Those of you with LADA,MODY and type1.5

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Various tests were run (on c-peptide levels and GAD antibodies) and the endocrinologist said I had been misdiagnosed as Type 2 and was LADA -1.5 or ongoing Type 1 he said.

Nikki said to me once that the tests which they ran at the hospital are the main ones they do for LADA diagnoses I think - she's more of an expert on understanding it than me.

Hi faith yeah those are the 2 tests that they do to see if someone has type 1/LADA. the GAD antibodies will come back positive and the c-peptide low/absent
What was your level before each of the breakfasts Steff?

Before my porridge i was 7.1 and before my boiled egg this morning i was 8.9 but i dunno if the pizza from last night carried on making that reading abit outta zinc.,
Morning Steff, I was diagnosed in April 2008 at 7.2 BS level and was told I was Type 2 and told to watch my diet: in Oct 2008 I was at the Drs having the results of a 6-month review and they found they hadn't done BS levels in the blood tests so the nurse did a prick test and my level was 25 mid morning - I was in hospital 2 hours later. Various tests were run (on c-peptide levels and GAD antibodies) and the endocrinologist said I had been misdiagnosed as Type 2 and was LADA -1.5 or ongoing Type 1 he said.

I was put on Metformin and Gliclazide and they've worked until now. I was getting fasting levels of 6s, then 7s and I'm doing fasting levels now of mostly 8s (the virus I've just had hasn't helped of course) but the meds are being put up to the highest dosage, following which I shall move onto insulin.

Nikki said to me once that the tests which they ran at the hospital are the main ones they do for LADA diagnoses I think - she's more of an expert on understanding it than me.

If you have any doubt about your own situation, ask, ask, ask for more definitive testing on yourself. Good luck !

Thank you for getting back you where the other i was waiting on as well, i will definetly be asking dsn and if she retorts at me or anything ill just have to push abit harder, theres no way she can know better then ME when it comes to my diabetes.
Thank you for getting back you where the other i was waiting on as well, i will definetly be asking dsn and if she retorts at me or anything ill just have to push abit harder, theres no way she can know better then ME when it comes to my diabetes.

I think the one thing I have really taken from chatting with people on this Forum is that it is OUR bodies we are talking about and we actually experience what is happening to us - unlike the Surgery Nurses who, in the main, deal with stereotyped cases. Having got the right diagnosis now, my own surgery is tops when it comes to helping me (with the exception of one nurse who told me you don't turn from Type 2 into a Type 1 - which I obviously knew - and also tried to tell me an average of 31 days in the 7s and 8s gave 5.3 as a result - I now avoid her !).

Good luck - let us know the results in due course, please Stef.
Hi Peter,

Well i did the following test had my porridge as per yesterday morning and tested 20 minutes later i was 12.8 then this morning i had my boiled egg and nothing else tested after 20 minutes and was 8.3.Does thet show any conclusion to you as you must of asked me to do it for a reason?


It just demonstrates that the "hypers" you are getting at 15 -20 minutes after eating are the result of the quality and content of the carbs you are eating. The porridge ( even though it is low GI and allegedly a good choice of brekkie for T2s) raised your bgs by 80% at the 20 mins ( 7.1 to 12.8). The eggs scarcely raised a flicker in bgs. ( a perfect demonstration of the value of Jennifer's Smart Advice).
Even non-diabetics are going to see a rise in bgs between eating and 30 mins.You are seeing the same thing at 20 mins plus it is exacerbated by the fact that as a T2 you have lost your Phase One Insulin Response. And if you are testing at 20 mins ( which nobody advises because everyone is expected to have raised/high bgs at that point ) you might well be just a "normal" T2.
The trick is to try to avoid highs and lows and keep in "balance" ( as in the title of the Duk Magazine).
You were spiking at 17 between 4 and 5 last night what did you eat for lunch or did you have a mid afternoon snack or a sweet or biscuit? But the 17 came down in time for the disastrous pizza experiment which suggets the 17 was casued by a dose of fast-acting easy in-easy out carbs or was clobbered by a consequent tsunami of insulin from the pancreas.
It just demonstrates that the "hypers" you are getting at 15 -20 minutes after eating are the result of the quality and content of the carbs you are eating. The porridge ( even though it is low GI and allegedly a good choice of brekkie for T2s) raised your bgs by 80% at the 20 mins ( 7.1 to 12.8). The eggs scarcely raised a flicker in bgs. ( a perfect demonstration of the value of Jennifer's Smart Advice).
Even non-diabetics are going to see a rise in bgs between eating and 30 mins.You are seeing the same thing at 20 mins plus it is exacerbated by the fact that as a T2 you have lost your Phase One Insulin Response. And if you are testing at 20 mins ( which nobody advises because everyone is expected to have raised/high bgs at that point ) you might well be just a "normal" T2.
The trick is to try to avoid highs and lows and keep in "balance" ( as in the title of the Duk Magazine).
You were spiking at 17 between 4 and 5 last night what did you eat for lunch or did you have a mid afternoon snack or a sweet or biscuit? But the 17 came down in time for the disastrous pizza experiment which suggets the 17 was casued by a dose of fast-acting easy in-easy out carbs or was clobbered by a consequent tsunami of insulin from the pancreas.

Hi Peter,
For lunch i had ham and cucumber sandwitches (2 slices of tesco crumbed ham, tesco small portion cucumber and hovis seeded batch). Then at 3.00 I had 1 mini snack mars bar with a glass of milk.
Hi Peter,
For lunch i had ham and cucumber sandwitches (2 slices of tesco crumbed ham, tesco small portion cucumber and hovis seeded batch). Then at 3.00 I had 1 mini snack mars bar with a glass of milk.

