Testing Strips & Meters For Type 2s...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So far this week I have been asked by two members if I could help them to challenge the refusal by their GPS/DSNs to supply testing strips on prescription for type 2 members non-dependant on hypo inducing medication ...such as insulin or Glicalazide... many of you know this is an issue I feel passionate about...it often provokes much debate & discussion amongst members on the forum...if anyone would like to try to get their GPS...DSNs to provide strips & a meter...I would be happy to supply a copy of my letter...which could easily be adapted to suit your own personal circumstances...all identifying details of doctors...members of my local Clinical Commissioning Group and others involved have been removed...so it does not breach the forum guidelines...it is important we are given the opportunity to self monitor our blood glucose...to give ourselves the best chance of managing/controlling our diabetes...important we are included in the grand scheme of things...any members wanting some guidance...a copy of the letter...please PM me.
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Why not share the letter here @Bubbsie? Then everyone can see it without having to bother you?
Why not share the letter here @Bubbsie? Then everyone can see it without having to bother you?
Thank you Mike... it's absolutely no bother for me...as you know this is an issue I feel strongly about...many of us here do...so I am prepared to invest my time into it...I have sent a copy of the draft letter to Hannah at DUK for her information.
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That’s very kind of you @Bubbsie, but I think it would be a very helpful thread if you posted it here. Then everyone can get the benefit of it, even if not confident to contact you, just lurking on the forum without registering or whatever.

It would also allow other members who have successfully managed to secure test strips on prescription from reluctant surgeries to add their own ideas and the things they said.

Could be a very useful thread, and possible sticky?

Seems odd to keep it hidden when you are already sharing it so generously.
I feel strongly too, they should provide meters and strips, the very cheapest of course because the NHS is cash strapped at the minute, but if people are paying in all their lives then they should reap the rewards when they are in need. I have to sell something on ebay before I can order more strips! I'm running out of control as it is, without measuring I'd be even worse, I know this. :(
I feel strongly too, they should provide meters and strips, the very cheapest of course because the NHS is cash strapped at the minute, but if people are paying in all their lives then they should reap the rewards when they are in need. I have to sell something on ebay before I can order more strips! I'm running out of control as it is, without measuring I'd be even worse, I know this. :(
Ditto...you can ask for them...justify your need...be more than happy to help if needed.
There'd be no chance, it's the same doc (who is excellent with everything else) who fobbed me off when I mentioned my bloated tum so there'd be no chance. He just told the receptionist "She doesn't need them." 🙄
There'd be no chance, it's the same doc (who is excellent with everything else) who fobbed me off when I mentioned my bloated tum so there'd be no chance. He just told the receptionist "She doesn't need them." 🙄
Ditto...you're made of sterner stuff than that...besides...his approach to any of your health problems seems so dismissive...can you see another doctor at the practice...we can book an appointment online with any of the other GPs there...quite happy with mine...but could be a possibility for you?
If anyone else with T2 on diet-and-exercise or metformin has changed their Dr's mind about test strips has any tips for strategies/suggestions that others can use to build their own 'case' this would be a great thread to share them on here.

What information did you take?
Did you use results you had already obtained by self-funding to convince them?
Did you use any resources from Diabetes UK or anywhere else?
Did you mention clinical research or NICE guidelines?
What was the outcome - how many strips per month are you prescribed?
Were there any conditions/follow up/review periods that you agreed?
@Bubbsie it would be great for you to share your letter so that others can see the approach you took in successfully challenging your GP's decision regarding the provision of test strips. Knowing that you were successful is a positive message to anyone else who may be in the process of challenging their GP.
If anyone else with T2 on diet-and-exercise or metformin has changed their Dr's mind about test strips has any tips for strategies/suggestions that others can use to build their own 'case' this would be a great thread to share them on here.

