diet tonic as I don't like the other ones but I had two slice of white toast, one with butter and the other pate!!!!!!! Sorry, but I just needed crap food . Get on the bandwagon tomorrow. So far, I feel fine, tired but nothing odd. That's another story.
Been a good girl, had lots of water, been to the loo twice so that's that for today. Just had lunch.....three crackers with pate, 3 x 5.5 carbs according to the pack, add the end of the pate which I stretched out, four teaspoons hummus with cucumber batons. So I thinks that's OK. Bought some Portobello mushrooms, so need to find something to do with them for tonight. Will not be having gin this evening.........shall wait till the weekend.
Been a good girl, had lots of water, been to the loo twice so that's that for today. Just had lunch.....three crackers with pate, 3 x 5.5 carbs according to the pack, add the end of the pate which I stretched out, four teaspoons hummus with cucumber batons. So I thinks that's OK. Bought some Portobello mushrooms, so need to find something to do with them for tonight. Will not be having gin this evening.........shall wait till the weekend.
One of our favourites is mushrooms with grilled halloumi and spinach or shredded cabbage.
We all need crap food sometimes @EMcKT and it's probably done you good. As long as you get back on the wagon, please don't beat yourself up :care:
Thanks, I won't. I think I'm just a bit fed up with the change in the weather, the fact that it's September, need to visit the doctor to sort out B12 level. That alone adds to the fed up.
Tea ended up as a three egg omelette with fried mushrooms and some grated cheese, Yog and dark fruit for pudding. I was too busy grilling someones Wagu burgers and onion to sift through cook books!!!! But I know what I'm having tomorrow. Ha ha.
Thanks, I won't. I think I'm just a bit fed up with the change in the weather, the fact that it's September, need to visit the doctor to sort out B12 level. That alone adds to the fed up.
Tea ended up as a three egg omelette with fried mushrooms and some grated cheese, Yog and dark fruit for pudding. I was too busy grilling someones Wagu burgers and onion to sift through cook books!!!! But I know what I'm having tomorrow. Ha ha.
Don't you like Wagu burgers as they are low carb or perhaps you are veggie in which case no you wouldn't.
Oh dear, fallen off the cliff.!!!!!!!! Busy day, finally sat down. DH poured me a g and t as I had succumbed and bought a bottle as well as some peanuts. He's poured another one, so if he wants anything to eat it's a DIY, and I shall probably fall asleep. Naughty me.......... tomorrow is another day.
I work in the field of mental health (although not diabetes-specific) and there's a concept known as 'parity of esteem', in which we regard psychological health as just as important as physical health. So, denying oneself a treat when one's feeling fed up may be as harmful as indulging - within reason! I find that taking some exercise (even just going for a walk) is a great way to address any guilt that I may feel about eating the 'wrong' thing(s), as it makes me feel better anyway and I can tell myself that I'm counteracting the extra carbs/fat.
Don't you like Wagu burgers as they are low carb or perhaps you are veggie in which case no you wouldn't.
I am not a huge meat eater and bought them as a treat for DH. Much tastier than the ones he usually has. I would struggle to eat one of them far less digest them, they are so thick.
Had the dreaded mushrooms finally. Oven baked, someones Mac and cheese and garlic bread in as well, then added sliced tomato, mozzarella, more tomato and green pesto on the mushrooms, another 10 mins in oven. Very tasty if a wee bit watery.. won't buy again as I refer them with a blue cheese stuffing.......I love pesto, but might have to reach for the rennies.!!!!!!!
Had the dreaded mushrooms finally. Oven baked, someones Mac and cheese and garlic bread in as well, then added sliced tomato, mozzarella, more tomato and green pesto on the mushrooms, another 10 mins in oven. Very tasty if a wee bit watery.. won't buy again as I refer them with a blue cheese stuffing.......I love pesto, but might have to reach for the rennies.!!!!!!!
I love mushrooms - especially stuffed with stilton 🙂
Hmm...mushrooms stuffed with Stilton...two of my favourite things to eat.
I have to say that I prefer Stilton on its own rather than with mushrooms, so I'd go for baked portobello mushrooms - and the Stilton afterwards
Indeed, but I was too weary to work out the carbs in some breadcrumbs, although I had only homemade veg soup and cheese at lunchtime, so I would have been well under for the day........eggs and mushrooms tomorrow for brunch.......last of the local beer open days tomorrow with Thai kitchen there. ........that will make me think.
I sinned a bit today too as we had family visiting. Beef casserole for dinner with mixed root mash and steamed green cabbage. But.... I also made a plum pie with puff pastry topping. Homegrown plums. I did give OH most of my pastry and had yoghurt instead of custard but probably too much carbs overall. Back to being good tomorrow :rofl:
I sinned a bit today too as we had family visiting. Beef casserole for dinner with mixed root mash and steamed green cabbage. But.... I also made a plum pie with puff pastry topping. Homegrown plums. I did give OH most of my pastry and had yoghurt instead of custard but probably too much carbs overall. Back to being good tomorrow :rofl:
Sounds like a good wholesome meal 🙂. I love beef casserole and root mash :hello: . I don't like cabbage and I hate plums though - so my portion would have been mega-healthy :rofl:.
Wholesome for non Diabetics but the casserole had lentils and pearl barley as well as the beef carrots and onions. Very delicious. My husband is an amazing cook, which is good and bad as he has no idea of portion size.
I had poached salmon and coleslaw for lunch and a grilled pork chop with mushrooms, cauliflower and broccoli for tea. The standard berries and Yog for pudding. No alcohol today..........yesturdays beer festival was a half pint of goldihops, then onto the water as I was driving BUT lunch was two spring rolls with dipping sauce,and a small portion of noodles with mixed veg. Have not had any pasta /noodles for months, so I did enjoy them, but straight and narrow beckons .