The Postive Side of Diabetes

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A heart attack is a heart attack - never heard of one being better:confused:

When I was diagnosed they kept insisting that I had had a heart attack - I had abnormal ecg and raised troponin levels - and kept asking me when I felt the chest pains. I had to keep telling them that I was totally unaware of any pain and they said that diabetics were often less aware because of the effects of the condition on the nervous system. It turned out that I hadn't had a heart attack, but an inflamed heart muscle which apparently many people get when they have a virus but don't know about.
I have just found an excellent excuse to get out of a booze up in the pub lunch time. I have to go eat first as alcohol in its own makes me very ill because I am diabetic. Sounds better than saying I don't want to go and eating first means I can run into someone else and get chatting thereby forgetting about time...
I have just found an excellent excuse to get out of a booze up in the pub lunch time. I have to go eat first as alcohol in its own makes me very ill because I am diabetic. Sounds better than saying I don't want to go and eating first means I can run into someone else and get chatting thereby forgetting about time...

Hi Iam an alcoholic and have managed to avoid the stuff since 11:10 p.m on 24 February 1991🙂
I know that one drink and I shall be back to square one (1 litre+ whisky every evening)
Have found it stops folk in their tracks if they try to be clever and just tell them the situation.

I should think similarly if you tell them you are diabetic and ask them if they are trying to get rid of you.
Hi Iam an alcoholic and have managed to avoid the stuff since 11:10 p.m on 24 February 1991🙂
I know that one drink and I shall be back to square one (1 litre+ whisky every evening)
Have found it stops folk in their tracks if they try to be clever and just tell them the situation.

I should think similarly if you tell them you are diabetic and ask them if they are trying to get rid of you.

Well done John! I remember the date/time I stopped smoking - 9pm, January 9th 1995! Best thing I ever did for my health, particularly in light of my present condition.
Well done at giving up drinking and smoking. At the moment I have people telling me just one drink wont hurt. I'm never sure if I'm lucky or unlucky in having such a low tolerance to alcohol in the normal scheme of things. One and I'm happy, two and I'm drunk, three and I'm over the limit. I never tried beyond three...
when i went to new york my in flight meal was really lovely totaly diffrent to everybody else and i got alot more attention and the same on the way home.i did get a few looks from the other passengers but for once i didnt care
Well done John! I remember the date/time I stopped smoking - 9pm, January 9th 1995! Best thing I ever did for my health, particularly in light of my present condition.

I left it a bit late! COPD struck. Smoked and inhaled a pipe for 52 years and stopped 08:10 16th October 2006 en route to hospital to have a rhinoplasty.
Hospital staff and subsequently my GP were most helpful; patches or lozenges provided.
When it comes down to it, with addictions you have to want to do it.

Regret that diabetes you can't give up but you can in many cases keep the probs under control and still lead a full life.
One you survive is considerably better than one you don't.
I shared a ward with similar heart victims, one had to have a pacemaker, one a stent and I was sent home after a week of observation, so it was a lot better than some!
Since being diagnosed with Type 2 in 2005 the benefits for me include:

Finding healthy foods that I enjoy more than the sugar, fat and salt laden rubbish I used to eat. Its amazing how after a while not eating sugary sweet food and drink you don't enjoy them anymore.

Getting my diabetes and weight under control via healthy eating and exercise. I am now a healthy weight, having lost over 4 stones. I enjoy going to the gym and have taken up running. Did my first fun run - 10K - recently and completed it in uner 59 minutes. Fitter than I've ever been!

I look and feel much better. My HbA1cs prove the diet and exercise is working. It hasn't been easy, and I've had a lot of support from people like my Diabetes Specialist Dietician, but it has definitely been worth it.

Oh, and the free eye tests by an optometrist, occasional free lunches when I'm away from the office over lunch time 🙂

I realise diabetes is progressive, but I aim to keep it under control. Keep positive. Life with diabetes can be good!

This year I told everyone no sweets or biscuits for me for Christmas. Buy me CDs, books, knickers anything but stuff full of sugar, I actually got presents I wanted from nearly everyone...
Free prescriptions!!! 🙂
free prescriptions

Yes, free prescriptions are an advantage - in fact, I don't think I have bothered to pay for insulin when I first needed it. But, I can't be too unusual in having only needed about 2 prescriptions since turning 16 until diagnosis aged 30 years. Since then, I have tried to take as few prescribale items as possible - and have never had to dispose of anything due to being pst its use by date, due to careful stockkeeping. And I've only needed about 2 non diabetes related items in the 12 years since diagnosis.

Prescriptions are or will be free for many groups of of people eg all in Wales & Scotland, all on income support, those unable to leave house alone etc, as well as those with diabetes requiring medication, and a very few other medical conditions. There is no charge for oral contraceptive for anyone. For those who have to pay, annual or quarterly season tickets are single payments for all prescriptions in the period. Yet, people with many other ongoing requirements for medication do not get free prescriptions automatically due to their conditions eg those with mental health problems, cystic fibrosis, cancer, asthma and epilepsy. Cystic fibrosis and cancer in particular usually require multiple medications, and it's not ususual for people to need two or more different inhalers for asthma or tablets for epilepsy. The decision about which conditions automatically got free prescriptions was made some decades ago, when the situation was very different - to put things crudely, people with mental health problems and epilepsy stayed in hospital, and those born with cystic fibrosis did not live into adulthood.

So, I feel that people with diabetes need to very sensitive, rather than demanding, with regards to items on prescription.
An advantage from the past!

When I was at school I was allowed to jump the dinner queue and also take a friend of my choice, hooray no lumpy mash and custard, LOL.
The money I could of made so many people wanted to be my friend just so they could get hot dinners, ha ha!!!!😛
well mine is the fact that i eat 4 times a day (plus have snacks) and blame it all on my diabetes for making me want to eat all the time :D
Getting to chat with you guys and gals.......................
People falling over themselves when I say I need to eat :D
Being forced to be healthy.
A renewed appreciation for salad, and great food beyond the easy carb/fat laden stuff that used to come out of the freezer.
A positive side to diabetes is "you have to do that exercise regime"! what a great motivation boost!
When my sugar goes low too many times in a week and I've completely and utterly had enough of Lucozade - the next low sugar is a perfect excuse for a Cadburys Creme Egg eaten totally guilt free!:D
If I wasn't diabetic I wouldn't be using these forums. Also I have had a lot of sick and it is because of the diabetes that I have not had a formal warning for taking too much sick leave, Thanks everyone for being here.
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