Tesco recipes for diabetics...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Diabetes UK approved breakfasts and lunches​

Some of these recipes contain > 40g of carbs!
They look fine to me. I could eat those easily. Yes, I’m Type 1 and on insulin, but we all have to choose meals/recipes that suit us as individuals, taking into account our own circumstances. A friend is Type 2 and eats things like that, which he fits in to his rough daily carb allowance. I have my own personal carb limit per meal because eating any more than that is a pain and requires split boluses and the like, but those meals all look pretty healthy to me, especially compared to what some people eat.

As with all recipe books/collections, some will suit, others not.
Type 1 diabetics can eat as much carbs as we like, provided we bolus for them.
Which is why diabetes uk has both low and not low carb recipes, and tezco has just followed the same line
Well I know it's different for people with T1.

There are people with T2 who would go sky high with some of those meals. Nothing to do with the 'healthiness' of them, but they may not suitable for a lot of people with T2 diabetes... and the web page makes no attempt to mention this.
But some wouldn’t. If you think it’s misleading, then perhaps it just needs a line about ‘choose the recipes that suit you/some recipes might contain more or less carbs than you usually eat’, etc. There’s nothing wrong with the recipes and it does talk about them as “options” not a recommended diet plan that you need to eat every meal from.

Those are nice options there. Even if a Type 2 couldn’t eat some of them, there’d be substitutions they could make for many, eg cauli rice, smaller carb portion.
I don't *care* how nice they are, or whether 'some' T2s can eat them and I never said there's anything wrong with the recipes.
I don't see an issue either. With a quick glance I picked the pancakes as the worst offender, which is only just over 40g. That certainly fits in with the DUK definition of low carb being under 130g per day. Could maybe do with a traffic light system to give a quick visual clue of carb content rather than having to look for it.
I can see both sides of the argument here. I think it is problematic suggesting anything is good or bad for diabetics and whilst here on the forum we are pretty knowledgeable about how we go about making these decisions for ourselves, most people with Type 2 diabetes are not and a lot of the time they come to the forum confused because their Dr or nurse has told them x or y is a good choice and then to find that information may not be correct. Porridge being a prime example!

I haven't looked through all the recipes but I think if you assume the average person with diabetes may be eating unhealthily, then thee recipes are probably going to be a big improvement. What I found quite frustrating was that the calories were clearly noted at the top but I had to really go looking for the carb content. Surely the carbs could at least have been noted with the calories near the top, since they are of particular importance to us.
Quick look & those meal ideas they look healthy & could see that they could suit many with type 2 as well as type 1s, as @Inka points out any dish can be adapted to suit i dividual dietary needs.
Thanks for picking this up @harbottle. @Josh DUK , the forum manager, is going to pass the feedback of this discussion back to the Diabetes UK partnerships team.
Forgive me but yuk to most of the recipes..as well as Diabetes type 2 I suffer from generic Anxiety and Depression, lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant and have IBS D. Right now I am on the verge of giving up. I have missed my Diabetic clinic as I just don't want to hear it anymore
Type 1 diabetics can eat as much carbs as we like, provided we bolus for them.
Which is why diabetes uk has both low and not low carb recipes, and tezco has just followed the same line
I wish. I certainly can't. If I get the Bolus amount wrong no amount of correction will sort it out. Perhaps I'm the only one with this problem. I have to control my carbs even though I can Bolus to match.
Thanks for picking this up @harbottle. @Josh DUK , the forum manager, is going to pass the feedback of this discussion back to the Diabetes UK partnerships team.
Sad that Tesco like everyone else keeps highlighting Calories, Sugar and Fat rather than simply the Carbs & Fats. No need to list Calories or Sugar?
I see the problem here at least partly being about type. Suggesting a meal for “diabetes” completely ignores which type and what treatment is involved. And for these meals mentioned that have over 40g carbs per meal most type 1 simply bolus accordingly.

The bigger issue is for a type 2. Most of us are told not to test, or to carb count. Official advice is to eat around 130g carbs daily - without any reference to the fact that this might still prove to be too many for some to achieve good levels and we can aim lower than that if need be and we choose that rather than medication to help further.

As a result of the no testing and counting advice many have no means to identify or recognise a significant rise being caused by the food. They simply don’t know which meals “suit them or cause a problem for them to base their choices on.

Most rely on being told “this is good for diabetes” and that advice, whilst suitable for some, is seriously inaccurate for others. Many, not on forums such as this, have little idea how to identify and alter a meal that is too carby for them

It’s not about the meal being “good or bad”. It’s about the frustrating and harmful idea of lumping all diabetics into one group and assuming the guidance is good for all or that everyone has the means to identify which is which.

And for DUK to support recipes without carb listings is ridiculous - as all types need to be mindful or aware of the carbs in a meal in some way shape or form.
Good job they haven't then. Every recipe has the carbs listed, just not as prominently as they could be.
Oops. That’ll teach me to check for myself. But it should be up there highly visible at the top if aimed at diabetes. I do suspect that omission is as much about Tesco following their formatting and the nations calorie obsession as anything else though.
It would have made sense if Tesco had put the carb info prominently. Firstly, that would be useful for us all, but secondly it would also have given them the opportunity to have a sentence or two from Diabetes U.K. about carbs. Carbs for carb counting for those on insulin, and carbs for monitoring for Type 2s and others who need to. It would be a tiny bit of education for people.
Oops. That’ll teach me to check for myself. But it should be up there highly visible at the top if aimed at diabetes. I do suspect that omission is as much about Tesco following their formatting and the nations calorie obsession as anything else though.
I had to put a second pair of glasses on to find and read the carb content whereas the calories were immediately just there and clearly visible. I think that is really poor planning and layout, especially when diabetes can affect your sight.
I do suspect that omission is as much about Tesco following their formatting and the nations calorie obsession as anything else though.
Yes, if you look at any of their recipes the format is exactly the same.
Oops. That’ll teach me to check for myself. But it should be up there highly visible at the top if aimed at diabetes. I do suspect that omission is as much about Tesco following their formatting and the nations calorie obsession as anything else though.
I’ve been having a nosey round the non diabetic christmas fair menue part of the Tesco site. (Just a quick spin.)
There was actually some pretty low carb fish (salmon.) option? (I mean high protein seriously nominal on the carb.)

Found it. https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/salmon-with-toasted-seeds-and-prosecco-sauce.html
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