Things I dislike

Oh boy, this is so open ended

TV adds
Comics who aren't funny
Inconsiderate people
Reality TV shows
Apple cider vinegar (but it's good for me)
Getting older
In no particular order:
The fact that all the food that tastes nicest to me is all the junk stuff that isn’t good for you, yes I do eat some fruit and veg and try to limit my portion sizes, but not enough
Too much packaging on things, especially when it isn’t necessary
Bad drivers - yes I know we all occasionally make a mistake, but some people just don’t care
In fact any rude or inconsiderate people
And entitled “Karens” - the ones who complain about every tiny little thing, try to jump queues and think they are better or more important than everyone else when they aren’t
Bad service - although again I can accept that anyone can make a mistake, it’s how they deal with it that truly proves the customer service. If they take full responsibility, apologise and do everything they can to put it right then fair enough, if they won’t acknowledge it or try to pass the blame then that’s bad!
People who moan on and on about fairly trivial problems, then when you try to offer a solution, they can’t be bothered to do that (well it can’t be all that bad then, stop moaning!)
Reality TV, although I suppose it has its place it just doesn’t interest me
Worse than that - influencers, and people who seem to do nothing else but post videos of themselves online. I suppose you could say good on them if they are somehow managing to earn money by doing not much, but why should I go and buy a particular product just because some Barbie doll lookalike who I’ve never heard of tells me I should
And finally (phew…) people who think they know all about my daughter’s health when they don’t live with her, have never been to any medical appointments with her, and have never been through anything in their own life which even remotely resembles what we’ve had to do in the last few years, yet still sit there smugly thinking they know better than we do what she should be thinking and feeling and how I should be helping her to deal with it. This has actually made me a lot more aware of how I respond to other people, try not to be too judgmental because you don’t know the full story

And there ends my list, thank you to anyone who is still reading!!
In no particular order:
The fact that all the food that tastes nicest to me is all the junk stuff that isn’t good for you, yes I do eat some fruit and veg and try to limit my portion sizes, but not enough
Too much packaging on things, especially when it isn’t necessary
Bad drivers - yes I know we all occasionally make a mistake, but some people just don’t care
In fact any rude or inconsiderate people
And entitled “Karens” - the ones who complain about every tiny little thing, try to jump queues and think they are better or more important than everyone else when they aren’t
Bad service - although again I can accept that anyone can make a mistake, it’s how they deal with it that truly proves the customer service. If they take full responsibility, apologise and do everything they can to put it right then fair enough, if they won’t acknowledge it or try to pass the blame then that’s bad!
People who moan on and on about fairly trivial problems, then when you try to offer a solution, they can’t be bothered to do that (well it can’t be all that bad then, stop moaning!)
Reality TV, although I suppose it has its place it just doesn’t interest me
Worse than that - influencers, and people who seem to do nothing else but post videos of themselves online. I suppose you could say good on them if they are somehow managing to earn money by doing not much, but why should I go and buy a particular product just because some Barbie doll lookalike who I’ve never heard of tells me I should
And finally (phew…) people who think they know all about my daughter’s health when they don’t live with her, have never been to any medical appointments with her, and have never been through anything in their own life which even remotely resembles what we’ve had to do in the last few years, yet still sit there smugly thinking they know better than we do what she should be thinking and feeling and how I should be helping her to deal with it. This has actually made me a lot more aware of how I respond to other people, try not to be too judgmental because you don’t know the full story

And there ends my list, thank you to anyone who is still reading!!
Yep, I got to the end 😉
In no particular order:
The fact that all the food that tastes nicest to me is all the junk stuff that isn’t good for you, yes I do eat some fruit and veg and try to limit my portion sizes, but not enough
Too much packaging on things, especially when it isn’t necessary
Bad drivers - yes I know we all occasionally make a mistake, but some people just don’t care
In fact any rude or inconsiderate people
And entitled “Karens” - the ones who complain about every tiny little thing, try to jump queues and think they are better or more important than everyone else when they aren’t
Bad service - although again I can accept that anyone can make a mistake, it’s how they deal with it that truly proves the customer service. If they take full responsibility, apologise and do everything they can to put it right then fair enough, if they won’t acknowledge it or try to pass the blame then that’s bad!
People who moan on and on about fairly trivial problems, then when you try to offer a solution, they can’t be bothered to do that (well it can’t be all that bad then, stop moaning!)
Reality TV, although I suppose it has its place it just doesn’t interest me
Worse than that - influencers, and people who seem to do nothing else but post videos of themselves online. I suppose you could say good on them if they are somehow managing to earn money by doing not much, but why should I go and buy a particular product just because some Barbie doll lookalike who I’ve never heard of tells me I should
And finally (phew…) people who think they know all about my daughter’s health when they don’t live with her, have never been to any medical appointments with her, and have never been through anything in their own life which even remotely resembles what we’ve had to do in the last few years, yet still sit there smugly thinking they know better than we do what she should be thinking and feeling and how I should be helping her to deal with it. This has actually made me a lot more aware of how I respond to other people, try not to be too judgmental because you don’t know the full story

And there ends my list, thank you to anyone who is still reading!!
You have a good moan one's gonna stop you or complain.
Younger family members who both me and my husband know fine damn well don't have very much income asking one or other of us 'if I could borrow £x' - never £1 🙄 of course - when they know just as well as we do that the chances of them ever affording to pay it back are at the very least, slim.

