test strips allowance for pumpers

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I think people being considered for pump therapy are told they must be prepared to test at least 4/5 times a day. It's a minimum, not a limit! It irks me to hear people say "diabetics" test too often - do they think it's an enjoyable activity?!! There are studies that show a link between each extra test and a reduction in Hba1c.
Riri what your consultant said sounds daft

I test about 6 times a day as breakfast & tea are my worst times even when everything is right. So test 2.5 hours afterwards as I find I can react better by knowing what's going on.

Diabetes isn't a one size fits all so you test to what your requirements are
Thanks for comments. I know, diabetes it so individual and to try and generalise by saying everyone should text x amount of times I think adds additional pressure on people. As you say, you test for a reason and literally for the good of your health not for fun!
i won! (kinda)

as the title says - i actually won my argument about allowances for medication/medication reviews etc

so i am not to have another review until july 2014.

got 4 vial of novo a month
2 boxes of multi clik lancets
8 - yes 8 boxes of testing strips

and a spray to remove the adhesive - had the choice of plain or citrus

how ever i did argue about them taking my novo & lantus cartridges off my medication list - they will be added back on but only 1 box of each

cant have it all i guess......
how ever i did argue about them taking my novo & lantus cartridges off my medication list - they will be added back on but only 1 box of each

Woooo hooooo!! Brilliant news 🙂

FWIW I've only got a couple of cartridges of Lantus in the fridge left over from MDI days as an emergency MDI backup. In 2 years I've not needed then at all, so I would say a box of each would be plenty and just keep them till they run out of date, then get some more 'just in case'.

I haven't bothered with Novo carts, if I need to switch to MDI for a few days I'll just use an old fashioned insulin syringe and Novo vial like the old days!
Great news Laura, and about time too!! 🙂
Woooo hooooo!! Brilliant news 🙂

FWIW I've only got a couple of cartridges of Lantus in the fridge left over from MDI days as an emergency MDI backup. In 2 years I've not needed then at all, so I would say a box of each would be plenty and just keep them till they run out of date, then get some more 'just in case'.

I haven't bothered with Novo carts, if I need to switch to MDI for a few days I'll just use an old fashioned insulin syringe and Novo vial like the old days!

You are braver than me mike with syringes, I hated them when I was on mixed insulin

My lantus I think has 3 more years til it expires but sadly my novo cartridges expires June next year

I am glad I got somewhere for a change
as the title says - i actually won my argument about allowances for medication/medication reviews etc

so i am not to have another review until july 2014.

got 4 vial of novo a month
2 boxes of multi clik lancets
8 - yes 8 boxes of testing strips

and a spray to remove the adhesive - had the choice of plain or citrus

how ever i did argue about them taking my novo & lantus cartridges off my medication list - they will be added back on but only 1 box of each

cant have it all i guess......

Excellent news Laura 🙂 Such a shame you had to go through all that before they decided to be reasonable 😡
I said OK to no cartridges, but insisted they put disposable syringes on.

If I needed Levemir in an emergency, I'd show up at A&E if the surgery wasn't open. You can't do multiple jabs all over a weekend or overnight, can you?
I said OK to no cartridges, but insisted they put disposable syringes on.

If I needed Levemir in an emergency, I'd show up at A&E if the surgery wasn't open. You can't do multiple jabs all over a weekend or overnight, can you?

Oh, I'd been told I still needed to have supplies in the fridge & get new ones near expiry.

Have I been told wrong?
Oh, I'd been told I still needed to have supplies in the fridge & get new ones near expiry.

Have I been told wrong?
It's up to you. What you must have is access to injectable fast-acting insulin of some kind, in case of pump failure. We do choose to keep novo and levemir cartridges in the fridge (have never used the levemir as it happens), and if going on holiday we take both types with pens. Someone recently posted about their pump being stolen on holiday and needing to revert back to MDI - always better imo to have what you need rather than having to schlep over to the nearest hospital! 🙂
His Laura, not wrong as I have cartridges for my pen as spares in my fridge. Diabetes team and GP arranged this together when I first when on the pump.
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