The Job Centre obviously know more than my DSN

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Since being diagnosed and coming out of hospital 3 months ago I've taken some time off to get to grips with all of the testing and injecting. last week I signed onto Jobseekers and saw a personal advisor. Everything was running smoothly, I explained that I have type 1, the injecting and how it will affect future jobs. And thats when these words of wisdom were released from his mouth

*personal advisor* I would prefer it if you could manage your diabetes by diet instead of injecting
*me* I have to inject insulin
*personal advisor* Are you sure you do?

I dont know wether it is just me being over dramatic but isn't this ridiculous? Has anybody else had these sort of comments off of people as this is just pathetic. You think he would realise that I could die if I stop taking insulin as his job is to work with people that need help finding work with a "disability".

Sorry for the rant 🙂
I have yet to experience this kind of comment and I at least thought I had more confidence in peoples general knowledge, not anymore...........did you leave confident you had given this advisor the correct details of type 1........

And what also is strange, why would they be advising you on how to manage it, in the end it shouldnt really matter when looking for a job, should it...
If you'd be willing to try it for a few days and let us know so that...

a. We can all stop injecting

b. Jobcentre Numpty gets the nobel prize for finding a cure.

It does make you wonder doesn't it ? 🙄

Never come across comments like that. Well done for giving us a laugh :D

Glad my life ammuses you 🙂

Just watched the Report on Diabetes type 2 on the BBC and I think its reports like this where people get alot of the information from . I am of normal weight and was diagnosed type 1 and even then people assume its from overeating.

Even my grandad has jumped on the bandwagon "Ooo Emily can you bend down now you've lost weight" 😱 ive lost weight because I have a disease not out of choice. Sometimes people just grind my gears .
Hi again.

I wasn't intending to upset you further but I do find the comments by an obviously ignorant jobcentre worker amusing. I've spent many an hour in jobcentres trying to explain that I can't do night shifts and I can't drive lorries and I can't drive a bus, etc, etc. but they assume it's a means of avoiding work.

As for the weight issues, I know of no causal link between obesity, bad diet and type 1 diabetes. Either you develop it or you don't as far as I know. Down to genetics and your immune system.

And if we could stop injecting, then every one of us would jump at the chance.

Dont worry about it lol. I was shocked myself at the idioticness of the job centre but now I'm just laughing at it. Job centres are there to humiliate you, hurding people around like cattle. And my grandad has a problem understanding that weight isn't the issue as I am the only one in both of my parents families with Diabetes so it came as a shock to all of us.
I've spent many an hour in jobcentres trying to explain that I can't do night shifts and I can't drive lorries and I can't drive a bus, etc, etc. but they assume it's a means of avoiding work.

Night shifts are possible, for me personally, I could not manage the switch from night shift to normal time very well..............and thus will never do night shift in a factory ever again.......::D
Night shifts are possible, for me personally, I could not manage the switch from night shift to normal time very well..............and thus will never do night shift in a factory ever again.......::D

Yeah I used to do 12 hour night shifts in a factory, no problems being Diabetic. As long as I can legally do something there isn't a problem.
OMG that is ridiculous!! I am half shell-shocked and half rolling on the floor laughing at yet another ridiculous comment!!

did you explain it to him or just gave up?? I do not know how I would have reacted to that! in hindsight, turning to him, hitting your forehead and exclaiming 'is that where I've been going wrong??? wow, I'll just stop injecting. I didn't know they were optional!'

oh dear oh dear!
You should have asked him/her how long they've been breathing for and that they might try without it for a day or two?

Andy 🙄
I find it totally ludicrous that he felt he could suggest such a thing, obviously without any knowledge of diabetes! His comment doesn't actually surprise me though, even though diabetes is so much more 'known' these days people without any experience of it (such as family or friends) just do not have a clue. I still get surprise/shock from people when I say I have to inject at least 4 times each day.

I do think there should be more information on Type 1 be it tv or whatever, most people know about Type 2 (although still assume it is a personal fault) but not many know about Type 1.
As Diabetes is on the rise we hear alot of important information about Type 2 but people neglect to educat us on Type 1. I was a rare case as I didnt have any of the symptoms before going into Ketoacidosis. But there are many people that do. My mothers friends son was diagnosed at the age of 2. She took him to the doctors as his health seemed to be getting worse over the week... the doctor prescribed antibiotics and sent them away. The day after he was admitted to hospital and diagnosed from there, and that was a doctor miss diagnosing.

Where will they learn
Please complain - I am serious. I worked at the Job centre for 10 years and this is hideously out of order behaviour. There are NO excuses for this, if he knows nothing about diabetes then fair enough but he should keep his mouth shut. This is an embarrassment to anyone who has ever worked in a jobcentre and should not be happening. Firstly complain to the office manager and if no joy then complain to the district office. I am so sorry as an ex employee that this has happened.
My mom was fuming when I told her, she really wanted to complain. I have an appointment to see a personal advisor in two weeks and I have a feeling it may be the same guy. If it is I think I will complain as he will probably only say the same thing again. I am quite a strong person anyway and can take ridiculous comments on my chin, but this comment made me speechless. I couldnt believe the words were coming out of his mouth. It is the same as asking someone who is immobile to walk!
It's disgraceful. What if you weren't the strong person that you are? He shouldn't be making comments about treatment of any body's conditions. I'd sack him on the spot!! Or beat him to a pulp! Let me know how it goes.
The reality is that any job that you are interested in most likely wil not be effected by your diabetes, so it really doesnt need to mentioned or even thought about , by them anyway........thats just my experience with them.......8 months of signing on from august to may there..........
The jobcentres have gone downhill since I left!! That's all I can say! When I first started it was so different, we got to know the clients and the employers and it worked so much better. My clients didn't even need to tell me their name because I knew them so well and some of them still say hello when they see me in town. It's rubbish now and they are very short staffed but none of that excuses this guy who is a total idiot.
*personal advisor* I would prefer it if you could manage your diabetes by diet instead of injecting
*me* I have to inject insulin
*personal advisor* Are you sure you do?

You could have replied yes I would prefer to manage my diabetes by diet too but unfortunately if I tried that I would become seriously ill and have to be put on an insulin drip.......

It's wrong on a number of levels - the advisor has no medical knowledge and for all we know some people may think he does and follow his advice. You need some kind of leaflet about the difference between type 1 and type 2 to take with you next time.

If you have the skills for a job any reputable employer should be able to accommodate your testing requirements.
When some one tried to tell me I shouldn't take the pills my second word was off follwed by how long have you been (the first word) doctor....
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