Sweet magazine/Balance magazine

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I've written to both!

We could also try to find the contact details for DUK's magazine for healthcare professionals, think it's called Diabetes Update or something like that.
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I've posted a request by email to each magazine as suggested.

Let's bombard them with details and requests for their help in bringing the Support Forum to a wide audience of diabetics and their relations/carers, after all my DSN told me about it so the medical professionals DO know about us too and haven't closed us down yet !
I've written to both!

We could also try to find the contact details for DUK's magazine for healthcare professionals, think it's called Diabetes Update or something like that.

Diabates Update contact:

This sounds like a good plan to raise awareness of this forum, as I myself only just discovered it!
I will also contact these.
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Hi All..

Just come into this thread...I will Email both Balance and Sweet tomorrow about this brilliant website.....:D:D

It's a great idea - surely they can't ignore us if they get lots of letters!:D

I've had a reply to my email to "Sweet" magazine saying they are putting together details of Diabetes Support Forums as they have had quite a few letters and emails saying how supportive people find them !! We are, perhaps, getting there ?

I've had a reply to my email to "Sweet" magazine saying they are putting together details of Diabetes Support Forums as they have had quite a few letters and emails saying how supportive people find them !! We are, perhaps, getting there ?

I know that Kati (Admin) was planning on doing a follow up article for Balance some time ago, but I think she has been rather busy with other things at the moment!🙂

I was helping an academic a few weeks back with his dissertation on forums (specifically diabetes forums) so will be interested to hear his findings when the dissertation is complete. I think diabetes can be very isolating at times, so it's good to 'talk' with people who understand and are happy to share their experiences. 🙂
I've also had a reply from Sweet saying they've had lots of emails in the last few days from people recommending these forums.... ! Wonder how that happened 😉

They also said about the article they are putting together and that this forum should be mentioned!
i will email too 🙂

Rossi, i got my balance magazine a few days ago.
I also have had a reply from Sweet magazine saying that this forum will be mentioned in a feature in a forthcoming issue.
They certainly are quick at replying
Well I hope I get mine soon, I think, I rarely read it all anyway just flick it to be honest, but I will endeavour to read the letters and email them all on this subject which has certainly helped me out to say the least!
Ive emailed 🙂🙂🙂🙂
I've never actually read Sweet, but I have just ordered a free copy online.
Is it good? From here it seems like it focuses heavily on food/diet/recipes, is this the case?
I'm not sure I would bother subscribing if it is
I've never actually read Sweet, but I have just ordered a free copy online.
Is it good? From here it seems like it focuses heavily on food/diet/recipes, is this the case?
I'm not sure I would bother subscribing if it is

I had a free copy , It was a christmas edition so full of recipes (some quite good ones tbh) So Im not sure if it is like that all the time or not :confused:
I now refuse to buy Balance on principle and I know a few others are the same. I think the trouble also is that most magazines tend to favour type2's as we type 1's are supposedly such a rarity 🙄
I have got my new Balance but haven't read it yet, only flicked through it.

I was wondering about Sweet last time I read it if we could get our address on their contacts page. They have other forums and facebook groups there. I will email in a few days time.

At a DUK event it came up about Balance and myself and another girl there both thought that it is too basic and simple and would like something more advanced. The staff said they would pass that on to the team.
Bloomin post, only just got my copy, will read the letters then send an email! Who will be published?? I doubt mine will be!

We were in Sweet at the beginning of the year. My husband and i have made a book about insulin pumps from R's point of view. We did one for injections as well, but the article was on insulin pumps: Here's our book if anyone wants a look 🙂

Anyway, i think, IMHO, Sweet is much better marketed at people/children with diabetes than Balance would ever hope to be.....It's aim is clear, the type of diabetes are clearly defined and is varied in what it offers 🙂
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