The diet I started yesterday

That's the diet I started yesterday 🙂

There is a way to eat these foods without exacerbating diabetes issues.
You seem to mention different diets and food experiments that you try which many of us would consider likely to cause BG upheaval. For instance a few weeks back you were talking about having lots of fruit juice and now you seem to be saying that you are trying stodgy carb rich foods like white rice and potatoes and bread, but you don't seem to follow up with any information on how you get on with these foods or share your diabetes management results, like medication and HbA1c.

I think what concerns me is that you give the impression that these foods can be managed by Type 2 patients who are dietary controlled and it almost seems like your posts are encouraging people to eat these foods. I am not sure it is exactly responsible advice unless it is stressed that these foods may significantly increase BG levels and a testing regime would be a wise if you do decide to eat there foods so that you can see how each individual responds to them.
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You seem to mention different diets and food experiments that you try which many of us would consider likely to cause BG upheaval. For instance a few weeks back you were talking about having lots of fruit juice and now you seem to be saying that you are trying stodgy carb rich foods like white rice and potatoes and bread, but you don't seem to follow up with any information on how you get on with these foods or share your diabetes management results, like medication and HbA1c.

I think what concerns me is that you give the impression that these foods can be managed by Type 2 patients who are dietary controlled and it almost seems like your posts are encouraging people to eat these foods. I am not sure it is exactly responsible advice unless it is stressed that these foods may significantly increase BG levels and a testing regime would be a wise if you do decide to eat there foods so that you can see how each individual responds to them.
Having on many occasions fallen foul of rules about going off-topic (On other diabetes forums), I'll resist answering your questions about me on this thread. But regarding the OP and their thread, I do absolutely believe there's a way for them to keep both themselves and their doctors happy.
Having on many occasions fallen foul of rules about going off-topic (On other diabetes forums), I'll resist answering your questions about me on this thread. But regarding the OP and their thread, I do absolutely believe there's a way for them to keep both themselves and their doctors happy.

The mods here are more than happy to split away side-conversations into their own threads where appropriate. I’ll slice these posts away so that you can expand on your current experiments in more detail 🙂
You have to work out what suits. I eat carbs I get ill, end of. I eat healthy low carb and I feel fit as a flea, still fit for nowt, but I feels it. :D Also my tongue is lovely and pink, my eyesight clears and I feel happy for no reason. o_O
The mods here are more than happy to split away side-conversations into their own threads where appropriate. I’ll slice these posts away so that you can expand on your current experiments in more detail 🙂
Was worried that I'd started sleep-posting again 😉

I already have a thread in which I plan to log my journey. All these questions will no doubt keep popping-up there, so it would probably make sense to deal with them in situ, as and when they appear. I already screengrabbed the post that @rebrascora posted in that thread, with the intention of dealing with their concerns when I resurrect the other thread. I can do the same for the additional posts that have been added here.

The only thing I ask is that nobody post in my other thread until I've entered the initial data I plan to add.

The only thing I ask is that nobody post in my other thread until I've entered the initial data I plan to add.


Well the forum is an open space where people are encouraged to contribute to any threads they are interested in - so there isn’t really an established principle for preventing users from adding their posts aside from the auto-lock after no activity for 3 months.

So do try not to be upset if someone posts in the meantime - I’m sure it wouldn’t be done to upset you 🙂
Was worried that I'd started sleep-posting again 😉

I already have a thread in which I plan to log my journey. All these questions will no doubt keep popping-up there, so it would probably make sense to deal with them in situ, as and when they appear. I already screengrabbed the post that @rebrascora posted in that thread, with the intention of dealing with their concerns when I resurrect the other thread. I can do the same for the additional posts that have been added here.

The only thing I ask is that nobody post in my other thread until I've entered the initial data I plan to add.

