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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello! I have been Diabetic for over 12 years now and my sugar control has dramatically improved since going on an insulin pump last year. This is great and I thought it would reduce my daily tiredness battle.... but it hasn't and I feel lethargic throughout the day on a regular basis. I have always put this down to the Diabetes, so wondering if this is this normal, Does anyone else experience this, or should I start accepting that my condition will always make me feel tired, even with good control?

Grateful for any support.
Are you saying that your blood glucose control has improved significantly since changing to pump, but your level of tiredness hasn't improved in the same direction?
Have you ever had your thyroid levels checked? I have an underactive thyroid too and I am very tired when I forget to take the tablets or the dose isn't enough.
Have you ever had your thyroid levels checked? I have an underactive thyroid too and I am very tired when I forget to take the tablets or the dose isn't enough.

Exactly what I was going to ask ! I'm also Hypothyroid - it's as common as muck for us - and 'proper' Endos reckon we do far better with a TSH at the lower end - between 1 and 2 - not the '3' which only applies to ordinary folk - so we can be told we're 'normal' if our result is between 3 and 6, but it isn't!
Are you saying that your blood glucose control has improved significantly since changing to pump, but your level of tiredness hasn't improved in the same direction?
Yes, I thought the improved blood sugars would help tiredness, but it hasn't had an effect on that side of things. I've had full blood test recently and nothing was highlighted re thyroid- however I have a diabetes consultant appointment next week so will check this with them then. Thank you for your responses
Thanks for replying. @Sarz. I wanted to check I'd understood before commenting. Good to hear that thyroid levels have been checked. Next step appointment with diabetes consultant is promising. Hope that goes well and works towards a diagnosis of problem, then solution.
I went through a similar thing last year and it turned out to be a vitamin B deficiency. We tend to always assume it's diabetes related, but once all the usual suspects are ruled out, we can start looking at other culprits. Hope you get it sorted, it's rotten when energy banks are constantly depleted.
I also recently got diagnosed with coeliacs disease. That contributes to my tiredness as it caused anemia
I'm very tired all the time. It's hateful. A stupor comes over me. Mum's 83 and is up and jaunty all day and I'm dozing away in the chair. :( I can empathise.
I went through a similar thing last year and it turned out to be a vitamin B deficiency. We tend to always assume it's diabetes related, but once all the usual suspects are ruled out, we can start looking at other culprits. Hope you get it sorted, it's rotten when energy banks are constantly depleted.

Thank you - That's interesting and makes me wonder if it could be something like that. Do separate tests need to be requested to check vitamin B levels etc?
I suffer from the tiredness everyday mainly in the morning I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in February this year.
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