The Aasics London 10km Run 11th July 2010

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I know what you mean, I put a load of effort into training this time round and was on course for a pb, thats never going to happen now, soooo disappointed!
See you tomorrow!

Defo! Will be looking out for you, but I suspect you may well be round before Ive completed the first 5km...but I will head round to horseguards afters and hopefully catch you somehwere. Good luck Aymes- you have been doing really well with your running and I hope you get a decent time still despite the heat! x

Try not to fear the heat Lou, just go at a pace you feel comfortable with from the start. Put some baby powder on your feet and be sure to wear socks with your trainers - it will help a lot! Sip water ffrequently - if they are handing out bottles as they often do nowadays, keep the bottle with you rather than throwing it away half full. Try to go as long as you can without stopping - once you've stopped it's harder to get going again. Pour a litle water over your head, forearms and thighs and it will help keep you cool. Try to distract yourself by laughing at all the nutters in Minnie Mouse outfits 😉 When you get to half way, keep telling yourself that you're on the final stretch! Enjoy it! 🙂

Don't JDRF issue running bikinis then? They sent me some JDRF speedos for last year's Great South Run, but it was October so a bit too chilly...

JDRF dont even have any running places for this race, I bought my own then asked them for a running vest and told them I would give them my sponsorship! If they didnt offer you a JDRF mankini, I should think they'd offer me a JDRF bikini!:D

Sugarbum - serious advice - don't just drink water before, during and after race, also pour it over your head, neck & arms; lace shoes carefully & experiment with different thicknesses of socks, as feet will swell in heat; have sandals to change into after running.
You could adopt Top Gear "Stars in Reasonably Priced Cars" strategy: times are marked if they are in wet or very wet conditions, as these are known to be slower than dry runs, so count this as a hot run, and don't be disappointed if you don't get a PB.
Best of luck to both of you - you're already beating me for actually intending to get to start line. But I reckon last weekend's SLMM was more suitable for me.

Thanks Copepod, I think I will have to do that as Im worried about overheating, actually paranoid would be better word. Im going to start as early as I can, hopefully before it gets too hot.

Good luck everybody :D

Cheers hon! Will be reporting back! x
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Good luck for tomorrow, hope you are all ok and finish well.

Sorry, I had been doing that reply for nearly an hour (was on video messenger with my neice!) and missed your message. Thanks ypauly 🙂
You're welcome, In-fact I think you should try a BIG diabetic run all the way to birmingham in september. I'll sponser you lol:D 50p a mile ?1 a mile if you do it in northy's hawian shirt:D
You're welcome, In-fact I think you should try a BIG diabetic run all the way to birmingham in september. I'll sponser you lol:D 50p a mile ?1 a mile if you do it in northy's hawian shirt:D

In 'that' shirt?? Id want more than 50p a mile I can tell you!!!
Come on you lot, what happened? Or are you all still in the pub? Hope it went well! :D
They might be in the pub, I had a train to catch unfortunately...

It was a good day, hot but not as hot as I feared. Didn't do a great time, the route was very congested so a lot of dodging people was required, my iPod rckons i did an extra half mile than the race distance!

My one gripe was that they ran out of water at the water stations very quickly. I started a fair way back but there was a good few thousand behind me and had no access to water until after 8k which in this weather is pretty unacceptable. I had one of the last water bottles at 8k so some people wouldn't have had any all race!

But it is an amazing route with a mostly great atmosphere, this was my third year doing this one and sure I'll go back for my 4th.
Well done aymes! Dreadful about the lack of water - it's the ones towards the back that need it most as they've been out in the heat for much longer! Glad to hear you got round safely and enjoyed the atmosphere 🙂
Hi Aymes
Glad to hear you got round OK, despite people dodging and lack of water, which is inexcusable as you and Northerner have already said. Do mention it to organisers - having seen lots of comments from participants in triathlons I work at, I know that competitors' comments, both praise and criticism, are taken on board.
Hiya all,

Glad you got home ok Aymes! I fell asleep on the bus and have been exhasted all day! Ive just had a large chippy as a treat!

Im nursing some aches and some sunburn (for some strange reason I did not think to apply cream) but I did 1 hr 25 of which I would like say I spent a very long time in the queue for the toilets at 5km! About 6 or 7 minutes I reckon- what a disgrace 😱

LUCKILY I had a lot of water, but I was there early and in the first divide as they stagger you forward to the start. But it didnt look as if the supplies were good at all.

Fab to see Shelley and Aymes afterwards, and to meet Ricky V! 🙂
Oh and I forgot to say, sugars were good! So were Shelleys- what a result! 🙂
Well done girls!! You should all be very proud of yourselves xx
Here you go (copied from Shelley's fb, hope that's ok!)

Well done all. Take a box to stand on for next photo Aymes! Hope you all get lots of good comments from people you see through the week.
Is Shelley doing ok? aint seen her about since the run.
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