T2 medications

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I appreciate all your advice but emotional or in need of counselling is as you say something that's outside your remit of expertise. I don't know why you sensed that, the only thing I have conveyed was frustration over the very unclear rules around diabetes online feel and the rapid change I feel as a person astetically that but if you gain 30kg in a few years? A few short years with additional side effects you would worry too.

Maybe it's thyroid or ovarian cancer all I know that most of the symptoms He matched it and with family history, different readings and high cholesterol the is doctor flagged me for PRE-GD l. So I got a monitor and went from there. And now is the reassessment.

I apologise that you couldn't under stand me I am using a phone not laptop I am educated to level 6 degree level it's has been auto correct and having to keep going back to push screen up to read, and feeling drowsy staring at the screen. However dyslexia aside it a little rude to highlight a disability most would just say sorry I understand not comment on it like a teacher asking a child why they can't read there writing then rebroadcast it in the child's class and presences. Moreover you
only know what I have written in a post, you have no idea of what my life is like. I'm upset yes about my Weight & side effects, but I really don't think you should or be so forward to say I need counselling and I am sorry if that's offensive to you, but if you read your answer again you have basically said well we didn't know you have dyslexia your hard to understand self declared and you need counselling. You have no idea the emotional pain I've been through at just 35, diabetes and my weight are fickle in that category and attached to physiology not psychology. Again I'm sorry but I found that ignorant, judgmental and very offensive to disability.

I will stick to the newbies board from now on not bother those who have been fighting this for a while.

Thank you everyone for your support.
I think if you are paying privately you can have anything tested. But your GP should test or refer you to the relevant hospital dept for testing on NHS if it's needed. The best thing would be to list your symptoms and get a GP appt to discuss it all. I know you've already seen your GP but sometimes you need to be persistent and stress the main symptoms i.e. Dry mouth and need to drink excessively.
I am not an expert that's what I am asking which I thought I could do without being quizzed or ridicule...I am thinking worst case senarion and what I can do to help my self my weight and my risk.

My intention was not to ridicule, my question about metformin is serious. I've been taking it for nearly 20 years and it's still being prescribed as a first line of defense. Any other questions were not meant to be anything like the Spanish Inquisition, just to clarify what you were saying.
I am using a phone not laptop.

I will stick to the newbies board from now on not bother those who have been fighting this for a while.

Thank you everyone for your support.
As someone who relied entirely on their phone for their internet at home, I appreciate the difficulty.
Post where and when you feel comfortable. If you prefer, try just reading the threads. I hope you can find a place here, and we'll hear from you in future.
Maybe I'll even be able to be helpful.
I will stick to the newbies board from now on not bother those who have been fighting this for a while.
Debbie, we are here to help in any way we can, this is a self-help group for a disease which can be quite complicated to manage

I appreciate all your advice but emotional or in need of counselling is as you say something that's outside your remit of expertise. I don't know why you sensed that, the only thing I have conveyed was frustration over the very unclear rules around diabetes online feel and the rapid change I feel as a person astetically that but if you gain 30kg in a few years? A few short years with additional side effects you would worry too.

Maybe it's thyroid or ovarian cancer all I know that most of the symptoms He matched it and with family history, different readings and high cholesterol the is doctor flagged me for PRE-GD l. So I got a monitor and went from there. And now is the reassessment.

I apologise that you couldn't under stand me I am using a phone not laptop I am educated to level 6 degree level it's has been auto correct and having to keep going back to push screen up to read, and feeling drowsy staring at the screen. However dyslexia aside it a little rude to highlight a disability most would just say sorry I understand not comment on it like a teacher asking a child why they can't read there writing then rebroadcast it in the child's class and presences. Moreover you
only know what I have written in a post, you have no idea of what my life is like. I'm upset yes about my Weight & side effects, but I really don't think you should or be so forward to say I need counselling and I am sorry if that's offensive to you, but if you read your answer again you have basically said well we didn't know you have dyslexia your hard to understand self declared and you need counselling. You have no idea the emotional pain I've been through at just 35, diabetes and my weight are fickle in that category and attached to physiology not psychology. Again I'm sorry but I found that ignorant, judgmental and very offensive to disability.

I will stick to the newbies board from now on not bother those who have been fighting this for a while.

Thank you everyone for your support.
Post where you like, no one will judge you
Getting tests done can be down to which doctor who you see or speak to, I rarely see the same doctor as a few are locums and only stay a few months. After years of having a problem one doctor did finally take action and referred me to the relevant consultant, and now more tests are being done.

If you have a doctor in your GP practice that is known to care for their patients (a rare thing in some practices), it could well be worth making an appointment with that doctor and talk things through with him or her. It may take a bit longer to get an appointment with that doc as normally everyone wants an appointment with the descent doc, but it could be worth the extra few days of waiting.
Debbie, I have the greatest admiration for the efforts you are making to understand and resolve your problems. It is hard enough trying to find and make sense of all the advice - some of it conflicting advice, about health issues without having to do it through the fog of dyslexia. I struggle most of the time and I've no great problems reading or writing.
I can't, I regret, give you any firm advice or guidance beyond what you will have already read above as I'm fairly new to the scene. I do think you need to talk to your GP about your issues and see if you can find either counselling or a local support group.
Do please keep posting here - you'll get a lot of support, it may not resolve all your problems but you'll not be left feeling that you are going it alone.
BTW - I could just about murder for a couple of Frys Chocolate Creams!
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