The Postive Side of Diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Alright, it's a horrible illness and the negatives are so obvious that it's easy to focus on them. But how about a real challenge: find one thing that's good about it!

Mine: Getting seen more quickly by GPs/at A&E if you mention you're diabetic. Medical professionals seem to be more concerned about every illness and ailment so we probably get more cautious and careful treatment than your average person too.
well... I am allowed to eat in exams 😛 and in class
I know this is a huge negative for some people but thank god my diabetes stopped me joining the army on a whim after seeing GI jane! Seriously!

Again this may be in poor taste but I found it funny-as Jimmy Carr says you can kill yourself with sweets which is bound to cheer you up-"i'm going to end it all..pass the sherbert dibdabs"

When I was little a hypo in town resulted in a McDonalds strawberry milkshake (the only time that ever happened) so you can guess how long it took me to cotton on to that!

When office chistmas presents are being handed out I always get a nice bottle of wine instead of a family pack of cheap crappy chocolate/biscuits.

If I didn't have diabetes I wouldn't get to talk to all you lovely people.
I am getting much better antenatal care than my SIL who is also pregnant right now. I've already had 2 scans, and I'm only 12 weeks! And I see a doctor every two weeks!
I know this is a huge negative for some people but thank god my diabetes stopped me joining the army on a whim after seeing GI jane! Seriously!

Again this may be in poor taste but I found it funny-as Jimmy Carr says you can kill yourself with sweets which is bound to cheer you up-"i'm going to end it all..pass the sherbert dibdabs"

When I was little a hypo in town resulted in a McDonalds strawberry milkshake (the only time that ever happened) so you can guess how long it took me to cotton on to that!

When office chistmas presents are being handed out I always get a nice bottle of wine instead of a family pack of cheap crappy chocolate/biscuits.

If I didn't have diabetes I wouldn't get to talk to all you lovely people.

lol those reasons are really amusing, especially the army one 😉

Telling people you need to eat sweets because you've got low blood sugar is always good.

A possitive is deffinately getting free prescriptions for non-diabetic stuff!!
For the first time in many years enjoying healthy eating, veggies (although I get peeved that potatoes don't count as veggies,; just carbs) fruit.
I'd almost forgotton what decent fruit tasted like.
Sitting here drooling and soaking my keyboard with thoughts of a pukka pie, soggy chips and beans.
I've been promised that I can have one next year - only about 4 weeks.
telling people that you HAVE to eat galaxy chocolate because you are hypo,
- being able to refuse foods I find horrible with a reason that it doesn't do my diabetes any good
- eating a banana in Debenhams as "you don't want me to have a hypo"
- building up my arm muscles by carrying my handbag
- wearing comfortable shoes and boots (do miss the killer heels though)
- good excuse for not turning the heating down
- not having to hunt for a parking place in my local town as I walk and take my snazzy shopping trolley (good excuse to buy a stylish French one)
- creative cooking
- feeling so much better than I have for years
never thought of a positve side to diabetes but some of these are really funny
Having to slim right down - and have all my girls friends tell me I look fantastic and will I eat something

At which I point i tell them what I eat a day - and do I eat all day - YES!! (the right foods though)

& Getting the best pre conception health care - I'm hoping to start a family next year and no way would I get the help and care if I was not diabetic
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Having only recently been diagnosed I'm still getting used to the pros and cons, but this made me stop and think and have a little laugh. There really is a brighter side to being diabetic.
Cardiac problems

Being told that your heart attack would be a lot worse if you didn't have diabetes - was that True?
There have been several positives for me. I was diagnosed after being admitted with DKA and feeling dreadful. Prior to this I had been an increasingly heavy drinker - probably due to slow onset of Type 1, but I thought I was becoming an alcoholic, drinking up to 150 units a week. There is a history in my family.

So, when I was diagnosed I was pretty much astounded, and extremely relieved, that my liver was basically OK. I had an abnormal ecg so they gave me an angiogram which showed that my heart and arteries were in pretty good condition for my age (49). Plus, I'm now being regularly monitored for all kinds of things, like cholesterol, and have a much healthier diet, I'm an ideal weight with a bmi of 18.5, and am encouraged to continue with my sport of distance running.

If this hadn't happened to me I would have probably got progressively less healthy, and continued drinking myself into an early grave. Surprisingly, I have virtually no desire to drink alcohol since diagnosis, so I can only put that down to its being a symptom of diabetes (the need to drink).I've got a condition that is well-documented, shared by millions, with great support and high-level research into potential cures or making the condition easier to manage.

I think I'm lucky to have got this at my age as I've 'escaped' potentially 40-odd years of having to live with it, and although it probably took a while to show itself, is better than being a 'hidden' Type 2 who's unknowingly been building up problems for many years. I've also got the condition at a time when it's fairly easy to manage, with BG meters, insulin pens, MDI etc.The main downside is the fact that there is now a restriction on my freedom that didn't exist before, as I have to be aware of my BG levels and administer insulin. Plus, not being able to eat a whole bag of Lindt Lindor chocolates in one sitting!
swapping fruit for chocolate
free eye tests
better dental care
regular meals (you don't want me to go hyp do you?)
VAT relief for some shoes and socks
an excuse to sneak off for a choclate bar when everyone else is working
exploring food
the duck shaped thermometer at the tap end of the bath
an excuse to get rid of the foot spa I didn't realy want
and I'm sure I'll find some more soon...
one of the biggest positives to me is being able to connect and build relationships with some of my patients. For some of them knowing their nurse has diabetes too allows them t o express how they are feeliing and know that I understand
What about if your at the chekout in a supermarket...and your taking a hypo....just grab some choccy and do your thing. lol.

Happened to me a few times as i had no Glucose tablets with me.
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