T1 newly diagnosed mid 30's

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was diagnosed beginning of June with type 1 diabetes. My levels have been all over the place and I was sitting in my late 20's up until a couple of weeks ago. It is slowly starting to become real and seems quite overwhelming also not loving that i am not in complete control. Feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed at the moment so thought I would post
Welcome Lara - sorry you are feeling like that at the moment. There's lots of useful advice, guidance and support on here. 🙂
Welcome to the forum LaraM, and sorry you have to be here. It takes a while to get used to managing type 1 diabetes - I can still remember feeling lost, fed up of career doors closing etc when I got T1D aged 30, about 20 years ago. It's important to bring down blood glucose levels gradually, to avoid feeling hypoglycaemic when actually at normal levels, because your body has got used to higher levels.
Hi Lara
I was diagnosed last year, and spent a lot of time in the first few months with readings too high to register on my meter and the rest of the time I was pretty much hypo. My experience changed massively when I got the right insulin. What insulin are you on?

Oh and welcome aboard 🙂
Hi Lara and welcome.🙂 Sorry to hear about your diagnosis - I was 41 when it 'struck' and can relate 100% to how you're feeling. The lovely people on this forum have helped me learn to manage, both with the practical side and emotionally...and they make me laugh, which is VERY important. 😛:D
Hello and welcome Lara 🙂

It is a really steep learning curve when you are first diagnosed but little by little it will start to fall into place and not be so overwhelming. Take it slowly and gradually your levels will start to stay in a more normal range which will make you feel better and more in control of what is happening.

This forum is wall to wall with lovely people with years of diabetes experience who 'get' diabetes and will help you with any problems or questions you may have. I hope things start to improve for you soon 🙂
Welcome Lara. You will learn every day take things better. Next june I will be in my 50th year. Tech today is miles better good luck with things. Ask away when you want 🙂
thank you so much everyone for your replies! I am on humilin I morning and night and the novorapid before meals.

It is nice to know that I am not alone. I know it will get there and I will eventually understand it all, just finding it a bit frustrating in the mean time ...
Hello Lara and welcome from another relative newbie here.

I was diagnosed nearly 5 years ago, at the age of 44 - I know there is a lot to take in at first, but as everyone says you will get there.
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