Oh I'm so glad others have found Caneston doesn't work, or even makes it worse. I thought I was the odd one out when the the qualified health "professional" told me Caneston can't make thrush worse! (Heck what did he know!).
I eventually found out that the Candida that causes thrush is always somewhere in our gut and it's when it gets out of balance INSIDE that we get the trouble on the outside so to effectively treat it you have to get rid of it in bothe places, that's probably why the cream doesn't always work.
Anyway, being a sufferer on and off for over 30 years I have now found something that works for me:
Flucanazole capsule (the big ones, 150g) plus Ecostatin Pessaries - for three nights.
So far this has worked even for my worst bouts.
I've also had a tip that taking Acidophylus helps prevent it (it's a prebiotic you get in those prebiotic drinks but I avoid them cos they seem to be full of carbs, but you can get it in tablet form from a health food shop). I haven't needed to try this yet so don't know the effect. (Tip from GUM clinic where GP suggested I went 'cos they're used to thrush problems)
Also (I will finish soon, honest), last time I was in a relationship and kept getting it a suggestion was to take Flucanazole 50g once a day for six months. Having been celebate for some time now (Ahh poor me!!!) I haven't had the need totry this one either. (Tip from GP)
And the best tip I can give is make sure you keep a stock of whatever you use in the cupboard so you can start treating it a.s.a.p. before it really takes hold, Grrr!
I've finished now - honest!
All the best