Survey for Type 1 Diabetics

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone,

Hope all is ok. I am working on a project to help raise awareness for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and I would be grateful for Type 1 Diabetics to answer this survey by clicking on this link :


It won't take more than 5 minutes and requires no personal details.

Also if you know any other Type 1 Diabetics who are not part of the forum, could you request them to complete the survey too.

Many thanks for your time and feedback.

Done. However, some of the questions are n/a but you have to choose an option - may be worth altering.
Agree with GG as I put other to a couple but it required an option. Re: the question about exams - it's years since I took any exams but I didn't get any special preferences and wouldn't expect any just because I'm T1.
There were three questions where I had to select an option which did not apply so your results for that question won't be accurate.
Yes, same criticism from me. The last examination I had was a colonoscopy🙂
Yes, I've run up against the same problem. Wanted to put 'other' I Haven't taken an exam since diagnosis, but it required me to tick one of the boxes as well. 'Other' should have its own tick box.
Done but as above , 'Other' should count as an answer as none of the other choices apply but I had to select one to complete the survey.
As everyone else said - I was diagnosed aged 44 and haven't done an exam since I was in my 20s. So my answer to q. 8 should just be N/A but I've had to tick something else as well.
And my answer to q. 9 should just be GSF-syrup glucose gel, which isn't one of the options - I've ticked juice and biscuits as I'd have those for hypos in the house, but I wouldn't normally carry them about with me.

I get the impression the survey is aimed at teenagers and students with type 1 more than at adults - if so I think there's a forum specifically for young people where you might get more relevant answers, can't remember what it's called though, sorry (I'm sure someone here will know!).
I started to fill it in but my levels are pretty stable at the mo (thankfully) and there is no option for "non of the above" so not much I can complete.
Badly thought out and none functioning survey due to tick boxes missing.
The survey needs adjusting, as it should accept an answer in other without requiring a tick in one of the selected answers. There was on each of those in which this problem arose, no option to say none of the above. Your results are therefore going to be biased and will give you skewed answers.

I think the nature of your questions suggests to me that you are assuming that all people with T1 will have been diagnosed as children or young adults. You will have seen on here that there are a lot of us who were diagnosed when a lot older. Denuding on the purpose of your survey it needs to be changed to be relevant to the full audience, or directed at youngsters , in which case it may be better on a targeted forum for them.

Having just read your original post you are keen to raise awareness about T1 so I think letting people (including some GPs!!) know that you can be diagnosed with T1 at any age is important.

To get a realistic idea of the impact of T1 it would be good to revise your survey (just put in the option of ticking a none of the above as well as the box for open responses labelled 'other' would help) and have another go.
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In my seventy years I have never met anybody who was diagnosed in their childhood years except for my son at age ten.
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In my seventy years I have never met anybody who was diagnosed in their childhood years except for my son at age ten.

We forget that T1 is relatively rare. I never knew anyone else with it either at school or university. I know someone at work was diagnosed in her 20's but she has now left. I have never met anyone else in my day to day life with it. I suppose there could have been other people but I didn't know about them.

I also think the demographic on the forum skews the T1 profile. I was diagnosed when in the sixth form at 18 and had always assumed I was towards the older end of T1 diagnosis. It used to be called juvenile or child onset diabetes and I believe the average age of diagnosis is 14. When I came on here I couldn't believe how many people were diagnosed in their 20's, 30's, 40's etc. In terms of forum use as a child your parents would probably go on JDRF, as a young person Circle D or facebook? but diagnosed as a T1 adult it's here or the other one. In reality for most it's probably none of them as forum members are a tiny fraction of the number of diabetics. I only joined on here around 15 months ago as I was researching CGM's at the time but had never bothered with diabetes forums until that time.
Hi everyone,

Hope all is ok. I am working on a project to help raise awareness for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and I would be grateful for Type 1 Diabetics to answer this survey by clicking on this link :


It won't take more than 5 minutes and requires no personal details.

Also if you know any other Type 1 Diabetics who are not part of the forum, could you request them to complete the survey too.

Many thanks for your time and feedback.


Hi Raks

I would very much. Like to know if you are planning to change your survey in response to the feedback you have been given.
Did done, Tks Raks. Diagnosed when 3 more than 50yrs ago. Good luck 😎
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