time to say goodbye .

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I am so very sorry to hear you are leaving Steff. You are always here with kind and thoughful words, I will miss you very much.

I realise that you must have reasons for your decision but if you change your mind it would be wonderful to have you back.

I wish you and your family a happy future.

Love and hugs to you,

Mand xx

ps I will PM you.


Tracey, I am sorry to hear you are leaving too! You will be very much missed on the pump thread especially. I hope you decide to return soon and let us know how you are getting on. 🙂
Only just seen this thread and couldn't believe my eyes! I'm so sad that you've decided to leave I think you'll be hugely missed (I know that I certainly will!) I really hope that you do come back you've always been very kind and supportive to me when you've responded to my threads and your always so helpful to everyone.

I really do hope you come back

Emma xxxxx
Hi Steff09,

Sorry you are leaving, you were one of the 1st people to welcome me and we had same treatment so made that first step into posting so much easier.🙂

I do not post often - but check the boards every day and can see that you have been a brillant help to so many people.

Just to wish you well and never say never (to a return)

Take care and thank you for the time and support
Sorry you are going hope to see you pop back now and again
hi guys,

As usual i got very emotional as this place means so much to me and it was hard to take the choice i did,anyway I have had some lovely PMS from people and I know the bond i have in here with certain members has really blossomed in the 9 month i was very drastic yesterday saying i will never return i think that would only serve me badly as i get so much support and comfort in here as my other half said id be cutting off my nose despite my face or whatever it is so I will still be about and I will still stick my head in but ill not be as prevelent as i have been ok hope that cheers some up lol

P.S thanks again for everyones kind words in here and private mail xxx
I'm so glad. I really would miss you so much if you went.

Thats lovely news Steph! I would really have missed your lovely kind posts - so i am really happy you have had time to think about it. Your probably right when you say its the diabetes causing your ups and downs - i just hope if you feel like this again - you pm someone before you upset us all and threaten to leave!:DBev
I know im taking traceys crown off her for drama queen status but i really did mean it at the time hun and ty hun your a real gem to me xx
I'm glad to have met you


Ok, i know you've changed your mind a bit and decided to stick around, but i'd like to say thank you. Like so many other newbies here, you were one of the first people to welcome me, if not the first and you've given me good advice and support when i needed it.

Thank you so much


Ok, i know you've changed your mind a bit and decided to stick around, but i'd like to say thank you. Like so many other newbies here, you were one of the first people to welcome me, if not the first and you've given me good advice and support when i needed it.

Thank you so much


cheers rachel it means a hell of a lot to me that you guys hold me in such high regard X
Thats great news - I know I am still a newbie on here really but you have been such a star in the short time I have been here.

Yess! Great News!! It's good to still have you around Steff. Good on ya girl. :D:D

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i got my cuz back xxxxxxxx
Glad you feel better now Steff. It was quiet in here without you.

Normal service has resumed.:D
SO SO SO glad you changed your mind as i said in my private message no one wanted to see you leave we all appreciate you too much and the forum would be a quite place without you :D
I know im taking traceys crown off her for drama queen status but i really did mean it at the time hun and ty hun your a real gem to me xx

you can have the crown hun, no probs!!:D:D My oh pretty much said the same thing to me to, he he xx
thanks again everyone , if i ever have this again which i hope i dnt i will act abit more rational and pm peeps xx
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