T2 medications

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I just would like to know people's thoughts on weight loss with medication. 8 years ago I was in metformin for pcos. Now PD and big check up soon die to rising levels and. Revaluation metformin seems to be a drug of the past now.

If I have to be medicated I wish to do so with a drug that will help with the hypo and help me to loose the weight and the roll over sugar craving that I have instead of a hunger for food.

Has anyone found their medication helped with their sugar cravings and actually helped them loose weight.
There seem to be so many now do they help will the weigh loss even though you are less mobile?

Any help do make sense of what he could suggest is greatly appreciated.



30 kg
Dad T2 we are very similar builds

Rheumatoid arthritis spine
Oestoarthris in knees

I just would like to know people's thoughts on weight loss with medication. 8 years ago I was in metformin for pcos. Now PD and big check up soon die to rising levels and. Revaluation metformin seems to be a drug of the past now.

If I have to be medicated I wish to do so with a drug that will help with the hypo and help me to loose the weight and the roll over sugar craving that I have instead of a hunger for food.

Has anyone found their medication helped with their sugar cravings and actually helped them loose weight.
There seem to be so many now do they help will the weigh loss even though you are less mobile?

Any help do make sense of what he could suggest is greatly appreciated.



30 kg
Dad T2 we are very similar builds

Rheumatoid arthritis spine
Oestoarthris in knees
You could ask for GLP-1 which would tick the boxes you are asking about, there are some risky side effects so you may want to do your own research.
Revaluation metformin seems to be a drug of the past now.

Is it? What do newly diagnosed diabetics with a healthy (ish) pancreas get prescribed these days as a first line?

If I have to be medicated I wish to do so with a drug that will help with the hypo and help me to loose the weight and the roll over sugar craving that I have instead of a hunger for food.

Slight confusion, must be my age, you have "30kg" at the bottom of your message, if that's your weight, why would you want to lose more weight? Sorry, not entirely sure what "and the roll over sugar craving that I have instead of a hunger for food" means.

Has anyone found their medication helped with their sugar cravings and actually helped them loose weight.

I'm not aware of anything to reduce sugar cravings and weight, although if alcohol cravings are anything to go by, the longer the abstinence the less the craving.

I just would like to know people's thoughts on weight loss with medication. 8 years ago I was in metformin for pcos. Now PD and big check up soon die to rising levels and. Revaluation metformin seems to be a drug of the past now.

If I have to be medicated I wish to do so with a drug that will help with the hypo and help me to loose the weight and the roll over sugar craving that I have instead of a hunger for food.

Has anyone found their medication helped with their sugar cravings and actually helped them loose weight.
There seem to be so many now do they help will the weigh loss even though you are less mobile?

Any help do make sense of what he could suggest is greatly appreciated.



30 kg
Dad T2 we are very similar builds

Rheumatoid arthritis spine
Oestoarthris in knees
Metformin started life as a diet pill and does reduce the appetite to some extent so worth taking if you crave sugar/carbs.
Revaluation metformin seems to be a drug of the past now.
Is it? What do newly diagnosed diabetics with a healthy (ish) pancreas get prescribed these days as a first line?
I was diagnosed 23 months ago (two years 26 days times) and was given metformin straight off with no discussion.
Metformin started life as a diet pill and does reduce the appetite to some extent so worth taking if you crave sugar/carbs.
No that I've noticed.

I just would like to know people's thoughts on weight loss with medication. 8 years ago I was in metformin for pcos. Now PD and big check up soon die to rising levels and. Revaluation metformin seems to be a drug of the past now.

If I have to be medicated I wish to do so with a drug that will help with the hypo and help me to loose the weight and the roll over sugar craving that I have instead of a hunger for food.

Has anyone found their medication helped with their sugar cravings and actually helped them loose weight.
There seem to be so many now do they help will the weigh loss even though you are less mobile?

Any help do make sense of what he could suggest is greatly appreciated.



30 kg
Dad T2 we are very similar builds

Rheumatoid arthritis spine
Oestoarthris in knees

Debbie, isn't 30kg only 4stone 7lbs?
A bit confused as what is being asked.

Metformin is normally the first line of attack on the diagnosis of diabetes, unless the levels are low enough that diet and exercise will help get one back under control. Metformin was induced as a diet pill, but was found most useful in the treatment of diabetes.

There are other meds that help reducing ones glucose levels, that work when ones glucose levels go high. Generally if levels don't come down with metformin and one is diagnosed as type 2 diabetic gliclazide (or another med in the same group) is a common next stage, this group of meds will and do cause hypos, and with these meds you need to use a meter and test strips to check what your glucose levels are, even more so if you drive. After that there are other tablets that help some when levels go high they aid in bring ones levels down, though for me these don't work.