Mars bar ........... so the 17 at 4 o'clock wasn't an unexplained "hyper" then😱
Hope you are one full milk Steph, the fat content helps to slow the carb/glucose absorbtion from it. Skimmed is said to be a poor choice for most diabetics.
Mars bar ........... so the 17 at 4 o'clock wasn't an unexplained "hyper" then😱
Hope you are one full milk Steph, the fat content helps to slow the carb/glucose absorbtion from it. Skimmed is said to be a poor choice for most diabetics.

No Peter i never drunk full fat even before diagnosis i dont like it , i have green topped semi skimmed,or sometimes soya but thats rare.Are you saying i should be on it ??
I don't know about full fat milk, I think semi is much healthier, and is recommended for people with diabetes.

Steff, how much sugar was in the snack mars bar? I'm guessing at least 10g, then 200ml milk has 10g sugar as well, so that's potentially 20g sugar mid-afternoon, which is quite a lot I think. I imagine a mars bar is quite quickly absorbed as well, hence the spike.

How about having something like an apple as a mid-afternoon snack, or something like carrot sticks, which have much less carbs - then see if you still get a hyper.

Do you keep a food diary? That would help you work out what caused the spike -a bit like Bev's experiment results.
I don't know about full fat milk, I think semi is much healthier, and is recommended for people with diabetes.

Steff, how much sugar was in the snack mars bar? I'm guessing at least 10g, then 200ml milk has 10g sugar as well, so that's potentially 20g sugar mid-afternoon, which is quite a lot I think. I imagine a mars bar is quite quickly absorbed as well, hence the spike.

How about having something like an apple as a mid-afternoon snack, or something like carrot sticks, which have much less carbs - then see if you still get a hyper.

Do you keep a food diary? That would help you work out what caused the spike -a bit like Bev's experiment results.

I do have the carrott sticks and the celery sticks to but i do need to have a treat , it does say in my guide books im allowed a snack sized treat twice a week, i cant cut the choccy out altogether pigion, i do try my best .Yes i have kept a diary every day since diasnosis,they was 12g in mars bar..
Yes of course you need a treat -sorry i didn't mean to be patronising telling you what you already know.

I used to find it really hard when I was on fixed doses of twice a day insulin mixes, as I couldn't really vary what I ate without causing BG rises, but I do remember the dietician saying if you wanted chocolate it was better to have it just after a meal, to slow the absorption. Don't know if you ever heard that?
Yes of course you need a treat -sorry i didn't mean to be patronising telling you what you already know.

I used to find it really hard when I was on fixed doses of twice a day insulin mixes, as I couldn't really vary what I ate without causing BG rises, but I do remember the dietician saying if you wanted chocolate it was better to have it just after a meal, to slow the absorption. Don't know if you ever heard that?

No dont apologise i was not meaning to sound out of turn x
NO i had not heard of that im usually full up after most meals i would never of thought of having it after the meal, thanks.
Yes of course you need a treat -sorry i didn't mean to be patronising telling you what you already know.

I used to find it really hard when I was on fixed doses of twice a day insulin mixes, as I couldn't really vary what I ate without causing BG rises, but I do remember the dietician saying if you wanted chocolate it was better to have it just after a meal, to slow the absorption. Don't know if you ever heard that?

I must admit, I very rarely eat sweets or chocolate outside of a main meal ( except for hypos) - maybe if I was on a pump I could 'bolus for a biscuit', but don't want to inject for one! Same with milk too - don't drink it unless it's in tea or porridge/cereal, which is a shame as I always loved milk. I've drunk skimmed for years and find even semi-skimmed undrinkable. I take Peter's point about full-fat being slower to hit the system, but it would probably hit the living room carpet if it was me drinking it! (Sorry for graphic description!).

You CAN have those treats Steff, but best with a meal or before/after exercise, and limit carbs to about 10g.
I must admit, I very rarely eat sweets or chocolate outside of a main meal ( except for hypos) - maybe if I was on a pump I could 'bolus for a biscuit', but don't want to inject for one! Same with milk too - don't drink it unless it's in tea or porridge/cereal, which is a shame as I always loved milk. I've drunk skimmed for years and find even semi-skimmed undrinkable. I take Peter's point about full-fat being slower to hit the system, but it would probably hit the living room carpet if it was me drinking it! (Sorry for graphic description!).

You CAN have those treats Steff, but best with a meal or before/after exercise, and limit carbs to about 10g.

Thanks Northerner.I agree with you about full-fat milk scenario lol.
Just like to say i have had the best readings i have had for a long time this morning i woke to 6.3 then had my porridge and tested 1 hr after and was 6.1 so that for me is progress.
Just like to say i have had the best readings i have had for a long time this morning i woke to 6.3 then had my porridge and tested 1 hr after and was 6.1 so that for me is progress.

Good show.
What about replacing the Mar Bars with nuts for snacks - we are allegedly should be having a fistful of mixed nuts every day.
thats great steff xxx keep at it hun....
saw my doc today and got more strips he did say you only realy need to test 1x a week😱 i said i test ususlly 2x day on waking and late afternoon ... and the NICE guidlines say ....etc he was fine as we discussed how it helps me work out whats going on ! he gave me the strips !!!! nice doc xx🙂
PS i did tell him that im part of this forum and how we discuss this all the time...i think quoting NICE guidelines helped !
Good show.
What about replacing the Mar Bars with nuts for snacks - we are allegedly should be having a fistful of mixed nuts every day.

I dont lke nuts peter any other suggestions would be greaty recieved though.

PS i did tell him that im part of this forum and how we discuss this all the time...i think quoting NICE guidelines helped !

good gal i always tell my doc about this place should be visited by a fe of the gps we have they might actually learn something from it.
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