Thorntons diabetic chocolate

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Here's a reprise of my poem 'Diabetic Jam' from my blog:

Ah! You?re diabetic? Well, don?t worry my dear,
We?ve got all sorts of goodies that are suitable here!
There?s diabetic chocolate and diabetic cake,
And diabetic jam ? took me ages to make!

And diabetic sweets in all sorts of flavours ?
For someone like you they?re heavenly saviours!
So don?t feel deprived, they?re especially for you!
I?ve heard sugar would kill you ? is that really true?

Now you might find the sweeteners are rather emetic,
But you?ll just have to suffer since you?re diabetic?
I should also mention they cost twice the price
Of ordinary sweet stuff, but don?t taste as nice?

What?s that? You?re declining? Well how can that be?
But you can't eat normally, like people like me!
You can? Well, my goodness, I?ve learned something new!
My business is finished, and no thanks to you!

I have memories of Boots Diabetic Chocolate from the late 60s - awful stuff. And everybody kept buying me it for Christmas! The Belgiums, Germans and Swiss seem far better at producing it. It tastes far better but the glucose content seems higher. A few years ago I was in Germany and found that quite a few independent cafes sold diabetic and gluten free cakes - the diabetic plum cake was wonderful. Mind you we have quite a few chains here and I do not think they are into small volume sales.
Swiss chocolate

Swiss chocolate is a particular favourite of mine. My great uncle, married to my grandfather's twin sister, was Swiss and always brough Swiss chocolate when he visited. Dad always gave us money to buy chocolate for the family at the Swiss Centre in Leicester Square when anyone went to London. Switzerland was the first overseas country I visited, aged 4 years, although we passed through France by train on the way - my parents were leading a youth holiday, so obviously brought my yougner sister and me - and we visited a few chocolate factories, but because we were so young, we stayed in the creche, where we played with all nationalities of children and ate a few bits of chocolate! Even then, long before I had diabetes, I always enjoyed small amounts of good chocolate, spread out over many days.
Still trumping! 😱

i wont be doing THAT again.
With all the talk of Thorntons? diabetic chocolate I realised I had never tried it. As there is a Thorntons a few hundred yards from where I work I decided to go and buy sum. Although it was not hidden away it was on the lowest shelf; rather awkward as my leg is still not 100%. I brought the dark chocolate bar and a bag of fruit drops. During the afternoon I ate about a third of the bar and sucked three fruit drops for my ongoing tickle. Neither particularly appealed ? I prefer more cocoa in my chocolate. In fact Green and Blacks has less carbohydrate (but more fat!). On the way home my stomach started rumbling and it was straight in the front door and up the stairs. ExLax could not have been more effective! As a result I cut back my Neutral insulin and ate minimally but did manage a bacon sandwich an hour ago. Never again!
With all the talk of Thorntons? diabetic chocolate I realised I had never tried it. As there is a Thorntons a few hundred yards from where I work I decided to go and buy sum. Although it was not hidden away it was on the lowest shelf; rather awkward as my leg is still not 100%. I brought the dark chocolate bar and a bag of fruit drops. During the afternoon I ate about a third of the bar and sucked three fruit drops for my ongoing tickle. Neither particularly appealed ? I prefer more cocoa in my chocolate. In fact Green and Blacks has less carbohydrate (but more fat!). On the way home my stomach started rumbling and it was straight in the front door and up the stairs. ExLax could not have been more effective! As a result I cut back my Neutral insulin and ate minimally but did manage a bacon sandwich an hour ago. Never again!

I bought some diabetic stuff in the early days after diagnosis as I really thought you couldn't eat the ordinary stuff. Stopped as soon as I did find out and saved a lot of money and bowel misery in the process!🙂

Falcon, can I ask how you broke your femur? Mine snapped of its own accord at mile 23 of the Stockholm Marathon! That was 5 years ago now, but I still get the occasional problem.
Thorntons sponsored me once - money donation and some mis-shaped toffees, if I remember right - when I asked for help to fund a youth expedition to Greenland in 1983, long before I had diabetes - all eaten long before I left UK! I still like their products, but would never touch diabetic products.
Just out of interest, does anyone know whether low carb chocolate is just basically the same as diabetic chocolate i.e. no added sugar with the same ?after affects?😉?

I have just ordered some from the low carb megatstore and really hope I haven't wasted my money. I only bought it because the misses and I are in charge of making desserts for Christmas day this year and we were going to make a Yule log with low carb choc.
I know that low sugar polos have the same effect - we call them poolos
its better if you stay away from diabetic chocs they can cause severe bowel problems by attacking your nerve ends in the bowel, got told this by a specialist after i was told my meds for diabetes cause me to have IBS ,he told me under no circumstances was i to eat diabetic chocs or diabetic foods,
if you feel like some chocs eat the small finger galaxy bars they are 13g of sugar and dont cause a large hit on your tests ,that does`nt mean you can pig out though eat in moderation
Sugar-free polos

I know that low sugar polos have the same effect - we call them poolos

I wish I had seen this thread before I bought a multipack of sugar-free polos yesterday! I haven't tried them in years!

I thought I would freshen my breath before a meeting with my manager this morning - so took 2 polos. And I am just glad it was a very short meeting....!!

Can I sell s/f polos on Ebay?!!

I remember being told by the nurse at the doctors in this order..

1. Your HbA1c is 7.6... congratulations, you're diabetic... (true)
2. Don't buy diabetic anything...

Then the lecture began....

When I gave up the fags I would get through about 2/3rds of a packet of regular full sugar extra strong spearmints a day with no ill effects.
When I gave up the fags I would get through about 2/3rds of a packet of regular full sugar extra strong spearmints a day with no ill effects.

Oh yeah, been there, done that. In my case it was Trebor Extra Strong. Yikes! I just realised, that was almost 30 years ago.
Oh yeah, been there, done that. In my case it was Trebor Extra Strong. Yikes! I just realised, that was almost 30 years ago.

Gosh I used to eat the boxes of Maltesers not sugar free and I put on 3 stone when I gave up smoking 5 years ago. Not good.
diabetic chocolate is minging i rather do without i got a big fancy box for christmas last year and is unopen still sitting on top off my wardrobe
i find when i eat special diabetic foods i am running to the toilet
So I've got 29 and 3/4 years to catch up on you....😱

Don't worry, the craving goes away.... eventually.:D

It took me a while to get over it, this was in the bad old days before the advent of Nicorette and smoking bans. Your only options were cold turkey, acupuncture or hypnotism. I was sharing an office with a chain smoker too, you couldn't see your hand in front of your nose for the pea-soup fog in that room. Ah those were the days.
Don't worry, the craving goes away.... eventually.:D

It took me a while to get over it, this was in the bad old days before the advent of Nicorette and smoking bans. Your only options were cold turkey, acupuncture or hypnotism. I was sharing an office with a chain smoker too, you couldn't see your hand in front of your nose for the pea-soup fog in that room. Ah those were the days.

15 years for me in January. I'd tried the patches, but they just made me more addicted. The full strength patches made me high as a kite, having lurid dreams and sleeping about two hours a night - once I moved onto the lower strength patches I just started smoking again to supplement my fix! Finally gave up with Allen Carr's 'Easy Way to stop smoking'. It was so successful that I persuaded everyone in my workplace to stop too - including their OHs, MILs etc.

It took me three months to stop wanting them, and two years before I stopped walking behind smokers in the street to get some passive smoke! Now I can tell if a smoker has walked down the street within the last few days and can't stand it!

It was trebor extra strong for me too!:D
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