Once tablets fail to control one's levels there are injectables like victozia for one, then theres insulin which again can cause hypos again one needs to test to see what ones levels are.

If one is overweight but if you are 30 kg's and an adult it would suggest you are not overweight.There is some meds that can slow the body's absorption of fat, but have a side effect that if taking metformin as well could be very embarrassing, more than what metformin has been nicknamed as metfartin. I was on this med and was so glad to come off it as it was worse being on it and personally they did not work for me.

Any meds like appetite suppressants or other similar meds would need careful consideration and discussions with your doctor before s/he would prescribe such medication and from memory you would have to have long term weight increase problems. Even though I have put on a large amount of weight not to my liking over the past few months, and trying to resolve whats going on I would not dream of asking for such meds after my previous experience of them. Its better to try and identify what is causing the problem and take it from there and start to manage the problem
I think 30kg is the amount Debbie wants to lose. Saw it in a later post.
So are you saying that there are other drugs now more apt for PCOS ?

Thing is, as a PRE diabetic - you wouldn't even be on Metformin if you didn't have PCOS. None of the other drugs can be prescribed anyway, unless they have actually diagnosed you with diabetes and there's an end to it. However can I ask in view of your other health probs - what other drugs are you taking ?
Firstly 30kg is what I have to it
It's on even though I eat less and have no appetite. I am 88kg I am sure the doctor will but me on metformin or slimvastin I was just asking are there any that would be open to T2 5hat would help with Watee retention and weight I am ashamed of what has happen to me and my life reflects that. I apologise if I confused anyone I have dyslexia and asd so what I say does come across wrong some times.

I am not as knowledgeable about this than you on all I know is my weight increases to rise with no light, ember 3 years ago I was 60kg that's a massive uptake to cope with I tested again today fasting 7.8 & 8.3 after a meal a jacket potato and tuna 4.8 now it's back up to 7.9 o don't understand maybe it's thyroid and not diabetes only I am ore determined clinically obese and have the signs which for me are excessive stealing hot then I've cold I wake I. A cold sweat cloth drenched I got lazer but before I couldn't see 2ft excessive thirst to the point I drink 12 litres of water daily and. Panic when I don't have one constant dry mouth iirinate wmeveey 1 sometimes more o wake up 4:5 times a night and the first thing I need in waking is water.

I have no aooitie or interest in savoury foods but when I get tired I am straight for a sugar fix I do crave sugar as it's a quick fix and maybe it's depression I must get a high today I have had a P&J sandwich, a banana, 2 small potatoes with tuna. That's an over eating day for me I'm never pick inless less bored.i don't drink at all and my mobility could be better but that's not up to me I have to take a day as it comes. I look at. My close from the 3 years ago and I feel. Sick I hate and try to avoid nybokd life because I'd how I feel about it and everything I try leases to more weight I was 60kg size 10 now it's 88kg and size 16/18 abs it's ll round my middle with unrecognised legs.it isn't vanity I am genuinely ashamed And I'm only 5'2" and I am worried about why it won't shift and if I have to go back to the doctor I want to be informed with. Drugs weight as and my organs that's why I asked is there one yiubcan loose weight on or get rid of this craving.....:there's one in every family all my siblings are slim but I got all the health problems and I worry about being alone for the rest of my life who could want this I'm very lonely in this life. So I just wanted to know if anyone success with dropping weight and reducing the symptoms.

Sorry of o confused you
So are you saying that there are other drugs now more apt for PCOS ?

Thing is, as a PRE diabetic - you wouldn't even be on Metformin if you didn't have PCOS. None of the other drugs can be prescribed anyway, unless they have actually diagnosed you with diabetes and there's an end to it. However can I ask in view of your other health probs - what other drugs are you taking ?

No and I wouldn't be posting if I didn't know it was coming - I know I will be he more or lass
Said it was right just slightly reaching the figures that was 2 years ago and 20kh on.

I stopped all mess to see if it reduces my weight I was in on much and I have been of them all I only take tromodol for the arthritis.

And if I'm not diagnosed past prediagnisis I still want to be ready what every he says m.
A bit confused as what is being asked.

Metformin is normally the first line of attack on the diagnosis of diabetes, unless the levels are low enough that diet and exercise will help get one back under control. Metformin was induced as a diet pill, but was found most useful in the treatment of diabetes.

