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Sweet Magazine


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has anyone out there seen the new magazine about diabetes called Sweet?

I bought the last issue and would highly recommend it!

I've been getting this since it started and it is brilliant. Really helpful articles and good recipes.
Is there an official website for this? Is it linked to a UK charity for Diabetes? What kind of stuff does it contain? :)
Yes, it's:


It's published by an independent magazine publisher, you can buy it in supermarkets, although I have found it a bit hard to track down but large Tescos and WHSmith usually have it. It has good features, real life stories, news - basically it's a magazine about healthy living but with a focus on diabetes - for type 1 and 2
hadn't heard of it before but just taken a look at the website and think I will give it a go
Yes, it's:


It's published by an independent magazine publisher, you can buy it in supermarkets, although I have found it a bit hard to track down but large Tescos and WHSmith usually have it. It has good features, real life stories, news - basically it's a magazine about healthy living but with a focus on diabetes - for type 1 and 2
Thank you. :)
I think it's great - down to earth with some sensible articles. You can get back copies - bit expensive though - and take out a subscription. I got money off by subscribing so no more hunting around the shops :)
I have never heard of it, but will look at the web site. Thanks for the link.
I read it once and found it really useflu but haven't managed to find it since! Seeing this thread though, I have just subscribed to it. Excellent!
Yes, it's:


It's published by an independent magazine publisher, you can buy it in supermarkets, although I have found it a bit hard to track down but large Tescos and WHSmith usually have it. It has good features, real life stories, news - basically it's a magazine about healthy living but with a focus on diabetes - for type 1 and 2
Seems an interesting site. Have you noticed who is missing from their list of useful sites?

Regards Dodger
I had a look at the site and have subscribed for a year to see how I get on. May even subscribe for a friend for her birthday if it's any good.
Seems an interesting site. Have you noticed who is missing from their list of useful sites?

Regards Dodger
Actually, this site was mentioned in the latest mag and that's how I discovered it! : )
Got the last two issues it is a good read, picked it up in morrisons.
bought it today, was a pretty good read so think I may give a subscription a go as it works out a lot cheaper
I hadn't heard of this magazine before, think I will get one and give it a go too:)

Thanks for the website address, I have just ordered the magazine, it looks like it's worth giving it a try! Look forward to receiving the mag!!!
Like many others I hadn't heard of it, but just found you can subscribe on isubscribe and if you go through www.topcashback.co.uk you get 8% cashback
Has anyone out there seen the new magazine about diabetes called Sweet?

I bought the last issue and would highly recommend it!

Hi Nic,
Yep i think the mag is great i've bought it since day one but, i must admit when i saw it on the shelf in Tesco's i thought "oh no not another sweet pudding mag" but when i picked it up i was nicely surprised when i was diagnosed 7 years ago there were no mags on diabetes and i couldn't get to find out about anything other than the web and then i discovered diabetes uk, of course they can tell you anything and everything you need to know but, its nice to have such a good mag on something we all have.
With best wishes Lynn xx :D
i have never heard of this magazine before. is it a good read??