T2 blood sugar 24.8

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
This is my mother, not me. She's very elderly and complains she's hungry all the time. For her breakfast today (and this is usual), she ate:
2 bowls of fruit and fibre with whole milk
2 poached eggs with 2 rounds of toast & butter
1 round of toast with butter & jam
A pear
Various biscuits out of biscuit tin

2 hours after this her blood glucose was 24.8mmol.

I'm at a loss at what to do with her. I have previously had a bit of a lecture from her GP about her high blood sugar - she is close to kidney failure according to GP - and it seems to have got worse since then.
This is my mother, not me. She's very elderly and complains she's hungry all the time. For her breakfast today (and this is usual), she ate:
2 bowls of fruit and fibre with whole milk
2 poached eggs with 2 rounds of toast & butter
1 round of toast with butter & jam
A pear
Various biscuits out of biscuit tin

2 hours after this her blood glucose was 24.8mmol.

I'm at a loss at what to do with her. I have previously had a bit of a lecture from her GP about her high blood sugar - she is close to kidney failure according to GP - and it seems to have got worse since then.
That's a dangerously high level. Please ring 111 at once. You may be advised to go to A&E.
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Sorry to hear that your mother is struggling with her levels and her diet. Can I ask... Is she losing weight, gaining weight or staying the same? That information may help indicate if she is managing to get the nutrients from her food and if not, if that is why she is so desperately hungry or if it is a signaling issue, where her body is not producing the chemicals which tell her that she is full and stop the hunger/craving.
Are you able to ask her about her bowel movements? Are they normal or loose? Do they smell really bad (rotten eggs), are they very pale coloured/yellow or dark or normal? Do they float or sink. Sorry if you find that intrusive and you don't have to ask her or answer of course but just wondering if there is a problem where she isn't digesting her food properly and her stools can give an indication of that.

Can you remind us what medication she is on for her diabetes? I see that she is Type 3c. Is she taking Creon? The info about her stools may be particularly relevant with her being Type 3c if she is not using Creon.
You have said your mother is T2 the profile is 3c so is she on any medication for her diabetes. The high level could indicate an infection.
If that food is what she normally has it is very high in carbohydrates so I am not surprised that her blood glucose would be so high if the medication is no longer working.
I hope you have called 111 or her GP and have got some advice.
This is my mother, not me. She's very elderly and complains she's hungry all the time. For her breakfast today (and this is usual), she ate:
2 bowls of fruit and fibre with whole milk
2 poached eggs with 2 rounds of toast & butter
1 round of toast with butter & jam
A pear
Various biscuits out of biscuit tin

2 hours after this her blood glucose was 24.8mmol.

I'm at a loss at what to do with her. I have previously had a bit of a lecture from her GP about her high blood sugar - she is close to kidney failure according to GP - and it seems to have got worse since then.
The reason your mum is eating like that is because her high numbers are telling her she is starving.
Perhaps scrambled eggs and or other options that are lower carb but filling so her number come down and she feel full as well?
Is her blood sugar normally high @DancingStar ? A few weeks before I was diagnosed, I was ravenously hungry all the time. I’d eat a bag of fish and chips for an afternoon snack because I felt so starving. Unknown to me, of course, this was because I had Type 1 and my blood sugar was high.

So, high blood sugar - particularly over a period of time - can cause hunger. Also, is she on any meds for the diabetes? And is she drinking enough? Sometimes the body can mistake thirst for hunger - plus a couple of hot drinks can help fill her up.
I am still very
hungry my
sugars came down but i too ate like your mum.
This will sound wrong but she will not feel why they need her to change.
if like me the hunger is all that needs addressing. She does not feel ill.
I got a wake up call and am still trying a low csrb diet .
its no quick easy fix.
Low carb is so few meals compared to the binge and i am still to feel well
on it.
Try and aim at having three meals not eating between . Cheese eggs and cream I find fill me most. no potatoes bread or pasta . Tough if tgats her main food.
Unless they have the hunger no one understands.
Drinking before and after a meal helps as does keeping busy.
However she has to want to do this first.
sorry for any mistakes in the writing .
Sorry i cant be more positive.
Sorry to hear about your Mum’s very high glucose levels @DancingStar

Like @Pumper_Sue I’ve heard that high glucose levels where the energy from food is not able to leave the blood stream can trigger extreme feelings of hunger - and depending on the food eaten, increasing glucose levels further, and creating a vicious cycle :(
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Sorry to hear about your Mum’s very high glucose levels.

