Thorntons diabetic chocolate

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ate a whole bar today, couldnt remember the reason not to, but as soon as i got in i was rudely reminded.
Talk about windy miller. Lol
That's hilarious, lucky for you it was only windy pops.

My dad kindly bought my daughter a big bag of diabetic fudge ! Didn't know you could get that. I didn't let her eat it of course so guess what, I did. I know for a fact what diabetic food can do to you............say no more !😛
The diabetic stuff used to be the bane of my existence when I worked for Thorntons. Corporate would insist on putting it in the most awkward places. It would always be old dears who would come and moan about where it was and how we always moved it. Seriously, it can't be THAT hard to find, the shop was freaking tiny!
LOL jeff that made me smile , i was told to stay clear
I dunno about Jeff (i sympathise Jeff, i've weaned myself of real chocolate in favour of thorntons diabetic chocolate) but i'm scared of real chocolate...How much do i have to eat before i do something stupid to my blood sugar? The ultimate question is, i can stop before i get to that stage? life on the chocolate wagon...🙄
Again, you may disagree, but if you're tempted again, buy Boots, it's not nearly as nice....
I wouldn't be scared of 'real' chocolate, Rachel. Try really good quality (Lindt, Divine or Green & Black's) chocolate. Dark is probably better because it has more cocoa and less sugar, which means a more intense experience for less chocolate. I personally find that Lindt Mint Intense is awesome, and actually tastes like milk chocolate to me. Can't actually stomach Cadbury's anymore, because it tastes like fat to me now!
I agree about cadburys bekki,

and yeah its really nice the small milk choc bar is nice
Doh! Don't tempt me..🙂. It's the stopping eating bit i worry about most...that and i am supposed to be losing weight, chocolate indulgence is probably not too good for that.
Steff, my taste buds are potentially the same as the rest of me, a bit'd be a dull world if we all liked the same thing.:D
ohh agreed all have diffirent likes/dislikes, but my unc said to me be careful with all this stuff labelled diabetic , so i always give things thorough once over
Yeh you do need to be careful about the diabetic stuff. The sweetners it contains do the same as sugar but a bit slower so they will elevate your levels somewhat but they have the added bonus of being a laxative. I read one article once that said 'what is too much'. It differs from person to person and one piece of chocolate could be too much for one person as compared to a whole bar for another.

However, in every diabetic magazine or charity ie DUK, JDRF they all say they do NOT recommend diabetic anything and to have the normal stuff.

My sister (not diabetic and very skinny but always on a diet) has found ginger marmalade or jam (yuk) which is purely sweetened by grape extract, there are no sweetners and no sugar, just fruit sugar, to me this has got to be the best type.
I was told to steer clear of diabetic chocolate and that if I fancied choccy then to have a small amount of normal choccy... I do like Thorntons diabetic choccy when I have been bought it, but its not something I would go out and buy.. had a choccy urge today and got a small bag of choccy buttons.
i avoid the stuff like the plague. give me some galaxy any day! unfortunately i suffer with really sensitive teeth (hot, cold, sweet) so i don't tend to eat much chocolate. which i know is a good thing, but what with DAFNE and all that 😛
When I was 9 I ate a whole bar of diabetic chocolate I found in the fridge.....:(

Well they say sh*t happens and it did.......😱

Off school for 2 days....😱😱
I tried the Thorntons diabetic turkish delight bar cos I love turkish delight and as its pure sugar I tend to stay away from the real stuff these days. Its not bad tasting & luckily i am not effected by its wind generating tendancies 😉
Its the only diabetic thing I have tried though as everything I have read about diabetic products says stay away.
Reading this thread really made me smile with nostalgia!
Haven't had any "special" stuff for many years but remember when I was about 12 or 13, driving with the rest of my family to my grandparents for the day in Blackpool.

Having spent the day at the amusement park, walking up the prom or whatever, we got back to Nanas who had prepared our tea - and for me, pudding was always a tin of Diabetic Fruit in juice - from Boots I think.

The journey home in our salmon pink Hillman Minx over the hills to North Manchester - no motorways for us in them days - was spent listening to "Sing Something Simple" on the wireless, with the car windows open because of the effects of my puddin' already alluded to in this thread. I used to protest: "It's SORBITOL" to which my dad always replied (almost) in rhyme "It's HORRI-BOL"!

Ho humm!
I was given a lage thorntons diabetic chocolate easter agg with ym name on with a box of diabetic chocolates inside- I was so excited I got abit carried away.....I spent most of the next 48 hours in my bathroom, as Tez said, "**** happens!"

It was a disaster!
Diabetic chocolate will raise the blood sugars almost as much as eating regular chocolate. Even though it is "sugar free" , it still has sugar alcohol in it and a lot of carbs, and if you are diabetic, you know that carbs raise the blood sugar too. Diabetic chocolate is perfectly safe for everyone as long as you don't have any allergies to any of the ingredients. It can cause some to get a bit of diaorrhea If I eat chocolate, I just eat one or two small pieces of regular chocolate most of the time🙂rolleyes🙂

thats what one woman said in answer to is "diabetic chocolate safe"
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