Yes - be really great to hear if anyone else has been successful and what approaches have been taken?
I would welcome contributions from any members on this matter....be wonderful to finally get some momentum going on this testing (pun intended) issue...a far as I am aware the often quoted excuse/response members in our circumstances (those refused) receive... is there is no solid scientific/clinical data available that demonstrates type 2s non dependant on hypoglycaemia medication benefit from self monitoring their blood glucose (SMBG)..apart from the study where type 2s were all placed on the same diet for a set period without testing...then provided testing strips for SMBG...kept on exactly the same diet...the study showed no improvement in their blood sugars...hardly surprising since the necessity of SMBG is that we try different foods...assess how they affect our blood sugars...appears that particular study was set up to fail from the concept...can't recall the name of that particular study...if anyone can point me in the right direction...could publish the link....I have checked the advocacy pack from the DUK website...it could be better...members should not be worried about reading the NICE guidelines...or the Clinical Commissioning Groups directives on this...they are fairly easy to follow...fairly straight forward...useful...we should all consult them...any account of a challenge would be productive...successful or otherwise...would like to know who the challenge was directed to your...GP...DSN...or the CCG...good to see this thread receiving attention...thank you Mike...lets hope that continues.
@Bubbsie it would be great for you to share your letter so that others can see the approach you took in successfully challenging your GP's decision regarding the provision of test strips. Knowing that you were successful is a positive message to anyone else who may be in the process of challenging their GP.
Thank you Hannah...have to work through some emails for the next hour or so...will certainly give that some thought...just for clarification...my GP was perfectly willing to provide a meter...put me on a repeat prescription for testing strips...he cautioned that the local CCG were lkiely to question that...stop the repeat...my challenge was made directly to my local Clinical Commissioning Groups Chair...which as you are aware was successful.
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can't recall the name of that particular study...if anyone can point me in the right direction...

Do you mean Farmer et al? One of a series of SMBG studies which showed no effect, or even worse a negative effect (depression) to a number of different ways of using self-monitoring in people with T2 on D&E or Metformin.

It's important to recognise that the scientific evidence is not in favour of T2s self monitoring (unless on insulin etc) because that is where the resistance comes from. And as you say Bubbsie - there seems little solid published evidence that it works - and yet we see tonnes of positive anecdotal accounts here.

BUT (and it is a massive 'but') one of the later Farmer paper's mentions 'certain subgroups' for whom SMBG in T2 on diet alone can be beneficial. So in my opinion it's a matter of acknowledging the evidence that exists that 'it won't work for everyone', but creating a compelling case that demonstrates that you as an individual are one of the 'certain subgroups' for whom self-monitoring is highly cost effective. That you use each BG check to improve your care, and when you need fewer, you will happily use fewer to help the GPs budget.

Please get the ball rolling by posting your letter Bubbsie. I'm sure it would help others share their ideas.
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Thank you Hannah...have to work through some emails for the next hour or so...will certainly give that some thought...just for clarification...my GP was perfectly willing to provide a meter...put me on a repeat prescription for testing strips...he cautioned that the local CCG were likely to question that...stop the repeat...my challenge was made directly to my local Clinical Commissioning Groups Chair.

So sounds like you had the support of your GP which is great, the issue in your case was with your CCG. Others may be experiencing refusal from their GP as well, but ultimately, the CCG is where the blanket decision is likely to come from.
As you mentioned, we have an advocacy support pack on the matter, but you feel that we could improve on this?
We also an online action form, which allows you to write to local health bosses to raise and challenge any restrictions you have faced if anyone wants to help raise the issue in their local area:
So sounds like you had the support of your GP which is great, the issue in your case was with your CCG. Others may be experiencing refusal from their GP as well, but ultimately, the CCG is where the blanket decision is likely to come from.
As you mentioned, we have an advocacy support pack on the matter, but you feel that we could improve on this?
We also an online action form, which allows you to write to local health bosses to raise and challenge any restrictions you have faced if anyone wants to help raise the issue in their local area:
Hannah I believe there could be improvement to the advocacy pack...any improvement would be welcome...I have sent you a message on this thread.
Yes please post the letter in open forum Bubbsie, or the lurkers will not benefit. 🙂
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