Talk with nurse at surgery, am confused...

Mate - she doesn't have diabetes(presumably) and has never even tried to achieve what she wants you to, even without diabetes! Say, Yes, OK, and smile!
I haven't seen my DN for a year she was is a waste of time, I was diagnosed just over a year ago when ill in hospital they tested me then, my HbA1C was 87 I was put on insulin, then referred to our surgery 6 weeks later and my HbA1C was 57, I filled in food charts etc and they wanted me to be tested for T1,but that never happened, the DN said my HbA1C of 57 was good for my age, I am 71, I did have BS in the 8 plus range but carried on with my diet of low carbs, I only see the GP now who is the clinical diabetic lead the rest of the DN team are useless, my HbA1C is now 39 and supposed to be to low for me age but as far as I am concerned its fine, my BS are mostly in the 5 s and the doctor said he doesn't often praise his patients but he said he is very pleased with the progress I have made, I still have insulin but have slowly lowered the does myself. if I were you I would just ignore your DN
Do we have the same nurse? Think mine read a book about diabetes 20 years ago and that qualified her for the job.
Mate - she doesn't have diabetes(presumably) and has never even tried to achieve what she wants you to, even without diabetes! Say, Yes, OK, and smile!
Exactly my strategy!!
Do we have the same nurse? Think mine read a book about diabetes 20 years ago and that qualified her for the job.
Ha ha, the one decent nurse at the surgery retired. She was really helpful, but ever since then it has been a bit of a lucky dip which I lose everytime.
I'm no expert but those numbers sound great to me and I would be inclined to carry on doing as you are. I just read normal glucose levels fasting between 5.0 and 7.2 for adults.
I'm no expert but those numbers sound great to me and I would be inclined to carry on doing as you are. I just read normal glucose levels fasting between 5.0 and 7.2 for adults.
I am happy with my numbers am just bewildered by her comment, wonder how low she would like them to be?!!
I am happy with my numbers am just bewildered by her comment, wonder how low she would like them to be?!!
I don't think could of had full training. Its difficult when you don't have confidence in the professionals.
To be instructing someone with normal HbA1c - in the 30s - to lower their glucose levels to 5 or less is simply not logical.
I raise one eyebrow.
It's certainly odd advice.
Hi @Sharron1. Looking at your hbA1c results for over 5 years. Your diabetes appears to be well controlled. Given the margin of error in testing strips I wouldn't worry about the results. I am recently diagnosed T2 (about 6 months ago) and currently using test strips due to medication change and increased dose. Fasting blood glucose is still over 10. HbA1c down from 165 to 133 and new target is 80 by October. If I can get my glucose readings close to yours I will be a very happy bunny. You are doing great
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Your situation sounds very similar to mine with those hba1cs. My hba1c went to normal so quickly the GP was shocked.

But they cut metformin straight away and recently stopped it - hba1c came back slightly lower than before so they marked my diagnosis as 'in remission'. They just said they didn't think it was good taking a medication when you didn't actually need it.

They consider the condition to be reversible (As in reversible by lifestyle/weight loss, which the possibility of it returning if I don't keep things that way. Not reversible as in cured.)

Those numbers are perfectly normal. I doubt in a non-diabetic it stays at 5. I saw a TV show recently where they took the glucose of the presenter and it was 5.6, which is a value that I seem to see all the time.

And the effects of food are so different I find that 2 hour thing to be a bit nonsensical, especially with something like lentils (Which don't even start to rise until over two hours!) and also higher carb meals which sometimes see two peaks - goes up, drops down again quickly, and then goes up a bit and falls (With the second rise/fall being far slower.)
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Hi @Sharron1. Looking at your hbA1c results for over 5 years. Your diabetes appears to be well controlled. Given the margin of error in testing strips I wouldn't worry about the results. I am recently diagnosed T2 (about 6 months ago) and currently using test strips due to medication change and increased dose. Fasting blood glucose is still over 10. HbA1c down from 165 to 133 and new target is 80 by October. If I can get my glucose readings close to yours I will be a very happy bunny. You are doing
Thank you. TBH I am more than happy with my BG numbers. Just bemused with the remarks from this HCP at the surgery.
Those readings look normal to me. 5 and under seems a little bit low to do all the time. I suppose some people may achieve it but it would depend on the person I would have thought.
Those readings look normal to me. 5 and under seems a little bit low to do all the time. I suppose some people may achieve it but it would depend on the person I would have thought.
I thought it was a silly comment and I as well as ignoring it, I won't be showing my food diary again to HCPs