To be forewarned....

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Reallly? Whats your 1 hour pp BG from having oven chips?
I do fine with oven chips too, thats because I usually weight hem and know I am having 20g carbs so not too much. McDonalds chips can almost be a hypo cure though!
Sasha - I was wondering about exercise, possibly drinks etc raising the BG at the 4 hour mark as opposed to the meal. But if its slow for him fair enough.

The spud I had was loaded with butter and cheese and it still hit hard & fast.

But of course there are a lot of variables, including the variety of potato which can make a difference. I also wonder about the beans which I didn't have on that occasion.

I know beans hit fast as well, from experience but that will be because of the sauce mostly having a lot of fast carbs in it. When it comes to processing the beans themselves, I suppose that could have a delayed action. I wonder if that might explain the difference.

So there could potentially be a double spike from that mix of foods, with a peak at an hour and a late peak. This would particularly be the case if in large amounts.

And of course the individual's metabolism etc

And there may be a significant difference between T1 and T2 with the added complication of the bolus. I do wonder sometimes if any delay in the BG release can cause a liver dump from a reaction to a low, while the bolus is at its peak, or tailing off. That would give the potential for a further rise when the bolus is running out and if that coincided with a late BG release from some foods then it could cause problems many variables.

Hi VHB...

Oh yes these variables.........far too many....🙂...

When Nathan had the jacket spud combo the other night...He had'nt really done much he still recovering form the dreaded swine flu...😡
Drink wise he only drinks either water or coke zero..occasionally cordial.

Absolutely the type of potato..can have an effect..depending on the starch/fibre will the method in which it is cooked...Nathans are done in the microwave which slows down the breakage in the cell structure..then finished off in the oven for 5mins just to crisp the skin..

Baked beans...yes on there own the would be a fast acting carb...but when balanced with other fats and carbs..the fibre in the bean slows the process down.

I think there could be a strong possibility that a delay in the BG release can cause the liver to dump some of its stores..But if this happens we have to bear in mind that from the next meal any glucose used from the liver, or from that of fats and or or muscle cells (protien) which can be converted to raising the BG levels...the process of Gluconeogenesis.. will be taken back and absorbed from that meal to replenish the "reservior" within the liver.

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