The Job Centre obviously know more than my DSN

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i had to go to the job centre a couple of months ago and the personal advisor went through my list of ailments, and we got to me being diabetic, and she went "ohhh diabetes, are you diet controlled" I said no I took tablets and was on insulin and she replied "ohhhh you must have bad diabetes then"... could I have some of the good diabetes then, where can you get that from I wonder lol
It doesn't suprise me at all with the job centre...

When I was signing on it was one of the most degrading experiences I've encountered...

I was left utterly speechless with one interview I had...

Sadly I lost my dad in January, a Saturday I was due to sign on, on the following Friday, I did manage to find the courage to face signing on of cause still very tearful and emotional...

As you can imagine, I hadn't really done any job searching last thing on your mind, nor the week while dad was in hospital due to the fact it was apperently that he wasn't going to pull through, still convinced he hung on long enough, untill everyone of his children got to his bedside all 9 of us, as 3 live away, one sister travelled down from Scotland and this was when we had all that dreadful snow..

I was left speechless to be told that I need to try harder to find a job otherwise my JSA claim would be stopped😱

But you do have say about diabetes, or any other medical conditions that may effect the type of employment you are able to do... And yes if needs be explain to the advisor how it does effect a job they are asking you to apply for...
Unbelievable, but then again sadly it is believable and so wrong..

dont even get me started on ridiculous comments,

even my own brother (who is an extremely intelligent and successful man), and my mother have both at different times told me "how they just could not inject and dont know how i do it" 😱

my reply was simply "well if you didnt you would soon be dead then"

sorry but these types of things really annoy me,

sorry this has happened to you, at least you can laugh about it now.
Apart from the obvious ignorance about diabetes, what right does he think he has to tell someone how they should manage their medical condition!😡
It doesn't suprise me at all with the job centre...

When I was signing on it was one of the most degrading experiences I've encountered...

I was left utterly speechless with one interview I had...

Sadly I lost my dad in January, a Saturday I was due to sign on, on the following Friday, I did manage to find the courage to face signing on of cause still very tearful and emotional...

As you can imagine, I hadn't really done any job searching last thing on your mind, nor the week while dad was in hospital due to the fact it was apperently that he wasn't going to pull through, still convinced he hung on long enough, untill everyone of his children got to his bedside all 9 of us, as 3 live away, one sister travelled down from Scotland and this was when we had all that dreadful snow..

I was left speechless to be told that I need to try harder to find a job otherwise my JSA claim would be stopped😱

But you do have say about diabetes, or any other medical conditions that may effect the type of employment you are able to do... And yes if needs be explain to the advisor how it does effect a job they are asking you to apply for...

Speechless again! You would have been perfectly entitiled to 'sick leave' on the grounds of grief reaction. Hope things are a liottle easier for you now.
It doesn't suprise me at all with the job centre...

When I was signing on it was one of the most degrading experiences I've encountered...

agreed at that. i have vowed to never set foot in that place again. I wasn't told anything about diabetes but rather made to feel like an idiot for my choice of career (arcgaeology) - it's looked down on it seems and i was told i would never get a job in it because no one employs archaeologists anymore and i'd be better off in mcdonalds 😱 my next words were not friendly towards idiot advisor - it involved my story of 5 years in mcds and the 2 archaeology contracts i'd already had as well as a threat with a formal complaint.

i get comments about the d all the time at work though - according to my manager i'm the most severe diabetic in the building due to my pump and levels atm, she doesn't seem to realise i'm still fighting to get said pump right. And apparently the whole seniour management know about me, and I just keep getting comments all the time - very embarrasing. And they don't seem to like it when I want to educate them...
The man was obviously a fool glittery to suggest that he knew more about diabetes than someone who lives with it from day to day. Me, I would have embarrassed him and asked him to clarify what his medical credentials were, more importantly in diabetes, when he answered none I would begin to lecture him on keeping stump on medical conditions he knows nothing about and stick with what he should know................finding people work!😡😉
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Lack of education and understanding is to blame.... He would have had the same attitude if he worked somewhere else and whilst its a shocking statement( im sure they are not told to say this), this is a reflection on how the people see diabetes...

Although I would have been shocked ( but not really surprised)the adviser said such a thing, I probably would have taken the time to educate him/her.

I know a few people who work for the JCP and they have such a hard time trying to help people get off benefits ( esp those who are swinging the lead and im sure we all know a few of them!) its one of the only employment sectors that I feel slightly sorry for but they have one hell of a job to do and its normal for some people to get upset when they are challenged.

Before diagnosis I always thought type 1 injected and type 2 didnt... I never thought about anything in between because it didnt have any meaning to me.
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