Thrush! NOT AGAIN!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Of all the side effects and complications of diabetes the one thing that annoys me the most is thrush. Everytime i get rid of it it comes back after a week. Been treated about 6 times now using different types of medication but it still comes back. Have others had this problem and what did they do to clear it up. I know its related to high blood sugars but mine i feel are pretty much under control and by hba1c was 5.2. What a pain in bottom lol!
I had it just before I was diagnosed and shortly afterwards so i can sympathise with you. I just used some canesten cream that i brought from boots, I did get a prescription from the doctor but it didn't sort the problem out. With the canesten it stopped me scratching instantly, hope this helps you!
I'm with you on this one - I hate finding I've got thrush again as it makes me feel dirty (and itchy, and smelly - oh yuk). I buy myself the "one tablet" stuff from the chemists which gets rid of it - until the next time. Does having diabetes always mean thrush from time to time then ? Faith (AKA Vince 13)
I got it continuosly when I didn't have good control. i thought it was usually asscociated with high blood sugars but you have excellent control.

Has the GP cofnirmed it is actually thrush by taking a swab? Just wondering if it could be another infection?
yeah ive been checked a number of times now had everything checked and everytime its just thrush. Its just annoying and inconvienient but i suppose its something i might have to get used to unfortunately! Thx for your replies x
I have constant thrush. It's probably because I have a low renal threshold. Even when my blood sugars are fine, I still have high levels of sugar in my urine.

I've tried all the creams but it doesn't help. The only thing I can do is try to keep it under control by washing 2-3 times a day. (Probably easier for a man to do).

When it's really bad though its extremely painful as it leads to tearing of the foreskin. Not nice.
I find the canestan helps me, althoguh there are a few things I also do.

Avoid yeast products (like bread, fruit buns and beer)
wear cotton underwear if you can
wear a skirt instead of trousers (better in summer)
if you can leave tights off (again better in summer)
avoid sugar where possible (which is what we are supposed to do any way)
avoid using anything scented in that area (baby soap or simple soap work well)

Sometimes it pays to talk to the practice nurse at your GPs surgery, or even the local pharmacist for advice.
Hi, From what I understand you have to keep the treatmeant going even after the symptoms have gone if using the cream.
If you have a partner make sure they are treated at the same time because all the partner will do is reinfect you.
Have you also tried using probiotics? They will restore the good bacteria. Some peopl ehave had great success with using live yogurt as a soother.(Good bacteria)
i agree with the yoghurt thing. just a tub of natural yoghurt is cooling , and afterwards, wash using a feminine hygiene wash which is ph neutral. i know this sounds weird, but try rubbing a tomato on. i know! but it worked for me, and i tried it cos it heals sunburn. so raw skin gets rehydrated and soothed and tomatoes are cheap. cut the tomato in half and rub the open half against the sore skin. just an idea. hope u feel better soon.
Of all the side effects and complications of diabetes the one thing that annoys me the most is thrush. Everytime i get rid of it it comes back after a week. Been treated about 6 times now using different types of medication but it still comes back. Have others had this problem and what did they do to clear it up. I know its related to high blood sugars but mine i feel are pretty much under control and by hba1c was 5.2. What a pain in bottom lol!
Hi EmmaLou,
Oh tell me about thrush i had it week in week out and i hated it so much that was b4 i had been diagnosed with T2 but i don't know if its different in T1,s but as soon as i got my BG under strict control i was fine that was 7 years ago and touch wood i can't remember when i last suffered with it, but i suppose you know that if you have sex with ya partner you can keep passing it on to each other, you both have to get treatment which i found as some of the others have mentioned the one off tablet and canerstan cream soon got rid of it. Good luck sweetie hope you get it sorted, i'm sure you will!
best wishes & kind regards lynn x
aw i hate getting it!! sooooo annoying!! of course whenever i do get it i think my partner suspects i've been cheating! lol. i always use the canesten duo. take the tablet then keep using the cream (for a week i think?). always give your partner a tablet too no matter if he has symptons or not. i never use to give him a tablet so as soon as we had sex again i got thrush back!! its just one of the down sides to diabetes i'm afraid!!
glad its not only me i to get thrush all the time the only thing that helps my itch is Eurax Cream i get from boots , it works, doesnt cure the thrush but kills the itch so i can heal its my wonder cream and a little goes a long way hope that helps
yeah i never had a problem before i was married with thrush at all. as soon as i was married (and therefore started having sex) thrush was a massive problem- as a newly wed christian you understand ;0) none of the creams worked and it made the itching worse if anything. Dr gave me an oral pill which worked straight away and suggested i wash after sex each time. i do and now i dont get it as often or as intense. i still itch a tiny bit (even if not had sex) but its copeable now. My sugars are really good now as well so im not sure sugars are a factor. hope any of this helps. the washing seriously helps me
I can fully sympathise with you. I went through a stage of having constant thrush for about 7 months. I find the canesten oral tablet is the only thing that gets rid of it. I have it on repeat prescription now!
glad its not only me i to get thrush all the time the only thing that helps my itch is Eurax Cream i get from boots , it works, doesnt cure the thrush but kills the itch so i can heal its my wonder cream and a little goes a long way hope that helps
From the EURAX instructions..........

Not to be used in

* Infections of the skin with viruses (eg Herpes simplex, chickenpox), fungi (eg thrush, ringworm, athlete's foot) or bacteria (eg impetigo)
hi spikey
well this is the only cream that kills the itch its worth it just for that as nothing else works also been using it for over 2 years on and off no problems so far so as for the instructions as being not to be used yes well works on my skin problems also ill stay with what works thanks
Hi skitzzzz,

it may be worth contacting the manufacturer to find out why they don't
think it should be used
Perhaps you are simply exacerbating the problem

I am male but we get this problem as well, 20 years as IDD.
after many years you learn to handle this problem and many others.
the cause is a fungus (essential= you need it) that lives in all NINE warm wet openings and it is kept in check by a bacteria (that is also essential)
anything that interferes with this balance results in thrush
and the problem is internal, so external treatments like cream (or yoghout = bacteria) will not work
so treat the problem in order of probability
if your sugar is too high,= do better
if there is sugar in your urine,= do better (more important for the female)
if you take an antibiotic expect thrush (you are killing the bacteria that is keeping it in check)
if its a really powerful antibiotic expect thrush everywhere( anus,vagina(penis), eyes, nose, mouth, ears (thats nine)
and dont forget reintroduction.
a large amount of the male eject is sugar (use a condom)
he will carry the spores (his own and from you) (use a condom)
The treatment is called NYSTATIN tablets
I always order them with any antibiotic
your doctor will not have prescribed them before so expect a fight.
your chemist will not stock them so expect a wait
I always keep a stock ahead

Mike (Edited by Margaret)
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