There are other meds that help reducing ones glucose levels, that work when ones glucose levels go high. Generally if levels don't come down with metformin and one is diagnosed as type 2 diabetic gliclazide (or another med in the same group) is a common next stage, this group of meds will and do cause hypos, and with these meds you need to use a meter and test strips to check what your glucose levels are, even more so if you drive. After that there are other tablets that help some when levels go high they aid in bring ones levels down, though for me these don't work.

Once tablets fail to control one's levels there are injectables like victozia for one, then theres insulin which again can cause hypos again one needs to test to see what ones levels are.

If one is overweight but if you are 30 kg's and an adult it would suggest you are not overweight.There is some meds that can slow the body's absorption of fat, but have a side effect that if taking metformin as well could be very embarrassing, more than what metformin has been nicknamed as metfartin. I was on this med and was so glad to come off it as it was worse being on it and personally they did not work for me.

Any meds like appetite suppressants or other similar meds would need careful consideration and discussions with your doctor before s/he would prescribe such medication and from memory you would have to have long term weight increase problems. Even though I have put on a large amount of weight not to my liking over the past few months, and trying to resolve whats going on I would not dream of asking for such meds after my previous experience of them. Its better to try and identify what is causing the problem and take it from there and start to manage the problem
It has been over 4 year and in the past my whole childhood tonne my bmi I have to not eat at all for 3omtjdn my body has got sonused ti being starve stores and it need reprogrammed.
A bit confused as what is being asked.

Metformin is normally the first line of attack on the diagnosis of diabetes, unless the levels are low enough that diet and exercise will help get one back under control. Metformin was induced as a diet pill, but was found most useful in the treatment of diabetes.

There are other meds that help reducing ones glucose levels, that work when ones glucose levels go high. Generally if levels don't come down with metformin and one is diagnosed as type 2 diabetic gliclazide (or another med in the same group) is a common next stage, this group of meds will and do cause hypos, and with these meds you need to use a meter and test strips to check what your glucose levels are, even more so if you drive. After that there are other tablets that help some when levels go high they aid in bring ones levels down, though for me these don't work.

Once tablets fail to control one's levels there are injectables like victozia for one, then theres insulin which again can cause hypos again one needs to test to see what ones levels are.

If one is overweight but if you are 30 kg's and an adult it would suggest you are not overweight.There is some meds that can slow the body's absorption of fat, but have a side effect that if taking metformin as well could be very embarrassing, more than what metformin has been nicknamed as metfartin. I was on this med and was so glad to come off it as it was worse being on it and personally they did not work for me.

Any meds like appetite suppressants or other similar meds would need careful consideration and discussions with your doctor before s/he would prescribe such medication and from memory you would have to have long term weight increase problems. Even though I have put on a large amount of weight not to my liking over the past few months, and trying to resolve whats going on I would not dream of asking for such meds after my previous experience of them. Its better to try and identify what is causing the problem and take it from there and start to manage the problem
No I am 30 kg over weight and I do test I had all the signs you see at the doctors, and the ITI excess thirst weight gaioof swings etc and intold
The GP I need tested so I was with key tone strips problem is my urine is as clear as bottled water I knew it was diluted bitnthe side
Effects were getting worse and I ask my dad can I test with his accutest I hadn't eaten all day something something sweet on school run it was a rice cake but this was 50m and the result WA 9'i never forget it I said dad I am higher than you so from there I was prediagnisis until the could get a clearer
Picture of last time my blooods were broader lime my cholesterol is up and he more or less said it's looking like it bring me all your personal results as well as the bloods and with everything else il be shocked if he says no I will be asking for a through investigation or hormones all bloods and any anything else because I think you know in your heart when your boast is messed up.
Is it? What do newly diagnosed diabetics with a healthy (ish) pancreas get prescribed these days as a first line?

Slight confusion, must be brian fog you have "30kg" at the bottom of your message, if that's your weight, why would you want to lose more weight? Sorry, not entirely sure what "and the roll over sugar craving that I have instead of a hunger for food" means.

I'm not aware of anything to reduce sugar cravings and weight, although if alcohol cravings are anything to go by, the longer the abstinence the less the craving.

I don't drink at alll and I don't bulk with junk food I am talking auabout that I am not Hungry and I end up late at night grabbing a quick sandwich because I am too exhausted but with a biscuit rather than fruit oe yogurt and I merely wanted to know about the metformin because my dad is changed and it's different for pcos & because most profiles I have seen I don't recognise at all.

