Testing strips on the NHS

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Oh but it was fun . It would the pub lunches and evening meals that would get me . i used to love Stanmore outings . Also did a few outings with sister in law. Towers and bells can all be so different as per wait the changes in the circle of bells etc . Hubby used to teach on the Essex course I have been there a long time ago.
Ringing is good . My friend originally got me roped in but since my back and other ops I'm not keen. My hands are useless too. Plus hubby rings on twelve and spliced at that I am an embarrassment really.
He has patience with others but I am more likely to give in than persevere.
Maybe in the next life Ill be good at something.
At the moment if i could stay asleep I think i might even be said to be good at that.
I often wish that when you are on a tour there is more time to look around and time to look at the village you are in. It is disappointing when the tower door is on the outside and the church is not open to look round. I am particularly interested in the stained glass windows and there are some fabulous modern ones being put in. I keep meaning to go to the stained glass museum at Ely.
I am comfortable on 8 bells and basic stuff on 10 but 12 is way beyond me and ask for 16 like at Birmingham No Way.
Somebody was talking the other day about somebody who rings from a wheelchair and I have certainly come across a couple of blind ringers which is amazing. There is a group I ring with which has a couple of people in their late eighties and they manage amazingly well.
It is certainly interesting how diverse a group of ringers can be and that is what makes it a fantastic hobby.
I often wish that when you are on a tour there is more time to look around and time to look at the village you are in. It is disappointing when the tower door is on the outside and the church is not open to look round. I am particularly interested in the stained glass windows and there are some fabulous modern ones being put in. I keep meaning to go to the stained glass museum at Ely.
I am comfortable on 8 bells and basic stuff on 10 but 12 is way beyond me and ask for 16 like at Birmingham No Way.
Somebody was talking the other day about somebody who rings from a wheelchair and I have certainly come across a couple of blind ringers which is amazing. There is a group I ring with which has a couple of people in their late eighties and they manage amazingly well.
It is certainly interesting how diverse a group of ringers can be and that is what makes it a fantastic hobby.
It sure is, also a non judgemental class thing too. You can ring with very educated upoer class ringers as well as poor and uneducated. It is also great exercise as well as social.
i think if hubby did not have his ringing hed be hard to live with lol
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