- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 2
I've thought long and hard about posting this as I've been around the internet long enough to know that if certain things don't fit a preconceived notion of "normal" then they're labelled as 'trolling' but this certainly isn't the case here. And I know you were all very nice when I first posted back in 2021 so I'm going to give it a try.
Basically, I've struggled with managing my diabetes for years and certainly a lot further back than my first thread here about struggling on Ozempic. Whenever I've been to various medical appointments, including those with my diabetic nurse who doesn't like me, I've been quite transparent about the fact that I manage my diabetes horribly.
I don't do my finger pricks and I basically haven't changed the vast majority of my eating habits. I'll still eat chocolate, cakes, crisps and I've even had the odd trifle here and there. I'm obese (22 stone) and my lifestyle could be considered 'sedentary' because I don't exercise. this is probably the reason why I found out less than 48 hours ago that I now have Angina.
I also found out about 3 years ago that I'm very likely autistic as well and I was accepted onto a waiting list for a formal assessment and, hopefully, a formal diagnosis.
Over time, i think it's become clear to me that this is very likely the reason I'm struggling, mainly because the amount of change needed to manage this properly just overwhelms me and I basically shut down. This has caused a lot of friction between me and my diabetic nurse at my local GP as I keep trying to put in to words the kind of help I need and I apparently don't explain myself well enough as she always reverts to type with either "We don't do that" or "It doesn't work like that" and variations of that.
Whenever I get the usual mantra of "Well you need your 5 portions of fruit and veg per day" and "Try adding this pulse and that nut" and about 900 recipes for steamed mackrel, which I wouldn't eat, i just can't deal with it so I stick with familiarity and repetition, regardless of whether or not it's the 'right' thing to eat.
So what I'm kind of looking for, at least I think so, is something simplified to a point that I can make it work for me. As an example, about 10-15 years ago I lost 8 stone in a year for a bet, which I won. I read somewhere that, supposedly, if you read the food label and saw that the fat content of what you were buying was less than 15g per 100g then it was "proper" low fat food.
That "clicked" for me and absolutely worked. Whether or not it was accurate is/was irrelevant because it was the kind of thing I could laser my focus on and I stuck to it and my eating habits slowly fell in to line around that over the months to the point where I regularly had actual fruit in my trolley on some shops 🙂
So while I'm pretty sure there's nothing like that for diabetic food or low sugar food, it's a good example of what I'd like. Either that or literally saying "Well you can eat X for breakfast, Y for lunch and Z for dinner" and know that X, Y and Z are 'safe' diabetic-compatible foods of the 'open packet and eat' variety.
So if you've got this far then thankyou and I'm sorry .. lol 🙂. I completely understand if nobody has anything but I'd also ask, as politely and respectfully as I can, that if your instinct to reply is along the lines of "Well you should do it for your health" then please don't.
Basically, I've struggled with managing my diabetes for years and certainly a lot further back than my first thread here about struggling on Ozempic. Whenever I've been to various medical appointments, including those with my diabetic nurse who doesn't like me, I've been quite transparent about the fact that I manage my diabetes horribly.
I don't do my finger pricks and I basically haven't changed the vast majority of my eating habits. I'll still eat chocolate, cakes, crisps and I've even had the odd trifle here and there. I'm obese (22 stone) and my lifestyle could be considered 'sedentary' because I don't exercise. this is probably the reason why I found out less than 48 hours ago that I now have Angina.
I also found out about 3 years ago that I'm very likely autistic as well and I was accepted onto a waiting list for a formal assessment and, hopefully, a formal diagnosis.
Over time, i think it's become clear to me that this is very likely the reason I'm struggling, mainly because the amount of change needed to manage this properly just overwhelms me and I basically shut down. This has caused a lot of friction between me and my diabetic nurse at my local GP as I keep trying to put in to words the kind of help I need and I apparently don't explain myself well enough as she always reverts to type with either "We don't do that" or "It doesn't work like that" and variations of that.
Whenever I get the usual mantra of "Well you need your 5 portions of fruit and veg per day" and "Try adding this pulse and that nut" and about 900 recipes for steamed mackrel, which I wouldn't eat, i just can't deal with it so I stick with familiarity and repetition, regardless of whether or not it's the 'right' thing to eat.
So what I'm kind of looking for, at least I think so, is something simplified to a point that I can make it work for me. As an example, about 10-15 years ago I lost 8 stone in a year for a bet, which I won. I read somewhere that, supposedly, if you read the food label and saw that the fat content of what you were buying was less than 15g per 100g then it was "proper" low fat food.
That "clicked" for me and absolutely worked. Whether or not it was accurate is/was irrelevant because it was the kind of thing I could laser my focus on and I stuck to it and my eating habits slowly fell in to line around that over the months to the point where I regularly had actual fruit in my trolley on some shops 🙂
So while I'm pretty sure there's nothing like that for diabetic food or low sugar food, it's a good example of what I'd like. Either that or literally saying "Well you can eat X for breakfast, Y for lunch and Z for dinner" and know that X, Y and Z are 'safe' diabetic-compatible foods of the 'open packet and eat' variety.
So if you've got this far then thankyou and I'm sorry .. lol 🙂. I completely understand if nobody has anything but I'd also ask, as politely and respectfully as I can, that if your instinct to reply is along the lines of "Well you should do it for your health" then please don't.