I am not an expert that's what I am asking which I thought I could do without being quizzed or ridicule...I am thinking worst case senarion and what I can do to help my self my weight and my risk.
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I don't drink at alll and I don't bulk with junk food I am talk about that I am not Hungary and I end up late at night grabbing a quick sandwich because I am too exhausted but with a biscuit rather than fruit imorna yogurt and I merely wanted to know about the metformin because my dad is changed and it's different for pcos because most profiles I seen also have refused.
Look I am not an expert that's what I am asknwhich inthought I could do without being quizzed or ridicule...I am thinking worst case senarion and what I can do to help my self my weight and my risk.
Hi Debbie. With us T2s , if we need diabetic medications, they normally start us on Metformin, which started out as a diet pill , I have an inkling that I've read somwhere that's it's good for Pcos too but I wouldn't swear to it as I could well be wrong. Have I got it right that your dad has been taken off Metformin and put on another pill ? If so this happens because our diabetes has either got worse so a different medication is needed or we can be taken off of medication for diabetes if we have worked hard and vastly reduced foods that raise our blood glucose so they are taken off of some if not all of there diabetic medications
Please try to bear with us, we really do want to help you it's just some of us are having a little difficulty reading , we do have other people on here who have Dyslexia and the last thing we want to do is cause upset or distress to anyone especially you, you've come here for help and I do hope we can help you.
Once you get to know us better, I hope you'll find us to be a helpful friendly bunch of people.
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My dad was changed and yes your right about metformin and pcos I was in them for 2 years maybe my system got. Used to support?

My dads has gotten worse and it is genetic but if anyone will get it it will be me, as I seemed to have inherited all his traits even the weight all his sisters are small and dumpy.

I understand that people can get confused by my writing it is a combination between auto correct, cross eyed staring at a screen, exhaustion and dyslexia. I will try to remember to proof read. I just felt a vibe of what are you asking for you not diagnosed and it's embarrassing when people point that out instead of just asking did you mean to write 3kg? Also I'm new to this work there a lot of language drugs and abbreviations of diagnosis I don't understand. I am not ignorant I know life style changes need made no one is forcing me to grab a biscuit or a high carb sandwich and I take responsibility for that but I am trying to find out why I have these symptoms why I need 12 litres of water why I have no hunger for food real food.

And then my dad he is a bread eater but is the same little To no appetite and picks rather than is hungry for a meal. It's not a coincidence my dad and I are very alike wont eat breakfast skip dinner, and skips important meals...my dad was on metformin and slimvastin but I do think he has changed. Also the personality changes I see in him I see in myself snapping,impatient anxiety excessive sweating and thirst.

I hope this makes sense.
Thank you
Hi Debbie and welcome 🙂
Reading your posts there seem to be possibly more than one thing going on. I'm totally giving ideas here but the thirst seems to be a big problem. I dont think this would be related to pre diabetes or type 2 diabetes in early stages. Has your GP considered testing for any other conditions? I don't want to suggest any but I would think it's something you may want to ask your GP to consider if he/she hasn't already?
As far as eating is concerned it's very difficult to change diet preferences but with the right mindset it can be done. Or at least improved. I'm continually struggling as a chocoholic and used to virtually live on the stuff so I do know how addictive it can be. Maybe you could see a dietician to get some ideas that will fit around your likes/dislikes but also help you lose weight and control blood sugars? Or could you get support from a slimming club or friend?
Wishing you well and hope this has been a little help at least. Keep posting 🙂
Hi Debbie and welcome 🙂
Reading your posts there seem to be possibly more than one thing going on. I'm totally giving ideas here but the thirst seems to be a big problem. I dont think this would be related to pre diabetes or type 2 diabetes in early stages. Has your GP considered testing for any other conditions? I don't want to suggest any but I would think it's something you may want to ask your GP to consider if he/she hasn't already?
As far as eating is concerned it's very difficult to change diet preferences but with the right mindset it can be done. Or at least improved. I'm continually struggling as a chocoholic and used to virtually live on the stuff so I do know how addictive it can be. Maybe you could see a dietician to get some ideas that will fit around your likes/dislikes but also help you lose weight and control blood sugars? Or could you get support from a slimming club or friend?
Wishing you well and hope this has been a little help at least. Keep posting 🙂

Yes I had thought the same but because of my dad and my home readings
I didn't know I can only think of thyroid and my doctors answe to weigh is lick your self Jim a rope fro a week no food you would loose a stone exercise or not I am seeing another go and he listens more he got me the MRI my back that found cycsts on my kidneys and RA in my spine. My be it is they Riis but all I know is it feels like diabetes and it shows like diabetes but it could be thyroid. With excessive thirst my bladder want emptying full to full capacity and the exhaustion plus the last visit scores maybe in not even in the right place do private labs check more than your glucose?
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