Like @Pumper_Sue I’ve heard that high glucose levels where the energy from food is not able to leave the blood stream can trigger extreme feelings of hunger - and depending on the food eaten, increasing glucose levels further, and creating a vicious cycle :(
Yes , I am sure this is the case and its hard to break away from it. I wonder if the Wygovy and Ozempic treat this type more as they help with satiety?
I have lost weight but can eat things like for breakfast: Bacon, sausages, eggs mushrooms and i allow a tomato as this is my favourite bit of the breakfast.
I make low carb muffins that are delicious
Yoghurt cream nuts and a few berries .
Omelette's are good too for breakfast as is eggs anyway but as no toast halloumi toasted can be good as egg n soldiers.

Lunch is usually salad

Dinner as i say anything with rice i use cauliflower rice.
Instead of potatoes like for shepherds pie cauliflower , celeriac or turnip are great as a topping.
Courgette is good as spaghetti or pasta

Just a few ideas.

Hope they help.

With BS so high medication may help.
We don't know how the OP's mother manages her diabetes or what medication she is taking. Being elderly it is probably hard for her to take change on board. The meals that were posted would be healthy options for non diabetics but it think it is the quantity in one meal rather than the actual food.
It is very important to reduce the carbs in your Mum's diet if you can. That breakfast is way too high in carbs. Try to move to eggs & bacon or similar. A high carb diet will result in hunger later after that breakfast. If you can get your Mum to move towards a lower-carb diet the hunger pangs will reduce. For snacks try nuts, berries and cheese chunks. BS that high is not good but should not be dangerous. The high 20s and 30s can be dangerous so focus on the right diet.
It is very important to reduce the carbs in your Mum's diet if you can. That breakfast is way too high in carbs. Try to move to eggs & bacon or similar. A high carb diet will result in hunger later after that breakfast. If you can get your Mum to move towards a lower-carb diet the hunger pangs will reduce. For snacks try nuts, berries and cheese chunks. BS that high is not good but should not be dangerous. The high 20s and 30s can be dangerous so focus on the right diet.
So why am I still hungry four months on? Why am I still sore and have no energy that this diet claims to help?
I've had one meal wrong and actually felt a buzz with it. Would not eat that way as it has always just been kept special for treats
If the hunger would go it would help but I have no evidence of any diet achieving it.
IIf I don't eat I am okay for a while but as soon as I eat I
am never full and think of food and feel hungry.
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So why am I still hungry four months on? Why am I still sore and have no energy that this diet claims to help?
I've had one meal wrong and actually felt a buzz with it. Would not eat that way as it has always just been kept special for treats
If the hunger would go it would help but I have no evidence of any diet achieving it.
IIf I don't eat I am okay for a while but as soon as I eat I
am never full and think of food and feel hungry.
Hopefully when you go for your review appointment they will do some blood tests to check for vitamin deficiency as that can cause lack of energy.
Finding low carb additions to your meals or as snacks may help with your hunger. Cheese, eggs, nuts, avocado, have some butter on your veg. Try some Kvarg deserts or sugarfree jelly with cream as a desert.
Lindahls Kvarg Raspberry
Hi Dancing Star

As has been said the reason for the hunger is because her blood glucose levels are so high, they do need bringing down.
If your mother can still walk about encourage that, take her out to a garden centre where she can walk around reduce the carb content if you can, I know its difficult with parents as they age, they just want to eat what they want.

The diabetic nurse clinic or her doctor should be discussing about additional medication to bring her levels back down.

What medication is your Mother on?

Meant time, I wonder if you could encourage her to eat more things that are filling but have less carbs, I think the fruit and fibre cereal is very high in total carbs per 30g portion. Encourage her to drink more water, before and during her meals, this may take some of her hunger away.

Perhaps have a chat with the helpline for further advice Diabetes UK helpline 0345123 2399

Best wishes
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