Just be truthful please. If you can't even be honest with yourself, how the fiddle do you expect anyone else to ever believe you? If you erroneously assume either of us will, that makes you even more stupid than we both knew already.

Plus (!) answering questions with questions. What happened after that, then? - Well I never bothered to contact them because they never answer me do they. (No I don't know that but as it stands, they can't possibly answer you, you silly cat, since they are entirely oblivious to the fact that you need them for anything)
That time between the plane hooking up to the gate & when they actually open the cabin door so you can exit.

The delay is just them enjoyng their power over a plane load of people.

Also, people on planes who wear stupid looking shirts & talk loudly about tv shows.

And pilots who think it's cool to fly straight thru turbulence rather than skirt arond it.

Hmmm .. I guess really just about everything to do with flying.
That time between the plane hooking up to the gate & when they actually open the cabin door so you can exit.

The delay is just them enjoyng their power over a plane load of people.

Also, people on planes who wear stupid looking shirts & talk loudly about tv shows.

And pilots who think it's cool to fly straight thru turbulence rather than skirt arond it.

Hmmm .. I guess really just about everything to do with flying.
You'll right about these airplane moans @Eddy Edson.A couple of years ago when me and my now fiencee Gloria flew to New Orleans for a holiday there was this guy with this really stupid T-shirt on talking about a particular TV show ..and he talked about it all night long. Nobody in our section of the plane got any sleep that night I can tell you.
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My biggest gripe about planes is when it does come to a stop at the terminal and loads of people instantly leap out of their seats and scrabble to be the first to get their hand baggage down out of the lockers. Why? They haven’t opened the doors yet, you are just going to stand there unable to move looking like idiots, and then even when you can get off you’ve still got to find your way to the baggage reclaim and then wait for that to switch on, so you really don’t gain anything at all. Might as well take your time!

I’d better not add anything else to this thread had I, I’m making a name for myself as a right old miseryguts, I think I need to take a deep breath and try to ignore some of these annoying things… 🙄
My biggest gripe about planes is when it does come to a stop at the terminal and loads of people instantly leap out of their seats and scrabble to be the first to get their hand baggage down out of the lockers. Why? They haven’t opened the doors yet, you are just going to stand there unable to move looking like idiots, and then even when you can get off you’ve still got to find your way to the baggage reclaim and then wait for that to switch on, so you really don’t gain anything at all. Might as well take your time!

I’d better not add anything else to this thread had I, I’m making a name for myself as a right old miseryguts, I think I need to take a deep breath and try to ignore some of these annoying things...
I think that's a gripe a lot of people have when it comes to flying @Sally71..but it happens all the time.
I stand up when the seatbelt lights goes off because I have been sitting down for too long and want to stretch my legs. It has nothing to do with wanting to get off the plane as fast as possible. It is just more comfortable. I don’t mind standing up and waiting for the doors to open. My luggage is often at my feet so no overhead lockers to open
There again, I rarely check in my luggage (yes, I travel with a small backpack for business trips of up to three days) so don’t have to wait at the carousel.
And I walk fast - probably more of the need to stretch my legs.
So I am often one of the first out of the terminal anyway.

But back to the original gripe. I had not realised I was offending anyone by standing up when the seat belt light goes off.
I stand up when the seatbelt lights goes off because I have been sitting down for too long and want to stretch my legs. It has nothing to do with wanting to get off the plane as fast as possible. It is just more comfortable. I don’t mind standing up and waiting for the doors to open. My luggage is often at my feet so no overhead lockers to open
There again, I rarely check in my luggage (yes, I travel with a small backpack for business trips of up to three days) so don’t have to wait at the carousel.
And I walk fast - probably more of the need to stretch my legs.
So I am often one of the first out of the terminal anyway.

But back to the original gripe. I had not realised I was offending anyone by standing up when the seat belt light goes off.
I get offended by almost anyone and anything after I've been cooped up in an aeroplane for a few hours 🙄
I stand up when the seatbelt lights goes off because I have been sitting down for too long and want to stretch my legs. It has nothing to do with wanting to get off the plane as fast as possible. It is just more comfortable. I don’t mind standing up and waiting for the doors to open. My luggage is often at my feet so no overhead lockers to open
There again, I rarely check in my luggage (yes, I travel with a small backpack for business trips of up to three days) so don’t have to wait at the carousel.
And I walk fast - probably more of the need to stretch my legs.
So I am often one of the first out of the terminal anyway.

But back to the original gripe. I had not realised I was offending anyone by standing up when the seat belt light goes off.
I wasn’t offended, I just didn’t see the point. Thank you for your take on the matter, I suppose it would be a bit strange if nobody stood up!
Clearly I have got a bit carried away with this thread, it was only meant to be a bit of fun I think, apologies if anyone else thinks any of my responses are over the top. No offence meant 🙂