The end of insulin injections? Needle free trial expands to Alberta

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Researchers at the University of Alberta are contributing to an innovative insulin trial that could potentially leave people with diabetes needle free.

The trial, which began in San Diego, California in 2014, is underway in Edmonton under the watch of lead investigator Dr. James Shapiro. The first patients have had an insulin producing device implanted within them. The research is partially funded by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).

“The device is actually produced by a manufacturer called ViaCyte,” explains Dave Prowten, president and CEO of JDRF Canada. “Cells are implanted into a device that gets implanted below the skin and those cells will then turn into insulin producing cells providing an alternate source of insulin for people living with Type 1 diabetes.”
How interesting, this looks like a great development. Hopefully the trials will go well and we can look forward to an injection free future!
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