I have read your post 3 times and I am no further forward in understanding what you are doing or why or where we can follow the details of that. I don't understand why you have to be so convoluted about things. Can you post a link to this other thread where you plan to give more detail, so that we can follow that thread? Generally in order to get alerts on that thread we would need to post on it, so unless you tag us on that thread we will likely post just to say we are following.
I have read your post 3 times and I am no further forward in understanding what you are doing or why or where we can follow the details of that. I don't understand why you have to be so convoluted about things. Can you post a link to this other thread where you plan to give more detail, so that we can follow that thread? Generally in order to get alerts on that thread we would need to post on it, so unless you tag us on that thread we will likely post just to say we are following.
Unfortunately, forum rules of engagement dictate the challenges have certain limitations. But at least I saw true transparency with your experiment with Fiasp & your basal. 🙂
Unfortunately, forum rules of engagement dictate the challenges have certain limitations. But at least I saw true transparency with your experiment with Fiasp & your basal. 🙂
Yes, well.... my experiment came off the rails a bit the last couple of days, which I haven't posted yet because it has been a really long and hectic day and I haven't had time or inclination to document it tonight, but I will be posting some rather less impressive graphs tomorrow. That said even without this experiment, my diabetes management goes off the rails from time to time anyway. Plus, I was under quite a lot of pressure yesterday and today, so I didn't expect to keep on top of things nearly so well. I found documenting my experiment as it was happening day to day, helped me keep it honest.
Yes, well.... my experiment came off the rails a bit the last couple of days, which I haven't posted yet because it has been a really long and hectic day and I haven't had time or inclination to document it tonight, but I will be posting some rather less impressive graphs tomorrow. That said even without this experiment, my diabetes management goes off the rails from time to time anyway. Plus, I was under quite a lot of pressure yesterday and today, so I didn't expect to keep on top of things nearly so well. I found documenting my experiment as it was happening day to day, helped me keep it honest.
But at least you gained a personal insight on where it didn’t go quite right. Which still keeps it real. “Let he without slin, cast the first scone.” 😉
Well the forum is an open space where people are encouraged to contribute to any threads they are interested in - so there isn’t really an established principle for preventing users from adding their posts aside from the auto-lock after no activity for 3 months.

So do try not to be upset if someone posts in the meantime - I’m sure it wouldn’t be done to upset you 🙂
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough: If anyone dares 'step foot' in that thread, before it's ready, I'm crackin' skulls!

Just kidding, of course. But really, I'm the last person to be trying to sensor/comtrol what people say/do. I'm just kinda weary and wary of it all - Past experience has me very jaded indeed.

It might be better to close and delete the other thread, until I have done the pre-wor necessary to start it off in a manner that should help it stay relatively easy to deal with.
You cannot delete a thread, nor can you close it. No member can do either of those things because that is how this forum works - but if you wish either to happen - then PM one of the Admin team specifically.
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Is this thread about the other thread? Where is the “other thread?” Why are posts unwelcome on the other topic? I will respect @beating_my_betes ’s wishes regarding the other thread. But not everyone has seen “this topic.” It could be prudent to “pin” this topic to the top of the forum, making it visible for all? 😉
You cannot delete a thread, nor can you close it. No member can do either of those things because that is how this forum works - but if you wish either to happen - then PM one of the Admin team specifically.
Was about to edit my post to fix a spelling mistake. But before I do, perhaps you could demonstrate where I said that I thought it was up/down to me whether the thread is closed and/or deleted.

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough: If anyone dares 'step foot' in that thread, before it's ready, I'm crackin' skulls!
haha, to me that just reads like 'I double dare you to post' ... wicked side triggered, fingers itching .... 😛

I'm just kinda weary and wary of it all - Past experience has me very jaded indeed.
I know exactly what you mean 😱
I had thought is was probably this earlier thread of @beating_my_betes

Which I have temporarily closed. Once you want to post your updates @beating_my_betes let the mods know and we can re-open it.
You 'thought out loud' that it might be better to close the thread until such time as you happen to feel ready - I merely tried to convey that once any of us has put any post on the forum it's there in the public domain to be commented on by any other member of the forum, hence to close it we have to specifically ask for that to be done - but I note that @everydayupsanddowns has since done that for you anyway.